
Yang Shen, the first genius of the Ming Dynasty, wrote a swan song for the ages, but only the first two sentences amazed the years

author:Historical Science

In 1994, the 84-episode war history TV series "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" directed by director Wang Fulin was born, and it became popular all over the country as soon as it was broadcast on CCTV-1.

The opening of this TV series, adapted from Luo Guan's literary masterpiece, is introduced with a magnificent theme song, which is called "Rolling Yangtze River East Passing Water".

The lyrics are extremely classical and simple, but there is no lack of deep and sad feeling, under the interpretation of singer Yang Hongji's Western-style bel canto singing, the traditional classical tone rhythm and bel canto are blended with the majestic and high-pitched, leaving a deep impression on the audience.

"The rolling Yangtze River is passing away, and the waves are sweeping away the heroes. Success or failure turns empty. The green mountains are still there, and the sunset is red several times", can make such a pride and subtlety of the lyrics, the composer is by no means an idle person.

It is reported that this lyric is not composed by a modern composer, but originates from more than 500 years ago, from the hand of Yang Shen, the head of the three geniuses of the Ming Dynasty......

Yang Shen, the first genius of the Ming Dynasty, wrote a swan song for the ages, but only the first two sentences amazed the years

After the famous door, it shook the capital

Since the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the Yang family has been in politics for generations, and the clan has repeatedly entered and exited the scholars, and is a veritable scholarly family and official family.

Yang Tinghe was born in three dynasties, successively in the position of scholar and first assistant, although the position and the minister but the official is upright, is a well-deserved generation of virtuous ministers.

Yang Shen, who ranks first among talents, is the son of Yang Tinghe, Yang Shen has been under the influence of the family style and the words and deeds of his parents since he was a child, and his knowledge and character are undoubtedly superior.

Yang Shen, the first genius of the Ming Dynasty, wrote a swan song for the ages, but only the first two sentences amazed the years

At the age of eleven, Yang Shen wrote near-style poems, imitating the theme of the work, whether it was military warfare or acupuncture and disadvantages, he had a profound self-opinion, which was unanimously praised by the elders of the clan.

A few years later, when Yang Shen was fourteen years old, he began to study with Jinshi, during which his original poem "Yellow Leaf Poem" became famous, and he himself became famous in the capital.

In a blink of an eye, Yang Shen is 20 years old, and after several years of study and experience, his knowledge level has improved to a higher level, and he was praised as a rare genius when he participated in the township examination, and successfully won the first good result.

For scholars, knowledgeable talents are rare, and it is even more difficult to maintain a pampered attitude in Vanity Fair.

Yang Shen, the first genius of the Ming Dynasty, wrote a swan song for the ages, but only the first two sentences amazed the years

In the face of the great joy in the eyes of the world, Yang Shen did not like things, but calmly said that Dengke was ranked after studying, and self-cultivation was the first priority before reading and Dengke.

In the face of adversity, Yang Shen did not feel sorry for himself, even if he should have been ranked first as always with his normal performance in the next year's examination, but he fell into the name of Sun Shan because the candle flowers burned the exam papers, Yang Shen did not collapse, but preserved his strength and continued to work hard.

In the end, Yang Shen, who had accumulated a lot of experience, stood out again in the exam three years later, won the first place in the palace examination, became the first champion in the family, and ushered in the highlight moment of the first half of his life, although it was late.

Yang Shen, the first genius of the Ming Dynasty, wrote a swan song for the ages, but only the first two sentences amazed the years

The ups and downs of his career were degraded, and he was pinned on the landscape works

This year, Yang Shen, the new champion who was awarded the official position of the Hanlin Academy, was only 24 years old, and he enjoyed the glory of the favor in his prime, which was the time of the spring breeze.

But everything in the world is a double-edged sword that relies on blessings and misfortunes, perhaps it is because the starting point is too high, and he is at a loss for the way of being a minister and the road of being an official, Yang Shen officially stepped onto the political stage of the imperial court not long before he ushered in ups and downs and tribulations.

At that time, during the reign of Emperor Wuzong of the Ming Dynasty, the emperor was lazy and fun-loving, and Yang Shen, who had always been loyal and upright, believed that the king should be diligent in government and love the people, rather than the absurd behavior of traveling with nothing to do every day, so he carried out the duty of direct advice from loyal ministers and righteous soldiers. But Yang Shen's heartfelt words did not work, and the disappointed Yang Shen chose to call for sick leave.

Yang Shen, the first genius of the Ming Dynasty, wrote a swan song for the ages, but only the first two sentences amazed the years

Four years later, Ming Shizong ascended the throne, Yang Shen was reactivated, and after the official reinstatement, Yang Shen continued the way of being a minister in the previous dynasty, often by giving lectures to Sejong and giving outspoken advice, and his long-term incessant preaching aroused the disgust of those who held the throne.

Once, Yang Shen quoted scriptures against "the traitors of the imperial court who exempted themselves from the capital crimes they had been sentenced to death by paying bribes on a large scale", hoping that Sejong would know that people are not sages and who can be innocent, and that it is for people who have not committed great crimes, and these people have the opportunity to atone for their sins and become new people, but the great traitors and evildoers must not be redeemed with money.

Yang Shen was a pure minister, but apparently Sejong did not understand this good intention, but instead aggravated the suspicion of the monarch and the minister, and often stopped listening to Yang Shen's lectures under the pretext of excuses.

Yang Shen, the first genius of the Ming Dynasty, wrote a swan song for the ages, but only the first two sentences amazed the years

Yang Shen gradually fell out of favor and trust, and at the same time, his upright personality could not be in the same league with the darkness and corruption of officialdom, which doomed him to be isolated and helpless in the future, burying his political and literary talents in the undesirable officialdom.

If it is only a slight frustration to say that the ambition in the early stage is not rewarded, then the controversy of the cabinet "Great Gift Discussion" not long after that can be regarded as a more fatal blow to Yang Shen's career.

At that time, the courtiers were divided into two factions, loyal and righteous old ministers such as Yang Shen and his son, and the upstarts who were happy to welcome each other, and the two factions had opposite opinions on the affairs of the court and government, and the accumulated contradictions intensified over time, causing a lot of trouble, and finally the seriousness of the problem rose to the crime of bullying the king.

Yang Shen, the first genius of the Ming Dynasty, wrote a swan song for the ages, but only the first two sentences amazed the years

Yang Shen sent more than 200 courtiers to stay in front of Zuoshun Gate to wait for the decree after the resignation of the court, so similar to the bridge of forcing the palace touched the emperor's scales, and the angry Sejong killed the chicken and set an example for the monkey, Yang Shen and more than 100 other people were imprisoned, and were given the court staff several times.

After being tortured, Yang Shen wandered on the edge of life and death several times, and after surviving, he was exiled to southern Yunnan by the army, and was assassinated by his father's political enemies in the long-distance exile.

This political struggle and derogation left scars on Yang Shen's body and mind that are difficult to heal, and Yang Shen, who has reached the age of not being confused, is completely disappointed in his career, but he is not depressed all day long, but focuses more on the customs and well-being of the people in southern Yunnan.

Yang Shen, the first genius of the Ming Dynasty, wrote a swan song for the ages, but only the first two sentences amazed the years

Yang Shen traveled everywhere in the local area, in the process of observing the people's feelings, stopping the crooked atmosphere of the gentry and corrupt officials harming the people, and at the same time collecting and creating, but also talking about poetry and Taoism with the locals, learning literary skills, taking their essence to absorb for their own use, and improving their literary and ideological talents.

In addition, in the second half of his life of more than 30 years of exile, Yang Shen also traveled back and forth between Sichuan and Yunnan several times due to the birth, old age, sickness and death of relatives, and the lyrics of "Rolling Yangtze River East Passing Water", which was selected as the theme song and opening song of the TV series "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", was created during this period.

Yang Shen passed by Luzhou many times on the way back and forth, and watched the surging river flowing eastward, so he was inspired to create "Linjiang Immortals: Rolling Yangtze River East Passing Water".

Yang Shen, the first genius of the Ming Dynasty, wrote a swan song for the ages, but only the first two sentences amazed the years

In this first word, Yang Shen lamented that the rolling river will not flow backwards, just as the wheel of history rolls forward, and the clouds and smoke of the past cannot be repeated.

Thinking about the death and death of himself and many heroes since ancient times, in this short moment when the waves are flying, what is the meaningless battle of success or failure is not all empty.

The wind and clouds are surging, the vicissitudes of the sea, all the short void is dispersed, the green mountains are still there, the sunrise is made, the sunset is resting, the morning glow and the sunset are still changing regularly, and he, a reclusive person who stands on the river and does not ask about the world, has already had gray hair, and is more accustomed to the changes of the years.

The old things have become the talk of laughter and chatter after the wine and dinner, and the historical development and the passage of time will not stop because of the changes in the individual ego, and the individual will eventually merge into the torrent of the universe.

Yang Shen, the first genius of the Ming Dynasty, wrote a swan song for the ages, but only the first two sentences amazed the years

Life must be a hundred years, the world is impermanent, Yang Shen is well-deserved the first genius of the Ming Dynasty, he is talented, after winning the champion, he should have a smooth career and enjoy a smooth life, but because of his upright temperament, he angered Jun Yan and was demoted and exiled, but it was also in this opportunity to comprehend the true meaning of life, so he got the eternal swan song "Linjiang Immortal, Rolling Yangtze River East Passing Water".

In particular, the first two sentences of this word, "Rolling the Yangtze River East Passing Water, Waves Sweeping Away Heroes" are even more amazing and have been passed down through the ages.

This song has also been quoted in the theme song of the hit drama by later generations, truly interpreting the eternity of value.

Source: CNKI "Guizhou Guanling: The Starting Point of the Yang Shen Family's Official Career" Luo Kebin
Yang Shen, the first genius of the Ming Dynasty, wrote a swan song for the ages, but only the first two sentences amazed the years

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