
is an Internet celebrity, a director, and a "Ganzi customer service"

author:Dongming County Rong Media Center

He is an "Internet celebrity", and he is the special one among Internet celebrities: he does not bring goods, does not accept rewards, and is obsessed with promoting Ganzi.

is an Internet celebrity, a director, and a "Ganzi customer service"

Liu Hong recommended the "out of the circle" cross-dressing of the Ancient Tea Horse Road

He is a cultural and tourism cadre, as the vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, the director of the State Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism, and the director of the State Cultural Relics Bureau. He said that whether online or offline, he will go wherever the masses are, and he calls this "the responsibility of cadres in the new era".

Since his popular "debut" in 2021, Liu Hong has personally experienced the leverage effect of "Internet celebrity IP" on Ganzi Cultural Tourism. In Ganzi Prefecture behind him, the value created by the cultural tourism industry is also being refreshed in surprise. A colleague who has worked with him for many years said, "Our Liu Ju is obviously emo, and we used to be quite cheerful."

Recently, the "most American road" G227 has been fully connected, and Daocheng Yading and Lugu Lake have been dreamily connected, and he has become a promotion ambassador. The reason why the popularity has not diminished in the past three years, and the frequency band Ganzi is out of the circle, which is the reason why we must meet Liu Hong.

is an Internet celebrity, a director, and a "Ganzi customer service"

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CCTV News "The "County" is Departure"

Interview with Liu Hong, Director of Ganzi Prefecture Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism

is an Internet celebrity, a director, and a "Ganzi customer service"

"Shoot short videos for publicity,

It's only a tenth of my workload."

is an Internet celebrity, a director, and a "Ganzi customer service"

He slept on sleeping pills last night.

Chuan Jiang, a colleague who often accompanies Liu Hong, said that their "hobby" now is to search for all kinds of medicines and health products that calm the nerves and help them sleep.

In addition to sleeping pills, he also has muscles and bones on his desk. Throughout last year, he traveled 70,000 kilometers in an official car, almost catching up with the mileage of a local taxi, covering 18 counties (cities) in Ganzi Prefecture. When he was young, in order to leave a "Ganzi reputation" in a Guangdong tour group, he was then the director of the Yajiang County Culture and Tourism Bureau, and he once walked more than 60 kilometers to visit the "extreme operation" of tourists who fell and injured themselves. Now, his legs can't afford him to do it himself. Ganzi is sparsely populated, and his knees are seriously worn out due to excessive travel, and walking downhill will give you a feeling of "not daring to exert yourself".

When insomnia collides with busy official duties, Liu Hong becomes a "night marcher". Due to the needs of his work, he had to travel frequently between Kangding and Chengdu, and in order to save time, he often traveled in the evening and arrived at midnight. It took more than three hours to drive, and sometimes, he made a phone call from Kangding to Chengdu.

"What you can see is that I shoot short videos for publicity, which is only one-tenth of my workload." In the short video, his high spirits and great beauty are recorded. In addition to short videos, snow-capped mountains, glaciers, and grasslands are the foils of the road, and what occupies him is insomnia, business trips, meetings, negotiations, training, research, and expelling sleepy cigarettes.

is an Internet celebrity, a director, and a "Ganzi customer service"

"It can't be like this anymore, he's going to die of exhaustion!" Earlier, Liu Hong asked a colleague to help him pick up his luggage at home, and his wife couldn't help but get angry. Now, the family has basically "given up" on him. He sighed that he had set a "bad example" for his son, who shouted that he would "do business first and then start a family". He promised to go with his wife to see the azaleas of Mugecuo, but he put it off again and again, and before the flowers were gone, he said, "I should be able to make the trip next week."

The next time he was so tired that he lost his temper, and the day after he returned from his work in Lhasa, after he had completed the four rounds of affairs, his colleagues in the Propaganda Section gave him another media interview at 11 o'clock that night. Colleagues were also aggrieved, "There is so much work, and I can't delay the next day." The media said that he resembled Jin Dong, Chow Yun-fat, and Fei Xiang, and he once described his appearance as "the autumn of Daocheng Aden", and at this moment, with dark circles under his eyes, he will only be reminded by his colleagues on the side, don't hunchback, cheer up.

In the three years since his "debut", this "Internet celebrity director" has been interviewed by the media more than 300 times, and he is willing to use traffic to show the improvement of Ganzi cultural tourism, but he is dissatisfied that people ask too much about his private life.

is an Internet celebrity, a director, and a "Ganzi customer service"

The only exception was when filming the family style program of the Ganzi Prefecture Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, and we learned that Liu Hong's second brother was a policeman who died in the line of duty, followed by his red eyes and a long silence. He is not good at it, and he is good at it - when he was asked to recommend the places that must be checked in when traveling to Ganzi, he came to a six-minute-long "Ganzi Scenic Spots" like a treasure, and stunned the reporters and cameras on the side.

is an Internet celebrity, a director, and a "Ganzi customer service"

"Not for the explosion"

is an Internet celebrity, a director, and a "Ganzi customer service"

The vast majority of people met this "Internet celebrity director" because of his "cross-dressing" short videos that have been out of the circle again and again. And the vast majority of people's understanding of him also stops at the Internet. Some people say that he is "hype", "high-profile" and "show", and when he decided to "debut" to promote Ganzi Cultural Tourism three years ago, Liu Hong vowed not to accept rewards, not to bring goods, and only to be a "public welfare Internet celebrity". During this period, "several companies sent me contracts and asked me to fill in the amount by myself, but I refused."

Three years have passed, and in the face of a series of doubts, he is tired of explaining, and he will be angry, "I am not RMB, it is impossible for everyone to like me", and finally left a sentence "I have a clear conscience".

Considering the high-intensity work arrangement, Liu Hong and his colleagues usually plan the theme of shooting in advance, and set aside one day a month to shoot short videos such as cross-dressing, shooting more than a dozen at a time, "saving up to cooperate with some time nodes and sending them slowly". After all, last year, the time dedicated to shooting short videos was only 15 days, and the year before last year it was 14 days. The rest of the videos are taken wherever you go on a work trip. There is no exquisite production, there is no abundant funds, his "cosmetics" bring a bottle of water is enough, scoop a handful of water, and brush his hair to finish the makeup.

is an Internet celebrity, a director, and a "Ganzi customer service"

Chuan Jiang said that they would try and change Liu Hong's personality in combination with him, and would prepare "lines" at first, but the retelling made Liu Hong feel cramped, "I didn't feel like talking to netizens", and the copywriting was also disliked, "I can't write it to my heart". Now in most cases, it is Liu Hong who grasps the theme and naturally confides.

Coupled with Chuanjiang, there are five people in the "Liu Hong Cultural Tourism Public Welfare Publicity Studio", they have some consensus, not to shoot short videos for the sake of eyeballs, earning traffic, and making popular models, "Cultural tourism propaganda is face, ethnic integration and unity, and people's health and happiness are the lining", they want to use "the way that the people like to see" to promote the new look of Ganzi today. Whether it is to support the 96-year-old veteran to return to the hero Luding Bridge, or to "cross-dress" the ancient tea horse road that has been praised two million times, it is precisely this intention.

is an Internet celebrity, a director, and a "Ganzi customer service"

Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture is the second largest Tibetan region in China, and for thousands of years, the ancestors who lived here created a colorful and profound Kham culture. Liu Hong said that it is not that he is popular as an Internet celebrity, but that Ganzi is too charming, so the traffic has not decreased.

Zeren Qupi, a 16-year-old high school student from Ganzi Daocheng, excitedly followed Liu Hong who was inspecting the night market in Kangding. He has been following Liu Hong's social account for more than a year and regards Liu Hong as a role model. He followed Liu Hong's footsteps in the short video and saw the customs of Ganzi, and he wanted to be a photographer in the future and take pictures of the beautiful scenery of his hometown.

As long as Zeren insists, his wish will not be difficult to come true, compared to Liu Hong's student days, Ganzi has greatly convenient transportation and communication to support him to go. More than 30 years ago, Liu Hong left his hometown Jiezhu Village for the first time to go to junior high school in Yajiang County, and was so surprised by the novelty of what he had never seen before that he was dazzled for three days. Returning to the village from Yajiang during the winter vacation, he followed behind his senior brother and hiked more than 60 kilometers on ice and snow, all the way was rugged.

is an Internet celebrity, a director, and a "Ganzi customer service"

Willing to be "Ganzi customer service"

Make Ganzi a "poetry and distance"

is an Internet celebrity, a director, and a "Ganzi customer service"

In 2003, when Liu Hong, who was in his early thirties, was still serving as the director of the Yajiang County Culture and Tourism Bureau, the local tourism industry was still blank.

He had a lively brain, and he had the consciousness of creating IP back then, and borrowed money to register a series of trademarks such as "Kangba Hanzi". In order to build Jiezhu Village, where he was born, into a "Kham Hanzi Village" according to its characteristics, he led the villagers to build a 9-kilometer-long tourist road, and took the village's "horse gang" to lead the horses to take tourists to the village.

He doesn't care if he is a bureau chief, as long as he can take the villagers to taste the "sweetness" and "rush".

is an Internet celebrity, a director, and a "Ganzi customer service"

To get rich and get rid of poverty, he went to lead the horse. To return farmland to forests, he went to lobby. Even with the state's preferential subsidy policy to ensure their livelihood, it is not emotionally easy to ask villagers to leave the fields where their ancestors depended for their livelihoods. Everyone asked this Kham man who is proficient in Chinese and Tibetan to help, he is well versed in the local ethnic customs, and chatted with the Tibetan compatriots who believe in pious beliefs about "one flower, one leaf, one world", talk about "planting a tree is to recreate a piece of heaven and earth", and talk about why lucid waters and lush mountains are gold and silver mountains.

is an Internet celebrity, a director, and a "Ganzi customer service"

The intoxicating landscape of Mu Gecuo, the place where he came to investigate on the first day of his appointment as director of the Kangding Municipal Tourism Bureau 16 years ago. With the help of Liu Hong, Mugecuo has been built into a 4A-level scenic spot and is currently applying for the construction of a 5A-level.

It is worth mentioning its characteristic wooden toilet, which uses vacuum negative pressure technology on airplanes. Altay, which became a popular tourist destination some time ago, was on the hot search because of the difficulty of going to the toilet, "the bladder of people who travel to Altay is about to explode", and the management of the plateau toilet also broke Liu Hongcao's heart. In the early days, aqua toilets consisted of two wooden planks placed on a suspended area, and some local people fell off a cliff while going to the toilet while drunk. In the urgency of tourists, he invited more than 20 companies to conduct field trials and turned himself into a "toilet expert".

Now, the number of A-level scenic spots in Ganzi Prefecture has risen to 101. In 2023, the number of tourists received by Ganzi Prefecture will exceed 40 million for the first time, and the annual comprehensive tourism income will exceed 40 billion yuan for the first time, reaching 45.263 billion yuan. The intersection of the two "firsts" is the best level in history. The local cultural and tourism workers felt this "sweet burden", "especially in the summer vacation, when we went out, we had to walk to work to make room for the guests who came from afar."

is an Internet celebrity, a director, and a "Ganzi customer service"

Just looking at the quantity, it is not enough to have more tourists to Ganzi, and it is not enough to have more money in the Netherlands, in Liu Hong's place, he wants to better coordinate the supply and demand of cultural tourism, and build Ganzi into a good-reputation, high-quality, world-class tourist destination, so that Ganzi has become the "poetry and distance".

He is promoting in-depth tourism projects such as intangible cultural heritage, scientific research, research tourism, stargazing camping, and glacier exploration, and is also teaching Zang-Chinese bilingual training courses to front-line service personnel in hotels, homestays, scenic spots, etc. He shared that when he first started his cultural tourism career, he still taught the villagers the etiquette of helping tourists to get on and off the horse, and now he has to teach some basic English conversations.

Liu Hong would joke that if he could speak English fluently, it would be perfect, and no one could stop him from recommending Ganzi to foreign tourists. Perhaps, he will also have some knowledge of Russian. On May 25, he stopped in front of a Tibetan girl painted by a Russian painter in the Sichuan Museum, and told his colleagues about the attention to the folds of the girl's skirt, and also "did a good thing" to "correct" the Russian painters present according to the folk geographical characteristics of the painting, pointing out that the painting signed Dujiangyan might be Daocheng.

is an Internet celebrity, a director, and a "Ganzi customer service"

"In the Internet era,

Party cadres need to stand up"

is an Internet celebrity, a director, and a "Ganzi customer service"

Liu Hong's mother was the first generation of Tibetan female soldiers after the founding of New China. When his father was 14 years old, in order to escape an arranged marriage, he walked barefoot from Yajiang County to Kangding. He can't forget that his illiterate father begged people to eat when he wrote. He will never forget that when his mother sent him on a long journey, she put his left hand on his right hand and said to him, "From this day on, I will give you to yourself."

From the classroom in the small village heated by an iron pot, all the way to the Northwest University for Nationalities and the Central University for Nationalities, and then giving up the opportunity for development to return to the mountain city, there is the instruction of my father and mother, as well as the call of this land and heart, Liu Hong said, "It is not easy for the party and the state to train a cadre like me, if even I am not willing to come back to build my hometown, what reason is there for talents from other places to build here?" ”

is an Internet celebrity, a director, and a "Ganzi customer service"

Just like a "Ganzi customer service", he tirelessly acts between the demands of netizens and the functional departments of Ganzi Prefecture, reflecting the situation, promoting processing, feedback and supervision. In the face of complaints from netizens, he once issued a domineering response of "Whoever smashes the pot of Ganzi tourism, I will smash his job". is also because of this sense of ownership and Internet celebrity identity, he is easy to be "kidnapped" by some netizens, his colleagues can't stand it, and some netizens have to @Liu Hong when they run out of paper when they go to the toilet.

The sense of responsibility is not divided between online and offline, Xiao Tian, who has worked with him for five years, said that when he sees camping tourists littering on the road on a business trip, he will get out of the car to persuade him to pick it up, and when he sees a road digging and destroying the grassland on the research road, he will ask the workers "why are you doing this", "even if it doesn't work, he has to speak out", he will record these problems, and when he has the opportunity, he will reflect and express them. Xiao Tian listened to him, "We Ganzi people must always remember our hometown and make contributions to our hometown, and we can't turn a blind eye just because we are not within the scope of our work." ”

There are a lot of people who want to "settle" him, and the developer of the unfinished cultural tourism project in Ganzi took out one million yuan to "jump" on his bottom line, but he was not polite and turned his face directly, "I am a leading cadre, a party member, do this with sincerity, you don't come to harm me, it's best to get out of here immediately, if you don't get out, I'll kick you out." ”

is an Internet celebrity, a director, and a "Ganzi customer service"

Of course, according to Liu Hong's personality, he complained while walking. There are many things he is not used to, he is not used to seeing the people and things that destroy the image of Ganzi, he is not used to the old-fashioned thinking that does not know the transformation, and he is not used to sitting in the office pointing fingers, "If you can't go to the masses and see what they really need, you will only be on top, and 'serving the people' is empty talk." He always felt that these people were too far away from the common people.

"When the people recognize you, you must be worthy of the trust of your brothers and sisters in your hometown." He is still accustomed to bumping on the road, wearing the party emblem wherever he goes, and is used to being like a "detail control", hoping that public officials will also have a "craftsman spirit" in their careers, regard the affairs of the masses as their own affairs, and take responsibility and not be fooled.

Some people say, "If you do less, you will make fewer mistakes, and if you don't do it, you won't be wrong", Liu Hong replied angrily, what age is it, are you still afraid of causing trouble for yourself, dare not emancipate your mind, do not make good use of new media, and wait to be eliminated by society? "In the Internet era, party cadres need to stand up", he has his own views on "cadres in the new era", "To serve the people, you must first get close to the people and understand what the people are thinking." Probably the best way is to go through the Internet, through short videos, and get into them."

To analyze what is special about himself as an "Internet celebrity", he said frankly that he has the party and the people in his heart. Even if one day your Internet celebrity is "outdated" or retired, as long as you see Ganzi in the hands of generation after generation of cultural and tourism workers, it is enough to become better and better.

is an Internet celebrity, a director, and a "Ganzi customer service"

In the middle of the picture is Liu Hong

As soon as Liu Hong's office entered the most conspicuous position, there was a large group photo of him and his colleagues, in which the snow was falling and everyone was covered by white wool, which would be regarded as a waste film by the photographer. Once, a colleague was afraid of blocking the light and helped him move aside, but he found out and put it back. When asked why he preferred this one, he replied, "Isn't it necessary to brave the wind and snow to move forward in business, and isn't life the same?" ”

This is a story that excavates the experience of cultural and tourism cadres from "Internet celebrity" to "Changhong". After passing through Liu Hong for a few days, I found that the "trick" is very simple - if you also love the land under your feet and want her to be better in your heart - believe it, no matter where you are in any corner or position, you will be seen by this era.

Write at the end

When asked the person Liu Hong wanted to see the most, he replied that he was an entrepreneur with great love.

He hopes to secure a medical grant for Ganzi to train 100 native-born "life-saving" medical masters. He said that the Ganzi alpine region cannot retain or persuade so many foreign talents, nor can they wait for the state and society to come to help and help, and the native children are more familiar with this land and have more feelings, and they have seen too many elderly farmers and herdsmen go out to see a sick person.

I endured a lot of hardships, so I wanted to hold an umbrella for those who were drenched in the rain later. What Liu Hong never easily confided in was that when he rushed home after a meeting in the countryside in his early twenties, he found that his mother had a cerebral hemorrhage and collapsed in the vegetable field......

▌Source of this article: CCTV News WeChat public account