
Taiwanese man molests Korean NMIXX girl group album: crazy kiss, rubbing the lower body! Han responded strongly

author:Two ancestors

【Entertainment Shock】Taiwanese male college student molested NMIXX album incident, the agency sternly warned or will take legal action!

Taiwanese man molests Korean NMIXX girl group album: crazy kiss, rubbing the lower body! Han responded strongly

Recently, there was a shocking incident in Taiwan's entertainment industry, where a male college student caused an uproar on the Internet for his inappropriate behavior on the album of the K-pop girl group NMIXX, and once rushed to the hot search and was widely condemned.

Taiwanese man molests Korean NMIXX girl group album: crazy kiss, rubbing the lower body! Han responded strongly

You must know that although these girls have just debuted for two years, the youngest is 15 years old, and they are all post-00s! Doing indecent behavior really stepped on the audience's scales!

Let's take a look at the picture at that time!

Taiwanese man molests Korean NMIXX girl group album: crazy kiss, rubbing the lower body! Han responded strongly

The seemingly quiet male student, dressed in a black hooded sweatshirt, gray slacks, a black backpack on his shoulder, and a signature pot lid, contrasted greatly with his next move.

Taiwanese man molests Korean NMIXX girl group album: crazy kiss, rubbing the lower body! Han responded strongly

In front of everyone's eyes, he chose an NMIXX album, first kissed the album, and then put the album on his pants and rubbed it! And a smug smile on his face!

These actions not only broke through the bottom line of public morality, but also seriously insulted the image of the artist.

Taiwanese man molests Korean NMIXX girl group album: crazy kiss, rubbing the lower body! Han responded strongly

This scene was recorded by the accompanying companions, and I never expected to send it to the group for dissemination! Half a year later, this video actually spread to South Korea!

Look at what the Korean Economic Corporation is doing

Taiwanese man molests Korean NMIXX girl group album: crazy kiss, rubbing the lower body! Han responded strongly

In response, the Korean agency reacted quickly and officially issued a statement on July 1 through the five major record companies, expressing the great importance attached to the incident!

Taiwanese man molests Korean NMIXX girl group album: crazy kiss, rubbing the lower body! Han responded strongly

and made it clear that if the person involved does not take the initiative to contact the company and seek a solution within seven days, the company will take legal measures to protect the rights and interests of the artist.

Taiwanese man molests Korean NMIXX girl group album: crazy kiss, rubbing the lower body! Han responded strongly

This tough stance reflects the entertainment company's determination to protect the image of its artists, and also reflects the zero-tolerance attitude of such incidents in the industry.

Under the pressure of public opinion, the male college student finally publicly expressed his apology by writing a handwritten apology letter.

He claimed to be a fan of NMIXX and acted as a joke and did not foresee such serious consequences, while revealing that he had purchased the album in question.

Taiwanese man molests Korean NMIXX girl group album: crazy kiss, rubbing the lower body! Han responded strongly

Despite this, the five major record companies decided not to pursue further investigation, considering their attitude of admitting their mistakes and their follow-up treatment.

However, the discussion on the Internet has not subsided.

Taiwanese man molests Korean NMIXX girl group album: crazy kiss, rubbing the lower body! Han responded strongly

Many netizens have said that no matter what the purpose, this kind of behavior in a public place that is extremely disrespectful to others and has a bad impact is really low-quality and unforgivable.

Taiwanese man molests Korean NMIXX girl group album: crazy kiss, rubbing the lower body! Han responded strongly

Some netizens emphasized that jokes should have boundaries and should not be at the expense of hurting others, and called on the society to strengthen the positive guidance of public figures and fan culture to avoid similar scandals from happening again.

Taiwanese man molests Korean NMIXX girl group album: crazy kiss, rubbing the lower body! Han responded strongly

This incident not only exposed the misconduct of individual fans, but also sounded the alarm for the entire entertainment industry and society, reminding people that while enjoying entertainment culture, they must adhere to the basic moral bottom line and sense of respect, and jointly create a healthy and civilized entertainment environment.

Taiwanese man molests Korean NMIXX girl group album: crazy kiss, rubbing the lower body! Han responded strongly


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