
Cristiano Ronaldo is crying! Cristiano Ronaldo cried bitterly after losing a point! All teammates came to comfort them

author:Birdie Sports
Cristiano Ronaldo is crying! Cristiano Ronaldo cried bitterly after losing a point! All teammates came to comfort them

In the 1/8 finals of the European Cup, the fierce battle between Portugal and Slovenia entered extra time, and the victory or defeat of the two sides was undecided, and the scene was extremely tense.

At a crucial moment in the game, Slovenian player Jota suddenly fell to the ground during a scramble in the box. The referee did not hesitate to blow the whistle to award a penalty, a decision that immediately sparked heated controversy on and off the pitch. Some spectators felt that Jota was clearly looking for a chance to go down in an attempt to waste the game time, while others believed that his fall was due to a clear foul by the Portuguese player.

Netizens had a heated discussion on social media. Some people questioned the fairness of the referee: "The referee didn't dare to see it clearly, so he blew a penalty kick casually, which was clearly caused by a mistake by the Portuguese player." Others felt the referee had made the right decision: "Jota was clearly tripped and the penalty was completely reasonable, don't complain about the referee." ”

Cristiano Ronaldo is crying! Cristiano Ronaldo cried bitterly after losing a point! All teammates came to comfort them

A netizen named "Football Fanatics" commented: "This is the charm of football, referees make decisions all the time, but in the end it is the performance of the players that determines the winner." His comment immediately sparked heated discussions among other netizens, with some agreeing with him, believing that the referee was just a part of the game, and that the final victory depended on the team's strength and performance.

Before the penalty was awarded, the tension on the pitch was chilling. The Slovenian goalkeeper has been making various moves to try to influence Ronaldo's mental state, while Ronaldo appears to be very focused and composed. But when he stood at the penalty spot, the stadium was almost silent, and everyone was expecting him to score the crucial goal for Portugal.

Cristiano Ronaldo's penalty shot looked perfect, but the Slovenian goalkeeper's brilliant reaction allowed the ball to be saved, and this scene was like a sharp sword into the heart of Portugal and Ronaldo. Ronaldo's expression instantly became distorted, his eyes were full of disappointment and guilt, and his mood was immediately transmitted to the entire stadium. Fans can't help but feel distressed and sad when they see this scene, after all, the superheroes in their minds also have a vulnerable side.

Cristiano Ronaldo is crying! Cristiano Ronaldo cried bitterly after losing a point! All teammates came to comfort them

After conceding the goal, Ronaldo's emotional breakdown was unbearable, and he cried loudly, trying to hide the pain in his heart. The teammates around him gathered around him, silently patting him on the shoulder, softly comforting and encouraging. At that moment, they are no longer just teammates, but more like brothers in a big family, sharing the joys and sorrows of victory and defeat.

Cristiano Ronaldo, the leader of the Portuguese team, stood at the penalty spot, and the scene made the hearts of the fans seem to stop. He bowed his head slightly, adjusting his breathing intently, his eyes fixed on the goal. Slovenian fans on the sidelines prayed silently in tension that their goalkeeper would save the team.

"Cristiano Ronaldo must not miss this opportunity!" A netizen named "Football Lover" commented on social media, "This is his moment to prove himself to the world. ”

Cristiano Ronaldo is crying! Cristiano Ronaldo cried bitterly after losing a point! All teammates came to comfort them

'But the Slovenian goalkeeper is very solid and I really don't know if Ronaldo will be able to break down his defence. Another netizen, a "football fan", sees this more realistically.

The referee's whistle blew suddenly, and Ronaldo took steady steps and fired a powerful ball. The ball was fast, but the Slovenian goalkeeper didn't hesitate to make a save to the left and successfully blocked the ball.

The scene suddenly fell silent, and the fans stared silently at the scene. Cristiano Ronaldo stood still, his expression changing from anticipation to disappointment and helplessness. He couldn't hide the loneliness in his heart, and his eyes showed a deep loss. At this moment, fans could not imagine the pain in his heart.

Cristiano Ronaldo is crying! Cristiano Ronaldo cried bitterly after losing a point! All teammates came to comfort them

"I can't believe it!" The "football commentator" lamented on social media, "Ronaldo didn't take advantage of this opportunity, it's too heavy for him and the Portuguese team." ”

"That's right, it's at this point that the outcome of this game is decided." "The Little Prince of Fans" also said in the comments that his voice was full of regret and helplessness.

The moment he lost the goal, Ronaldo exploded emotionally, he couldn't hide the pain in his heart, and tears burst out of his eyes. In the stands, his teammates from the Portuguese team stepped forward one after another to comfort and support him with practical actions, and everyone was silently conveying encouragement and comfort.

"Cristiano Ronaldo is really not easy." On social media, a netizen named "Fan Camp" wrote, "We have seen every effort and struggle he has. ”

Cristiano Ronaldo is crying! Cristiano Ronaldo cried bitterly after losing a point! All teammates came to comfort them

"The loss in this game will definitely hit him hard." Another "football fan" also said in the commentary, "But he never gives up, that's what makes him great." ”

The game ended in a defeat for Portugal, which was not only disappointing for the team, but also dealt a big blow to Ronaldo's personal morale. Fans and the media are full of understanding and sympathy for Ronaldo's frustrated emotional expression, and they have spoken out on social platforms to express their support and encouragement for Ronaldo.

"Cristiano Ronaldo is our pride and he always will be." "Football Lovers" shared on social media, "We will always support him regardless of victory or defeat." ”

Cristiano Ronaldo is crying! Cristiano Ronaldo cried bitterly after losing a point! All teammates came to comfort them

And Cristiano Ronaldo has always been a legend in football, and his every move and performance has touched the hearts of countless fans around the world. In the recent European Championship 1/8 final, he experienced a heartbreaking match with Portugal, especially that penalty miss, which brought his emotions to a peak. Naturally, the discussions and comments about him on the Internet are also heated and divided.

Many netizens expressed their understanding and sympathy for Ronaldo's performance. "It's really distressing to see him so lost on the field." A netizen who calls himself a "football fan" wrote on social media, "He is not just a player, but also a spiritual symbol, and every struggle is our role model." ”

There were also those who expressed disappointment and criticism of Ronaldo's penalty miss. "He's a veteran, and it's a bit disappointing to make mistakes at this time." A netizen named "Stadium Observer" commented, "His performance will definitely affect the morale of the whole team." ”

The discussion even extended to the referee's decision. "That penalty was obviously given by the referee, but it was a bit wronged by Ronaldo." A fan "football commentator" said in the circle of friends, "The referee is also quite difficult, who knows how easy it is to decide on the spot?" ”

Cristiano Ronaldo is crying! Cristiano Ronaldo cried bitterly after losing a point! All teammates came to comfort them

There were also some fans who expressed concern about the impact of the outcome of the match. "Will this defeat affect Ronaldo's career?" A netizen called "The Little Prince of Football" asked on Weibo, "He is already so good, I really hope it won't have much impact on him this time." ”

On social platforms, many people expressed optimism about Ronaldo's future prospects. "Cristiano Ronaldo won't give up easily, and this defeat will only make him more determined." A netizen who claims to be a "football enthusiast" said in the group, "He goes all out in every game, this is the real king of the ball." ”

Some fans are looking forward to the games ahead. "He will definitely make up for this regret in the next game!" A friend of a "football fan" excitedly said in his circle of friends, "He is so strong, we have every reason to believe that he can lead the team far." ”

The match became a notemark in the history of the European Championship, not only about football, but also about humanity, emotions and team spirit.

Cristiano Ronaldo is crying! Cristiano Ronaldo cried bitterly after losing a point! All teammates came to comfort them

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