
The female teacher who wrote "The world is so big, I want to see it" is doing now

author:Shanyu chats about the world
The female teacher who wrote "The world is so big, I want to see it" is doing now
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
The female teacher who wrote "The world is so big, I want to see it" is doing now

In April 2015, an unusual atmosphere permeated the offices of Henan Experimental Middle School. Gu Shaoqiang, a young psychology teacher, was dragging his suitcase in.

At first, her colleagues didn't care, but she planned to go out after work to save time. However, what happened next surprised everyone.

Gu Shaoqiang opened the suitcase and began to sell his personal belongings. In the midst of everyone's bewildered eyes, she walked straight to the principal's office and handed over a letter of resignation of only ten words: "The world is so big, I want to see it."

These short and poetic words, like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, stirred up layers of ripples.

The female teacher who wrote "The world is so big, I want to see it" is doing now

Gu Shaoqiang's story begins with an ordinary choice. As a graduate of Henan Normal University, she chose to major in education at the suggestion of her mother and sister. Although she is not particularly enthusiastic about teaching, she successfully entered the Henan Experimental Middle School to teach with her excellent academic performance.

In his 11-year teaching career, Gu Shaoqiang has been conscientious. Her psychology classes are always dynamic and the students are actively engaged. However, underneath the apparent calm, there was always an inexplicable uneasiness and longing deep inside her.

It feels like a seed, waiting for a chance to sprout.

The transfer came on an unforgettable long trip. Stepping on a strange land, exploring different customs and customs, and meeting all kinds of people, these experiences are like spring rain, nourishing the seeds in Gu Shaoqiang's heart.

The female teacher who wrote "The world is so big, I want to see it" is doing now

She began to realize that the world was far bigger and more exciting than she had imagined.

Since then, Gu Shaoqiang has been using every holiday and weekend to visit the surrounding towns and city attractions. She greedily absorbs the novelty and satisfaction that comes with every trip.

However, these brief trips were far from satisfying her growing desire to explore. She longs for a longer time, a farther place, a deeper experience.

During the winter vacation of 2014, Gu Shaoqiang made a bold decision. She resolutely went to Dali, Yunnan Province to volunteer at a homestay. This experience became a turning point in her life.

The female teacher who wrote "The world is so big, I want to see it" is doing now

In Dali, she is no longer a tourist passing by, but truly integrated into the local life. She experienced the charm of "poor travel" and strengthened her determination to pursue a free lifestyle.

Recalling his days in Dali, Gu Shaoqiang's eyes flashed, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously rose. That time, although hard, was one of the happiest and most fulfilling days of her life.

Every day she wakes up, she can feel the excitement and anticipation in her heart, as if the whole world is beckoning to her.

This experience made Gu Shaoqiang understand that what she wanted was not just an occasional trip, but a new way of life. She began to think about how she could get away from teaching day in and day out and pursue her true desires.

The female teacher who wrote "The world is so big, I want to see it" is doing now

This thought was like a fire, burning more and more in her heart, and finally prompted her to make the decision that shocked the world.

Gu Shaoqiang's transformation, from an ordinary teacher who is content with the status quo to an explorer who has the courage to pursue his dreams, shows the extraordinary strength of an ordinary person's heart.

Fate always likes to surprise the brave. Just as Gu Shaoqiang's volunteer career was coming to an end, she met the other half of her life, Yu Fu. It was an ordinary afternoon, and Gu Shaoqiang was helping to take care of the homestay.

A young man with a ball-haired man walked into the store and politely asked if he could turn up the music that was playing. It was this simple request that opened the fate of the two.

The female teacher who wrote "The world is so big, I want to see it" is doing now

Yu Fu, a young man from the northeast, runs a small barber shop in Chengdu. He also loves to travel and is full of literary and artistic atmosphere. The two hit it off at first sight and soon discovered that they shared common interests and ideals.

During the rest of their time in Dali, they often met to visit and share their life stories and hopes for the future.

After returning to their hometown, Gu Shaoqiang and Yu Fu chatted freely through the Internet every day, and their relationship quickly warmed up. Gu Shaoqiang, who originally planned to never marry for life, is now like a blooming iron tree, ushering in his own love spring.

However, the pain of a long-distance relationship is unbearable for the two. At the end of each call, Gu Shaoqiang felt a sense of loss, as if he was missing a piece in his heart.

The female teacher who wrote "The world is so big, I want to see it" is doing now

After careful consideration, Gu Shaoqiang made an astonishing decision. In April 2015, she dragged her suitcase into the office and sold her personal belongings in front of her colleagues.

Subsequently, she handed in the letter of resignation of the cross that shocked the world. With all her savings and a vision for the future, she flew to Chengdu without hesitation and opened a new chapter in her life.

However, reality is not a fairy tale. As soon as he arrived in Chengdu, Gu Shaoqiang was under great pressure. Her phone was bombarded with text messages from all sides, and the media, travel companies, and even gaming companies wanted to contact her.

What puzzled her even more was Yu Fu's indifference to this. When she excitedly told Yu Fu that she had arrived in Chengdu, she received an unexpected response: "If you are not ready, then just cancel the flight, don't come, and don't come back in the future."

The female teacher who wrote "The world is so big, I want to see it" is doing now

This answer made Gu Shaoqiang at a loss for a while. She began to wonder if her decision was too impulsive. However, immersed in love, she chose to persevere.

She believes that as long as the two truly love each other, all difficulties can be overcome.

In October, Gu Shaoqiang and Yu Fu held a simple and warm wedding. There are no complicated etiquette, no extravagant pomp, only two hearts that love each other sincerely.

The wedding was held in their newly opened "Far Return" inn, Gu Shaoqiang personally cut out the words festive, and the flowers planted by Yu Fu were embellished. It's simple, but it's full of their expectations for the future.

The female teacher who wrote "The world is so big, I want to see it" is doing now

The joy of being married dilutes the pressures of reality, but the trials of life have only just begun. Gu Shaoqiang doesn't know what the future holds, but she firmly believes that as long as there is love, no matter how difficult the road is, we can go on hand in hand.

She is looking forward to working with Yu Fu to make the "Far Return" Inn a warm harbor on the road to their dreams, and she is also looking forward to continuing to explore this vast world.

This experience made Gu Shaoqiang understand that on the road to pursuing his dreams, love can be the most powerful driving force, but it can also bring unexpected challenges. But no matter what, being brave enough to follow your inner voice can always make life more exciting.

The honeymoon period after marriage passed quickly, and the pressure of reality came flooding in. Gu Shaoqiang and Yu Fu are faced with a serious problem: how to make ends meet while pursuing their dreams? After careful consideration, they decided to open a small inn in an ancient town on the outskirts of Chengdu.

The female teacher who wrote "The world is so big, I want to see it" is doing now

This decision was made both to earn a living and to maintain a love of travel. They named this inn with dreams "Far Return", which means that no matter how far you go, there is always a warm home waiting for you.

However, opening an inn requires a lot of money, and their savings are far from enough. After Gu Shaoqiang taught for 11 years, his savings were only more than 10,000 yuan; Yu Fu's small barber shop income is only enough to maintain daily expenses.

In order to raise funds, they had to borrow money from everywhere, and even Gu Shaoqiang's mother and sister generously helped. This support from his family made Gu Shaoqiang feel warm, but at the same time, he also felt pressure.

After the inn opened, the hard work of operation was far beyond imagination. Due to financial constraints and the inability to hire employees, the couple had to do everything themselves. From cleaning to receiving guests, from repairing facilities to bookkeeping, every job keeps them busy.

The female teacher who wrote "The world is so big, I want to see it" is doing now

Gu Shaoqiang was often too busy to drink water, and when he lay in bed at night, the bones in his whole body were crieving pain.

Despite this, Gu Shaoqiang's heart was full of satisfaction. She enjoys chatting with tourists from all over the world, which makes her feel as if she has traveled to every corner of the world.

However, when the tourist off-season came, economic pressures hit again. The reality of making ends meet forced them to consider whether to give up on this dream.

At this moment, Gu Shaoqiang found out that she was pregnant. Joy mixed with anxiety, how to balance chasing dreams and raising children became a new challenge for the young couple.

The female teacher who wrote "The world is so big, I want to see it" is doing now

The birth of their daughter Yu Shi brought joy to their lives and greater responsibility.

However, Gu Shaoqiang did not give up. She told herself that it was only temporary, and that one day, she would start over and see the bigger world. She began to learn new skills outside of work to prepare for the future.

At the same time, she also cherishes every excursion with her family even more, looking for the poetry of life in ordinary days.

This experience made Gu Shaoqiang understand that the road to pursuing his dreams is never smooth. The test of reality may make people temporarily deviate from the track, but as long as the inner flame is not extinguished, there will always be a day to start again.

The female teacher who wrote "The world is so big, I want to see it" is doing now

Life is never easy, but there are always surprises. After going through a difficult period, Gu Shaoqiang's career is gradually on the right track. She opened her own psychological counseling studio in Chengdu, and with years of teaching experience and a deep understanding of human nature, she quickly won the trust of her clients.

At the same time, her experience also attracted the attention of many people, and she began to be invited to give business speeches all over the country, sharing her life story and experience.

This job not only brought a stable income, but also gave Gu Shaoqiang the opportunity to meet different people and learn about various life stories. In a way, this satisfies her curiosity about the world.

After each presentation, she felt like she had grown a little more and had a new understanding of life.

The female teacher who wrote "The world is so big, I want to see it" is doing now

Yu Fu continued to run the "Far Return" inn, waiting for the moment when his daughter would return home for reunion. Although they are busy at work, whenever their families are reunited, they embark on a new journey together and experience the customs and customs of different places.

Although this way of life cannot wander around freely as before, it makes Gu Shaoqiang feel happy and satisfied. She found that after having a family, traveling became more rewarding because she had someone to share with.

In August 2023, an unexpected opportunity came. Gu Shaoqiang accepted the invitation to serve as a "lifelong free smart travel experiencer" for a tourism company in his hometown of Zhengzhou, and enjoyed the privilege of free travel for life.

This opportunity rekindled her passion for travel and made her feel that her choice was recognized and rewarded.

The female teacher who wrote "The world is so big, I want to see it" is doing now

However, not everyone understands Gu Shaoqiang's choice. Some people think that she has lost her original intention of pursuing freedom and is bound by marriage and children. In the face of these doubts, Gu Shaoqiang chose to respond with actions.

She continues to find a balance between work and family, striving to realize her own value, while also staying true to her original intention, maintaining her love of life and curiosity about the world.

For Gu Shaoqiang, this balance and compromise does not mean giving up on dreams, but finding a new way to achieve them. She understands that true freedom is not about being unfettered, but about finding harmony between responsibilities and ideals.

Time is like an arrow, and the young female teacher who resolutely quit her job in pursuit of her dream has now transformed into a mature and wise woman. Gu Shaoqiang's life seems ordinary on the surface, but it hides extraordinary colors.

The female teacher who wrote "The world is so big, I want to see it" is doing now

Now Gu Shaoqiang has his own business and runs a large-scale psychological counseling studio. Her family life is happy and happy, and she forms a small family full of love with her husband Yu Fu and daughter Yu Shi.

Although she can't wander the world as freely as she did when she was younger, she still maintains her love of travel, exploring the world in a deeper and more meaningful way.

Looking back, Gu Shaoqiang did not regret his original choice. She knew that if it weren't for that seemingly impulsive decision, she might never have been able to break through herself and experience such a colorful life.

Although real life is full of firewood, rice, oil and salt, she still maintains her curiosity and desire to explore the world.

The female teacher who wrote "The world is so big, I want to see it" is doing now

"No one can survive without real life." Gu Shaoqiang said. This sentence is not only a mockery of the idealistic self in the past, but also an expectation for the future.

She believes that as long as her heart is full of love, there will be poetry and distance everywhere. The true meaning of life is not how far you go, but whether you always maintain your enthusiasm for life and persistence in your dreams.

The past journey made Gu Shaoqiang understand that dreams are not unattainable mansions in the air, but bits and pieces integrated into daily life. She learned to find the extraordinary in the ordinary, to remain free in the midst of responsibility, and to chase ideals in reality.

This balance and wisdom are her most precious treasures in life.

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