
The Australian army broke out a scandal! The young female soldier has a chaotic relationship with the instructor, and the indecent video is leaked!

author:One Bee Society

The Australian army has another scandal!

Young female soldiers have inappropriate relationships with multiple people

Indecent videos go viral...

More people are speaking out and being abused

The management of the army is in disarray...

The Australian army broke out a scandal! The young female soldier has a chaotic relationship with the instructor, and the indecent video is leaked!


The Australian army exposed a scandal! The female soldier had sex with the instructor on several occasions and was suspected of being emotionally manipulated

The latest report in The Telegraph says that an Australian army instructor is facing a young female soldier

implemented "emotional control and manipulation",

Established a chaotic sexual relationship with it!

The Australian army broke out a scandal! The young female soldier has a chaotic relationship with the instructor, and the indecent video is leaked!

Judge Michael Cowen KC of the Australian Military Court said on Monday that Corporal Matthew Wielozynski played the role of a "behind-the-scenes manipulator" in the incident and did not care about the feelings of the young female soldier Mary Smithers.

The Australian army broke out a scandal! The young female soldier has a chaotic relationship with the instructor, and the indecent video is leaked!

The court learned that in 2018, Mary was just 18 years old when she trained at the Kapooka training base, and she was "hooked" by Matthew, who was ten years her senior.

The judge said,

The two then began a sexual relationship,

And Matthew had "emotional control" over Mary.

Matthew instructed Mary to create a Tinder account,

to "lure" other servicemen into sexual relations,

All of the victims were Australian Defence Force.

Mary used her phone and GoPro to record "indecent sex" with seven men, and no one consented to Mary sharing intimate photos with Matthew, but she shared them via Snapchat.

The Australian army broke out a scandal! The young female soldier has a chaotic relationship with the instructor, and the indecent video is leaked!

Although two of the victims agreed to be filmed, others didn't even know they were being filmed and shared.

The incident was uncovered in 2021 when the judge was informed that

Due to the deterioration of Mary's relationship with Matthew,

So Matthew "maliciously" reported her to the military police.

The judge noted that Matthew's whistleblowing made him a victim of "self-directed and self-acting" because their text message records showed that he instructed Mary to commit these wrongful acts.

The court was informed that Matthew had pleaded guilty to the unspecified charge and that sentencing would be due in August.

Mary, meanwhile, pleaded guilty to charges of invasion of privacy and disseminating intimate photos without consent.

During the trial, the judge sentenced 24-year-old Smithers to six months of military detention with a suspended sentence.

In Monday's verdict, the three victims submitted their statements and read them out in court.

The Australian army broke out a scandal! The young female soldier has a chaotic relationship with the instructor, and the indecent video is leaked!

One of them wrote that the outflow of sex videos made him very nervous.

Another person called the invasion of privacy an "emotional and psychological attack" and caused "irreparable damage."

The third person wrote that he felt "deep betrayal and trauma", the effects of which included recurring nightmares.

Mary also spoke about the impact of her actions and read a letter of apology in court, saying she was "deeply ashamed" and "distressed."

She told the court that she was completely different then than she is now, and that she was once a girl who was easily influenced by others and gave up her moral code in order to please Matthew.

辩护律师Michelle Barnes指责马修的行为是

"Seduction and control".

At sentencing, the judge described more than 700 pages of text messages between the two men, which were full of "evidence of emotional manipulation."

The judge said that a person like Matthew, who held the position of an instructor, was a "god" to young Mary, and that she was maliciously used because of her immature mind.


The Australian army has frequent big events! The abusive tactics are appalling...

A few years ago, Australian media exposed an astonishing video of an Australian recruit pilot being abused inhumanly in the barracks!

Bondage, suffocation, sexual assault......

The Australian army broke out a scandal! The young female soldier has a chaotic relationship with the instructor, and the indecent video is leaked!
The Australian army broke out a scandal! The young female soldier has a chaotic relationship with the instructor, and the indecent video is leaked!

But in fact, similar scandals in the Australian army have long been common, some people call the insulting sexual abuse a "stepping ceremony", shoepolish on private parts, head pressed into the toilet, forced X sex...

The Australian army broke out a scandal! The young female soldier has a chaotic relationship with the instructor, and the indecent video is leaked!
The Australian army broke out a scandal! The young female soldier has a chaotic relationship with the instructor, and the indecent video is leaked!

Former Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) pilot Alister French was tortured at Latchford Barracks in Victoria, according to video obtained by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

The Australian army broke out a scandal! The young female soldier has a chaotic relationship with the instructor, and the indecent video is leaked!

At the beginning of the video, a soldier says to the camera,

"Hello everyone, today we are going to torture Alister."

Behind him,

It is a sturdy Alister with a mouth and body tied with duct tape.

The Australian army broke out a scandal! The young female soldier has a chaotic relationship with the instructor, and the indecent video is leaked!

The soldier then proceeded to pour alcohol on Alister's head, then took out a lighter and lit it in an attempt to set Alister's head on fire.

The Australian army broke out a scandal! The young female soldier has a chaotic relationship with the instructor, and the indecent video is leaked!

Later, the soldier even put his genitals exposed on Alister's head.

The Australian army broke out a scandal! The young female soldier has a chaotic relationship with the instructor, and the indecent video is leaked!
The Australian army broke out a scandal! The young female soldier has a chaotic relationship with the instructor, and the indecent video is leaked!

During her ordeal, Alister experienced bondage, gagging, choking, strangulation, arson, sexual assault, ...... Unsightly...

Remembering what happened at that time, Alister said bitterly,

"At the time, they all thought it was a joke,

But soon I felt physically and mentally exhausted. ”

The Australian army broke out a scandal! The young female soldier has a chaotic relationship with the instructor, and the indecent video is leaked!

Alister's mother was also in great pain, "We entrusted our child to the Royal Australian Air Force Army, but we didn't expect it to happen. ”

The Australian Defence Minister at the time, Peter Dutton, also expressed sympathy for Alister and said that the issue was being addressed.

When asked about cultural issues within the Wehrmacht,

"Most people behave in a way that makes us proud," Dutton said.

The Australian army broke out a scandal! The young female soldier has a chaotic relationship with the instructor, and the indecent video is leaked!

But in reality, the management of the Australian army has become chaotic!

There have been reports that Australian Defence Force veterans will insult young and elderly cadets in the name of "initiation ceremony".

These include brushing shoe polish on the recruit's private parts with a stiff brush, pressing the recruit's head down the used toilet, and squeezing the recruit's private parts under the shower.

The Australian army broke out a scandal! The young female soldier has a chaotic relationship with the instructor, and the indecent video is leaked!

Sinclair, the former premier of New South Wales, said his "initiation ceremony" was to be taken to a public bath, stripped naked, and then beaten with towels and shoes.

The Australian army broke out a scandal! The young female soldier has a chaotic relationship with the instructor, and the indecent video is leaked!

Another veteran, who goes by the pseudonym CJA, said he was dragged out of bed several times in the middle of the night and forced to have oral and anal X-to-mouth X-to-talk with other recruits.

"There were also veterans who advised me: 'Bear with me, boy, I used to be like this,

But it can make you a real man. ’”

The Australian army broke out a scandal! The young female soldier has a chaotic relationship with the instructor, and the indecent video is leaked!
The Australian army broke out a scandal! The young female soldier has a chaotic relationship with the instructor, and the indecent video is leaked!

According to statistics, in recent years, nearly 1,000 incidents of abuse have been reported in the Australian Defence Force! The military bases involved are located all over Australia.

The Australian army broke out a scandal! The young female soldier has a chaotic relationship with the instructor, and the indecent video is leaked!
The Australian army broke out a scandal! The young female soldier has a chaotic relationship with the instructor, and the indecent video is leaked!

Seeing such shocking data, I hope that the relevant departments can strengthen the control of military discipline and not let this kind of incident happen again, otherwise how can young people be willing to enlist in the army?


The military has always been a serious and dignified group, and at the same time, there should be the strictest discipline within the army, but it is really infuriating that such scandals have occurred again and again in Australia. Not only are all kinds of bad insults being inflicted on recruits, but they also have inappropriate sexual relations with young female soldiers, and the atmosphere is really chaotic.

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