
Old man Chen Luyu: After the operation to "change" a woman, he was commensurate with his wife and sisters, and his daughter also called him aunt

author:Emotional University Hall
Old man Chen Luyu: After the operation to "change" a woman, he was commensurate with his wife and sisters, and his daughter also called him aunt
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Old man Chen Luyu: After the operation to "change" a woman, he was commensurate with his wife and sisters, and his daughter also called him aunt

In the spring of 2007, in a plastic surgery hospital in Shenyang, a 50-year-old farmer from Northeast China completed his last surgery and bid farewell to the boy. Chen Luyu, whose name no longer belongs to an ordinary male farmer, has become the oldest transgender person in China.

Who would have thought that such an amazing secret would be buried in this seemingly ordinary rural family? What kind of experience made a husband and father who are over half a hundred years old resolutely choose this unusual path? What kind of force supported him to complete this shocking transformation? Chen Luyu's story undoubtedly challenges our traditional perceptions of gender, family and love.

Chen Luyu's childhood was very different from that of other boys. In the noisy villages, he is always exceptionally quiet, and does not like to chase and fight, but has a soft spot for neat clothes.

Old man Chen Luyu: After the operation to "change" a woman, he was commensurate with his wife and sisters, and his daughter also called him aunt

This unusual behavior did not attract much attention at the time, and was only regarded as a child's maverick.

However, with the advent of puberty, Chen Luyu's inner world began to experience violent turmoil. While the other boys were proud of their maturing bodies, Chen Luyu was deeply disturbed by the changes.

Whenever he sees himself with stubble emerging in the mirror, he feels a strong sense of rejection. This confusion and discomfort about his own gender tormented him day after day like an invisible shackle.

Under the pressure of traditional rural society, Chen Luhao chose compromise and disguise. He married and had children in accordance with worldly expectations, and tried to play the role of a competent husband and father.

Old man Chen Luyu: After the operation to "change" a woman, he was commensurate with his wife and sisters, and his daughter also called him aunt

On the surface, he is the enviable model husband of the village: hard-working, capable, ingenious, and a rare "man of culture". However, under this glamorous appearance, there is a growing inner torment.

In the early nineties, a fortuitous trip to Guangzhou became a turning point. Chen Luyu began to experiment with feminine clothes, and became more and more concerned about his appearance. These changes quickly caused a lot of discussion among the villagers, and even his own mother began to wonder if he was suffering from some kind of disease.

What's even more disturbing is that Chen Luyu's body is also quietly undergoing abnormal changes: his skin has become smooth and delicate, his body hair has become thinner, and even signs of breast development have appeared.

This kind of physical and mental torment made Chen Luyu think of suicide many times. He swallowed rat poison and tried to hang himself, but was caught in time each time. Life is at stake, but no one can solve the pain in his heart.

Old man Chen Luyu: After the operation to "change" a woman, he was commensurate with his wife and sisters, and his daughter also called him aunt

It wasn't until after the new millennium that a magazine article about transsexualism was like a lightning bolt, illuminating Chen Luyu's confused life. He finally realizes who he really is—a female soul trapped in a male shell.

This realization brings both relief and new distress.

With these questions and apprehensions, Chen Luyu began the most difficult and courageous choice in his life.

Chen Luyu's struggle is not unnoticed. For many years, his wife had been keenly aware of her husband's abnormality, but chose to tolerate it silently. She saw her husband's enthusiasm for housework, noticed his excessive attention to his own image, and even perceived the troubles in their married life.

Old man Chen Luyu: After the operation to "change" a woman, he was commensurate with his wife and sisters, and his daughter also called him aunt

However, out of love for her husband and cherishing her family, she has always remained silent.

When Chen Luyu finally mustered up the courage to confide in his wife, her reaction surprised and moved Chen Luyu. There was no expected hysteria, no bitter condemnation, she just said calmly: "It doesn't matter, whether it is a son or a daughter, they are all our relatives."

These simple and unpretentious words, like a warm sunshine, dispelled the haze in Chen Luyu's heart for many years.

However, the most surprising thing was the attitude of the two daughters. When the youngest daughter learned of her father's desire to be transgender, she did not hesitate to express her support. "I'm in favor of my dad having sex reassignment surgery!" The youngest daughter's firmness made the whole family determined to help Chen Luyu realize this dream.

Old man Chen Luyu: After the operation to "change" a woman, he was commensurate with his wife and sisters, and his daughter also called him aunt

This decision is undoubtedly difficult, it means the reshaping of the entire family structure, it means facing strange eyes from the outside world, and it means bearing huge financial pressure.

In November 2006, accompanied by his youngest daughter, Chen Luyu stepped into the door of Shenyang Xinglin Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Hospital. In the face of the doctor's inquiry, he calmly stated his wish, his eyes flashing with anticipation and apprehension.

Reality quickly hit them in the face. The cost of surgery of up to 70,000 or 80,000 yuan discouraged this not wealthy farmer.

Chen Luyu's family began a difficult fundraising journey. They sought help from relatives and friends, but were met with cold eyes and rejection. They tried to apply for a loan from a bank using the property as collateral, but were denied for the purpose of the surgery.

Old man Chen Luyu: After the operation to "change" a woman, he was commensurate with his wife and sisters, and his daughter also called him aunt

Just when Chen Luyu was almost desperate, the youngest daughter stepped forward again. She approached the director of the hospital and earnestly offered to pay for the operation with the rest of her life's salary.

"My father raised me, and it is my responsibility to fulfill his wishes." The youngest daughter's words touched the director of the hospital. In the end, the hospital decided to perform sex reassignment surgery for Chen Luyu free of charge.

This decision not only changed Chen Luyu's fate, but also gave the whole family a glimmer of hope.

Over the next few months, Chen underwent a series of complex plastic surgeries, including face reshaping, Adam's apple removal, breast augmentation, and more. Every operation was accompanied by great pain, but the company and encouragement of his family made him grit his teeth and persevere.

Old man Chen Luyu: After the operation to "change" a woman, he was commensurate with his wife and sisters, and his daughter also called him aunt

In particular, his wife, like a mother, takes care of his daily life carefully, and interprets what true love is with practical actions.

Chen Luyu's story shows that the power of love can transcend gender, blood and worldly eyes. In this seemingly unusual family, we see the purest and most selfless love.

Their choice may be difficult for many people to understand, but it is this understanding and support that gives Chen Luyu the courage to pursue his true self and makes the family stronger and stronger in the wind and rain.

In April 2007, Chen Luyu ushered in the most critical moment in his life - genital reconstruction surgery. The moment he was wheeled out of the operating room, he felt a real relief for the first time in 50 years.

Old man Chen Luyu: After the operation to "change" a woman, he was commensurate with his wife and sisters, and his daughter also called him aunt

"I'm finally a woman." Chen Luyu muttered to himself, tears flowing unconsciously. At this moment, she not only completed the physical transformation, but also the rebirth of the soul.

However, surgery is just the beginning, and the recovery period after surgery is fraught with challenges. In addition to physical discomfort, Chen Luyu also had to face a huge psychological adjustment. How to face the world with a new identity? How do you redefine your life? These questions haunted her all the time.

At this time, Chen Luyu received unexpected help. Jin Xing, a former male dancer and now a famous female artist, made a special trip from Beijing to visit her. As a senior who has gone through the same journey, Jin Xing has taught Chen Luyu many valuable experiences.

"Now you have just medically completed the transition from male to female. There's still a long way to go, so be mentally prepared. Venus said earnestly.

Old man Chen Luyu: After the operation to "change" a woman, he was commensurate with his wife and sisters, and his daughter also called him aunt

Chen Luyu was deeply inspired by these words, and she realized that the real challenge had just begun.

On May 30, Chen Luyu was officially discharged from the hospital. The moment she stepped out of the hospital door, it was as if she had been reborn. "Relieved.

She expressed her excitement in three short words. However, what followed was a sudden fame.

As the oldest transgender person in China, Chen's story quickly garnered widespread media attention. For a time, this ordinary peasant woman from the northeastern countryside became the focus of attention.

Old man Chen Luyu: After the operation to "change" a woman, he was commensurate with his wife and sisters, and his daughter also called him aunt

Faced with the influx of interview requests, Chen Luyu seemed a little overwhelmed. She both enjoyed the sudden attention and felt uncomfortable with this life.

During this time, Chen Luyu even briefly set foot in the showbiz and participated in the filming of the TV series "Good Life Every Day". She performed on the same stage with well-known artists such as Wang Ji and Koji Yano, and experienced the feeling of a "star".

However, this life did not last long. Soon, Chen Luyu realized that what he really longed for was a peaceful life.

This experience made Chen Luyu begin to reflect on his own situation. She found that sex reassignment surgery, while changing her physiology, did not change her essence. She is still the same ordinary person from the countryside, only in a new way.

Old man Chen Luyu: After the operation to "change" a woman, he was commensurate with his wife and sisters, and his daughter also called him aunt

This realization made her feel both relieved and a little lost.

Chen Luyu's transformation is not only a physiological change, but also a profound process of self-awareness. It shows us that true gender identity is not only about appearance, but also about inner harmony and self-acceptance.

Chen Luyu's courage and persistence have shown us the valuable spirit of pursuing our true self.

After sex reassignment surgery, Chen's first challenge was to rebuild family relationships. At the legal level, she had to dissolve her marriage with her wife. Although the process is painful, it is also full of warmth.

Old man Chen Luyu: After the operation to "change" a woman, he was commensurate with his wife and sisters, and his daughter also called him aunt

On the way to the Civil Affairs Bureau, the former wife burst into tears, not because she lost her husband, but because she was worried about losing her life. However, she chose to stay by Chen Luyu's side, and the relationship between the two changed from husband and wife to sisters.

The change in the family title symbolizes the restructuring of relationships. Since then, the former wife respectfully calls Chen Luyu "sister", and the daughters affectionately call her "aunt". This unique way of addressing has become a warm mark of this unconventional family.

However, adjusting to a new identity is not an easy task. Chen Luyu found that he had become extremely picky about his living environment. She began to miss the comfort of the hospital's VIP ward, worried that the rural sun would damage her skin, and complained about the hygienic conditions.

This change made it difficult for her to adapt to the familiar rural life, and even came up with the idea of renting a house in the city.

Old man Chen Luyu: After the operation to "change" a woman, he was commensurate with his wife and sisters, and his daughter also called him aunt

At the same time, the sudden attention also brought trouble to Chen Luyu. She began to care too much about her image, finding fault with her makeup artist's work, and even being unhappy that there weren't enough people in the audience.

This change in mentality makes the people around me feel a little uncomfortable.

Despite this, the relationship between Chen Luyu and his ex-wife has become more and more intimate. They are like inseparable sisters, taking care of the household together and strolling the streets together in their spare time.

The daughters also quickly accepted this "new aunt", and even invited Chen Luyu to wear a red cheongsam to attend the wedding when they got married.

Old man Chen Luyu: After the operation to "change" a woman, he was commensurate with his wife and sisters, and his daughter also called him aunt

Chen Luyu's story shows that the power of love can transcend gender and worldly eyes. Despite the many challenges, this unique family still maintains their relationship with understanding and tolerance, and composes a touching song of family affection.

As time passed, the hustle and bustle around Chen Luyu gradually subsided. In the end, she chose to return to her familiar rural hometown, live with her ex-wife (now "sister"), and regain a peaceful routine.

At first, the villagers looked at the "new neighbor" with curiosity, but they soon accepted Chen's transformation. Many women even affectionately refer to her as "sister", as if she had always been part of the village.

Chen's story has sparked widespread discussion in society and has become an important case for the transgender community in China to fight for rights and social identity. It not only demonstrates the importance of family support, but also tests the inclusiveness of society as a whole.

Old man Chen Luyu: After the operation to "change" a woman, he was commensurate with his wife and sisters, and his daughter also called him aunt

Today, Chen Luyu, who is close to old age, lives an ordinary and happy life. Whenever she looks back on the past, she will sigh: "I have experienced two lives, not only experienced the responsibility of men, but also appreciated the tenderness of women.

It was a unique life experience, and I have no regrets.

Chen's story reminds us that everyone has the right to pursue their true selves. It challenges traditional notions of gender and shows us the power of love and inclusion.

Despite the ongoing controversy, Chen's experience has undoubtedly opened up a new path for the discussion of gender diversity in China, pushing society towards a more open and understanding direction.

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