
Urgency across the board! The water has overflowed the third floor! How many people in the ancient city of Zhenyuan have all their life savings destroyed in one fell swoop?

author:Xiao Li said life

"Ahh It turned out that Aunt Li's house bore the brunt of the flood, and she was alone trapped between the collapsed concrete walls and was calling for help. "Help, where are the kids!" Aunt Li stretched out her hand to the door, but she could only touch the cold water.

Urgency across the board! The water has overflowed the third floor! How many people in the ancient city of Zhenyuan have all their life savings destroyed in one fell swoop?

The flood was raging, and it rushed towards the ancient city of Zhenyuan. Overnight, the crystal clear river turned into a monstrous wave, engulfing people's homes and dreams. From time to time, a miserable white lightning bolt lit up in the dark sky, illuminating the overflowing flood and collapsed houses on the ancient city, as if the end had come.

"Help—I'm going to drown!" On the roof of a private house, Aunt Zhao was struggling in the water with her two grandsons in her arms, she was red and hissing for help, while she had to hug her two children to prevent the water from washing away. "Save my grandchildren!"

Urgency across the board! The water has overflowed the third floor! How many people in the ancient city of Zhenyuan have all their life savings destroyed in one fell swoop?

The flood came so suddenly that many people were still asleep. With a loud bang, one of the exterior walls of Mr. Li's small hotel was washed away by the flood, and Mr. Li and his guests climbed out of bed in horror, but they could only watch their belongings destroyed in the flood.

"My shop, my life's work!" Mr. Li knelt in the water and cried, he had planned to use his savings to buy a new house and get married next year, but now everything has come to naught.

The flood raged, and the ancient city soon became a ruined pond. The streets are full of collapsed walls, trees, and cars. The water has reached a depth of two or three meters and is still rising. Residents hiding high in a desperate position awaited the arrival of rescue, their tears and floodwaters converging.

Urgency across the board! The water has overflowed the third floor! How many people in the ancient city of Zhenyuan have all their life savings destroyed in one fell swoop?

"Oh my God, I've been in the house all my life savings, and now I have nothing!"

"I was just decorating my daughter's wedding room in my dream!"

"This flood came so suddenly, we didn't have time to escape!"

The cries of the residents came and went, and the ancient city of Zhenyuan was shrouded in sadness and despair. Overnight, the peaceful and peaceful ancient city was reduced to a dying city, and people's homes and dreams were buried in this catastrophe.

With the flood raging and lives at stake, this is a race of life and death. Under the emergency organization of the government, officers and soldiers of the People's Liberation Army and the People's Armed Police quickly entered the disaster area to rescue them. With the icy waves above their heads, their powerful arms rescued the troubled masses one by one on the boat. "Hold on a little longer, you're saved!" The soldiers encouraged everyone who drowned with warm and powerful words.

Urgency across the board! The water has overflowed the third floor! How many people in the ancient city of Zhenyuan have all their life savings destroyed in one fell swoop?

Beams of light pierced the night and illuminated the waters. "Please stay close to the light source! We're getting closer!" Rescuers searched for every survival signal in the darkness of the night. Life and death are only a thought, and they must race against time.

"Tie the rope tightly, we're going to go into the water to save people!" The captain let out a loud shout and jumped into the turbulent torrent first, and the corners of his clothes disappeared in an instant. One after another, they leaped into the water, struggling to reach out to those struggling on the surface, repeating over and over again, "Don't give up!" Hold my hand!"

Urgency across the board! The water has overflowed the third floor! How many people in the ancient city of Zhenyuan have all their life savings destroyed in one fell swoop?

Finally, with the unity and struggle of the people, this contest with death ushered in victory. Many people were rescued by the heroes. Life stops at breathing, but how many people in our homeland have also burned down in this catastrophe.

Looking at the devastated hometown, the residents of the ancient city of Zhenyuan burst into tears. This was once the street market they were most familiar with, the hardest working field, and the warmest home. Now, all that remains is ruins.

"My antique shop is there, and the hard work of generations has been ruined!"

"We were just planning our child's wedding, and now we don't have anything......"

They choked up as they looked at the overturned houses and shops that once held their lifelong dreams and hopes.

Urgency across the board! The water has overflowed the third floor! How many people in the ancient city of Zhenyuan have all their life savings destroyed in one fell swoop?

By this time, the people struggling to survive in the rubble had been rescued. However, the ruined ancient city and the broken homeland silently indict the cruelty of this catastrophe. We cannot allow the tragedy to die silently, let alone repeat it. It is imperative that the government help the affected people recover their livelihoods as soon as possible, and listen to the people's opinions to promote the construction of a disaster prevention system to prevent such tragedies from happening again.

Each of us should also consciously raise awareness of disaster prevention and protect our common home. Only the awakening of the people is the best way to prevent problems before they occur. Now, we must unite to build our homeland and rebuild our country. I believe that with the diligence and wisdom of the people, the ancient city of Zhenyuan will be reborn, and our common home will be more peaceful and peaceful.

Urgency across the board! The water has overflowed the third floor! How many people in the ancient city of Zhenyuan have all their life savings destroyed in one fell swoop?

There is a long way to go, but we are not alone. It is everyone's responsibility to protect the family and defend the country. Let us join hands and work together, gather majestic strength, and protect our country with firm confidence and action, help each other, and tide over difficulties together!

Urgency across the board! The water has overflowed the third floor! How many people in the ancient city of Zhenyuan have all their life savings destroyed in one fell swoop?

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