
Review: A 7-year-old boy with a malignant brain tumor donated a kidney to save his mother: I want to save my mother, I want to protect my mother

author:A Brief History of Genius

At 4:15 a.m. on April 2, 2014, 7-year-old armed police officer Chen Xiaotian stopped beating his heart.

Six hours later, one of Chen Xiaotian's kidneys was successfully transplanted into the body of his mother Zhou Lu, who suffered from uremia, leaving the hope of life to his mother and realizing his last wish.

Another kidney and liver also successfully entered the bodies of two young patients, and Chen Xiaotian saved three lives with one person, rekindling the light of life for them.

Chen Xiaotian's last wish after passing away was: Mom, you have to be strong.

This time, let's review the touching story of Chen Xiaotian's donation of a kidney to save his mother.

Review: A 7-year-old boy with a malignant brain tumor donated a kidney to save his mother: I want to save my mother, I want to protect my mother

A family tricked by bad luck

On December 18, 2006, Chen Xiaotian was born in Jingzhou, Hubei Province, and the arrival of a new life brought great joy to the family.

Chen Xiaotian's original family is very happy, the relationship between his parents is very good, although the monthly income is not very high, but they all have a stable career, in order to bring a better life to Chen Xiaotian's future, his parents work harder, and his grandmother Lu Yuanxiu will also take the initiative to help take care of his young grandson.

Because the family education is very in place, Chen Xiaotian has been a sensible child since he was a child, not only learned to dress himself early, but also learned to help the family do things, and the family life is happy.

However, this happy life was forever fixed in 2011.

Review: A 7-year-old boy with a malignant brain tumor donated a kidney to save his mother: I want to save my mother, I want to protect my mother

One day, Zhou Lu suddenly became ill and coughed non-stop, although her body has never been particularly good, but she has not encountered signs of getting better after being sick for more than a week, but it is getting worse and worse, Zhou Lu, who realized that something was wrong, went to the hospital for an examination, but the result was like a thunderbolt from the sky, which made her stunned on the spot.

It is actually uremia, and if you want to cure it, you can only find a suitable kidney to replace the kidney that is beginning to fail, and the time left for Zhou Lu is not very rich.

With endless despair, Zhou Lu told the news to her family, her husband and mother-in-law held her hand tightly and firmly told Zhou Lu that no matter how much money was spent, she would be cured, even if the family was bankrupt, but Zhou Lu disagreed, she thought a lot on the way back, it was better to leave hope to her son.

In Zhou Lu's thoughts, it is not easy to find a kidney, and the operation of transplanting a kidney requires a lot of money, although she is very moved by the determination of her husband and mother-in-law, but Zhou Lu hopes to save some money, so that her son's life is more comfortable, it is better to choose dialysis to maintain life, as long as you persist until Chen Xiaotian is 16 years old, the child can also accept it.

Review: A 7-year-old boy with a malignant brain tumor donated a kidney to save his mother: I want to save my mother, I want to protect my mother

The husband and mother-in-law on the side were silent, and suddenly thought about saying something to persuade Zhou Lu, but she had already made up her mind, so she could only compromise first, and wait to see if she could really meet a suitable kidney later, no matter what, she must save Zhou Lu's life.

It's just that bad luck is not willing to let go of this family, and in May 2012, the disease targeted Chen Xiaotian.

At that time, Chen Xiaotian's walking posture was a little strange, always leaning forward, Lu Yuanxiu was a little worried, so he asked his grandson if there was anything uncomfortable, Chen Xiaotian nodded, and then the grandparents and grandson went to the hospital for examination, and found out that it was a brain tumor, and it must be operated on immediately, otherwise there will be great danger.

Lu Yuanxiu was frightened, she called her son crying, and after a while she told Zhou Lu the bad news, the operation could not be delayed, and everything was prioritized to save Chen Xiaotian, so she took the child to Wuhan for surgery.

Fortunately, the operation was successful.

Fortunately, the brain tumor is malignant!

The wish of the 7-year-old little armed policeman

In less than half a year, Chen Xiaotian had symptoms before the operation, and they became more and more serious, many times he vomited non-stop, and the results of the examination made the family feel that the sky was falling, malignant brain tumor, compressing the optic nerve and causing blindness, the disease completely entangled this poor child, and his life was only three months at most.

Review: A 7-year-old boy with a malignant brain tumor donated a kidney to save his mother: I want to save my mother, I want to protect my mother

Looking at the notice sent by the doctor, Lu Yuanxiu cried, she discussed with her son for a long time, and didn't know whether to tell Zhou Lu whether to tell Zhou Lu that her daughter-in-law's health was deteriorating, and now her grandson was in such a big disaster, she couldn't figure out why fate tortured their family like this?

After thinking about it, Lu Yuanxiu decided to tell Zhou Lu the result, although she had made sufficient psychological preparations in advance, Zhou Lu was still stimulated, she couldn't accept that the child was ahead of her, and the purpose of choosing dialysis was to make the child live a better life, and now that it has become like this, is there any point in dialysis?

Zhou Lu suddenly had the idea of suicide, she began to refuse dialysis, this practice frightened Lu Yuanxiu, she and her mother persuaded Zhou Lu to let her live well, and Lu Yuanxiu also had a bold idea, the mother and son must leave one, or leave the grandson's kidney to Zhou Lu after death, so that she can live with her son.

It's just that Zhou Lu refused a hundred times, but after Chen Xiaotian found out, he said: "I want to save my mother!" I want to protect my mom! The sensible Chen Xiaotian made Lu Yuanxiu's tears uncontrollable anymore, she held her grandson's hand tightly, and her heart was mixed, until 43 days later, Zhou Lu struggled to agree to accept her son's kidney.

Time keeps passing, Chen Xiaotian's life is about to come to an end, when asked what other wishes, Chen Xiaotian said that he wants to become a glorious soldier, able to protect his family and country, and able to protect his mother.

Chen Xiaotian's wishes, passed to the Jingzhou armed police detachment, they made a special trip to the hospital, for Chen Xiaotian to hold a formal enlistment ceremony, after a concise oath, 7-year-old Chen Xiaotian, became a small armed policeman, because he can no longer see, the armed police took off the general's hat, held the child's hand, let him touch the police badge on it.

Review: A 7-year-old boy with a malignant brain tumor donated a kidney to save his mother: I want to save my mother, I want to protect my mother

And before that, Chen Xiaotian's teachers and classmates also came to the ward one by one, brought him gifts and blessings, and took a special class, this class is also one of Chen Xiaotian's wishes, the students and Chen Xiaotian together, reciting familiar texts, although Chen Xiaotian is already very difficult to speak, but still insist on memorizing it.

Before leaving the ward, the teacher and classmates shouted in unison: "Chen Xiaotian, come on!" ”

However, although Chen Xiaotian's story touched many people, the miracle did not appear, and the relentless illness continued to torment the young child, and Chen Xiaotian's life went to the countdown of the last few hours of his life.

At 2 o'clock in the morning on April 2, 2014, Chen Xiaotian was sent to the emergency room by the doctor, although the seven doctors worked hard for nearly two hours, and finally failed to take back the child who stopped breathing spontaneously from the hands of the disease.

At 4:15, Chen Xiaotian's heartbeat stopped forever, there were no tears and no struggle, but he could no longer hold his grandmother's hand.

Rekindle the light of life for 3 people

Every time he thought of the moment Chen Xiaotian left, Lu Yuanxiu cried silently.

Review: A 7-year-old boy with a malignant brain tumor donated a kidney to save his mother: I want to save my mother, I want to protect my mother

The doctor's face was heavy, let Lu Yuanxiu know, everything is useless, and there is not much time left for him and his grandson to say goodbye to the end, she held Chen Xiaotian's hand tightly, perhaps because she felt the temperature of her grandmother, Chen Xiaotian gently shook it back at the last moment when his life stopped.

At that time, Lu Yuanxiu was very excited, she even thought that there was a miracle, but as Chen Xiaotian's little hands became weaker and weaker, her heart fell to the bottom, and her grandson's life stayed at 4:15 forever.

Five minutes later, the doctor was ready to fulfill Chen Xiaotian's last wish, remove his kidney and liver, and rekindle the light of life for the three people.

After another 55 minutes, the medical staff came to Zhou Lu's ward, she was frightened and didn't sleep all night, she signed her name on the surgical consent form, and when the doctor left, Zhou Lu cried loudly, and several family members on the side wanted to come forward to persuade her, but they couldn't stop their tears at all.

After crying for almost an hour and a half, Zhou Lu barely controlled his emotions and entered the operating room for treatment, Chen Xiaotian's left kidney successfully entered his mother's body, and from now on, Chen Xiaotian's life will continue in his mother's body.

And Chen Xiaotian's right kidney saved a 21-year-old girl with kidney failure, and the liver settled in the body of a 27-year-old man with cirrhosis, snatching two patients who had been suffering from long-term pain back from the ghost gate! Chen Xiaotian's life will continue to survive in a special way in three people.

The three patients who were reborn, except for Zhou Lu, did not know which kind-hearted person saved them, and they only had infinite gratitude in their hearts.

At about 8 o'clock in the morning, Lu Yuanxiu saw his grandson for the last time in the funeral home, accompanied by Chen Xiaotian's grandfather and father, as well as a number of Red Cross staff, the moment she received Chen Xiaotian's ashes, Lu Yuanxiu's emotions collapsed again, but she knew that she couldn't fall, and promised her grandson to take him home.

Review: A 7-year-old boy with a malignant brain tumor donated a kidney to save his mother: I want to save my mother, I want to protect my mother

Lu Yuanxiu, who had not slept well for many days, hugged Chen Xiaotian's urn tightly and stepped on the train home.

"Grandma brought you home, you know?"

At the moment of Chen Xiaotian's burial, Lu Yuanxiu collapsed to the ground crying, and everyone couldn't cry when they saw this, and the staff of the cemetery also cried several times and spontaneously sent silk flowers to Chen Xiaotian.

Zhou Lu, who was far away in the hospital, learned the news of her son's burial, she cried non-stop every day, and she couldn't eat a little bit.

For nearly a month after the operation, Zhou Lu would dream of her son almost every day, in the dream she saw her son go to school, and grow up to join the army, and after waking up, she would cry non-stop, in order to alleviate Zhou Lu's sadness, the whole family took turns to take care of and accompany her, and finally returned home on April 30.

Everything, after all, has to return to reality, no matter how sad Zhou Lu is, she must also start a new life, the care of others, and the comfort of herself, so that Zhou Lu temporarily stopped her sadness, although she has no smile on weekdays, but when she mentions her son, she will still smile.

Zhou Lu told herself that Chen Xiaotian did not leave her, she missed her son, so she touched the position of her kidney, her son will always live in her heart, mother and son will never be separated, her cheer up and strength are Chen Xiaotian's last wish before his death.

7 years ago, Chen Xiaotian was a mouthful of meat that fell from his mother's body, and 7 years later, he returned to his mother.


The word filial piety is the first filial piety in the twenty-four filial pieties, that is, filial piety.

Perhaps, when his parents named Chen Xiaotian, they simply wanted him to become a filial child in the future, but unexpectedly, although Chen Xiaotian came to the world for a short time, he completed the mission of Xiaogan Heaven and Earth, and illuminated the hope of rebirth for his mother and two other people with the light that transcended life.

In an interview with Lu Yuanxiu, the grandmother remembered her grandson's past, and still couldn't hide her grief, unable to accept the cruel fact that Chen Xiaotian passed away, but she still told reporters with emotion that her grandson must have come to this world to save people, as if he was on a mission, but the stay was too short.

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