
The first state in the world with many heroes is actually an inconspicuous small county town

author:Hebei Cultural Tourism

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Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, known as Fanyang and Zhuo County in ancient times, has always been a place where soldiers must fight, and has the reputation of "the first state in the world".

Zhuozhou is located in the central part of Hebei Province, southwest of Beijing, located in the triangle of Beijing, Tianjin and Baozhou, 55 kilometers away from Beijing Tiananmen Square, adjacent to Beijing Daxing District, Fangshan District, 150 kilometers southeast of Tianjin, 78 kilometers south of Baoding, called "Gyeonggi South Gate".

Moreover, the terrain of Zhuozhou is flat and low-lying, and there is a good township bulge between Beijing and Beijing, and the other side is the Gaobeidian bulge, "two high and one low" must have to rush, which has led to the situation that Jizhou has been used since ancient times, and the north and south troops must rush to Zhuozhou.

The first state in the world with many heroes is actually an inconspicuous small county town

The city symbol of Zhuozhou - Liu Guanzhang

This low-key county-level city has a profound historical heritage, it is the imperial township of Liu Bei, the Zhaolie Emperor of the Shu Han Dynasty, the ancestral hometown of the Song Taizu and Taizong brothers, and the place of residence of the Fanyang Lu clan of the Gaomen clan......


Pre-Qin: Zhuolu and Du Kang

According to the "Historical Records of the Five Emperors": "The Yellow Emperor chased meat porridge in the north, which is in line with Busan, and the city is in Zhuolu's Ah." Where is the land of Zhuolu in ancient times, it has always been a matter of debate.

"The Unification Chronicles of the Qing Dynasty" is a general chronicle of the official geography of the Qing Dynasty in China, and the book praises the local chronicles of Zhuozhou, saying that this "Zhuozhou Chronicles" is "meticulous and rigorous, and the research is detailed and accurate". And many people read this "Zhuozhou Chronicles" and deduced that Zhuozhou is the ancient Zhuolu.

Ancient, Xuanyuan's house is in the secluded, Zhuo is the place of the ancient secluded state, there is Zhuoshui in the territory, the water comes out of the West Zhuolu Mountain, so it is called Zhuolu.

Zhuo is the capital of the Xuanyuan clan, and the twelve states of Yu are Youzhou.

According to the public opinion, the ancient Xuanyuan house in Zhuozhou, the state and county are changed, and the mountains and rivers do not move.


Although many records of the Yellow Emperor's era are quite mythological, it is difficult to verify. There are many theories in the academic community about where the ancient land of deer is, but this has not stopped the poet from praising Zhuozhou with the "land of Zhuolu".

Wen Tianxiang, the prime minister of the Southern Song Dynasty, was captured by the Yuan Dynasty, passed through Zhuozhou when he was relieved to the capital of the Yuan Dynasty, and wrote the poem "Passing through Zhuozhou", which has "I look at Zhuo Luye, and I have fought Chi You in ancient times." Xuanyuan stood on this pole, and the princes of the Jade Silk Dynasty. ". Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty also composed a short song "Zhuolu Xing", writing: "Passing through Zhuolu City, for the song Zhuolu Xing".

In the "Treatise on Salt and Iron", it is said that "swallow and thistle...... Fuguan Hainai, are all famous capitals in the world", Zhuozhou was an important place in the Yan State during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and it is also related to the "Governor Kang Map" in Jing Ke's assassination of Qin.

The crown prince Danyin raised twenty strong men, so that Jing Ke offered the map of the governor to Qin, because of the attack on the king of Qin.

- "Historical Records: The Family of Yan Zhaogong"

General Fu Jinfan, the king of Qin bought a thousand catties of gold, and thousands of families. Cheng can get the head of General Fan, and the map of Yan Du Kang is dedicated to the king of Qin, and the king of Qin will say that he will see the minister, and the minister will have to repay the prince.

- "Warring States Policy: Yan Ce III"

Du Kang is an ancient place name, referring to the anointed land of Yan during the Warring States Period. In the incident of Jing Ke's assassination of the King of Qin, the map of the governor of Yan was an important "task prop", and the situation and road map of the main grain-producing areas were the lifeblood of the Yan State, and the King of Qin summoned Jing Ke because of this gift. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Zhuozhou was the Zhuoyi of Yan, which belonged to the area of the governor of Yan.

The geological structure of Zhuozhou belongs to the mountain flood impact fan of Taihang Mountain, the terrain is flat, the soil is fertile, and it has rich water conservancy, geothermal and sand and gravel resources, so the agricultural development is earlier, it is the main grain producing area of Yan country, and in ancient times, it was called "Youyan fertile soil" and "Du Kang ointment". And there is Du Kang in the southeast of Zhuozhou City, and its vicinity Dingxing, Xincheng (now Gaobeidian City), and Pingyan District around Gu'an Zhuxian all belong to the so-called "Du Kang" place of Yan State during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

Jing Ke assassinated the King of Qin, and entered Qin with the map of the Governor, but because of his weak body and lack of strength, he was killed by the King of Qin, leaving a story of "seeing the poor dagger". But since then, the reputation of Zhuozhou's "Governor Kang Anointing" has spread all over the world, and it is also remembered by poets, in the verses that describe Zhuozhou through the ages, there will be more or less mention of this matter, such as the Qing Dynasty Shen Yuancang's "Zhuozhou" poem has the sentence of "Wind and Cloud Spirit, Soil Paste Governor Kang Tu", and "Governor Kang Qiucheng" has also become one of the later "Zhuo County Eight Scenes".

The first state in the world with many heroes is actually an inconspicuous small county town

The governor of the eight views of Zhuozhou, Kang Qiucheng

Jing Ke's assassination of Qin was not successful, and Qin led an army to attack Yan under this pretext, and after several battles, Wang Ben led an army to attack Liaodong, and captured Yan Wang Xi in 222 BC, and Yan was destroyed. After Qin destroyed Yan, Guangyang County was set up in Yandu Ji, and Zhuoyi belonged to Guangyang County. In 221 B.C., Zhuo County was placed in Zhuoyi, and so far, Zhuozhou officially became one of the counties of the Qin Empire.


Han Jin: Liu Bei and Lu Zhi

In the sixth year of the establishment of the Western Han Dynasty, Liu Bang, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty, divided the southern part of Guangyang County, the northern part of Julu County and the first part of Hengshan County together, and set up Zhuo County, which belonged to Youzhou, and the county office was in today's Zhuozhou City. In the first year of the founding of the new Wang Mang, Zhuo County was changed to Yuanhan County. In the first year of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Yuanhan County was changed to Zhuo County, and the Xixiang Houguo was merged into Zhuo County, which still belonged to Youzhou.

And "Three Kingdoms. The first sentence of the opening sentence of "The Biography of the First Lord" is "The surname of the first lord is Liu, the word is Xuande, a native of Zhuo County, Zhuo County, and after the victory of King Jing of Zhongshan, the son of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty." "Liu Bei's hometown is Zhuo County, Zhuo County, which can be said to be an authentic Zhuozhou person, and the magical story of his few ambitions recorded in the history books also happened here.

The first lord was less lonely, and the mother seller was engaged in weaving mats. There is a mulberry tree on the southeast corner fence of the house, and the child is seen from afar like a small car cover, and the passers all blame this tree for being extraordinary, or it is said to be a nobleman. When the ancestor was young, he played under the tree with the children of the sect and said, "I will take this feather to cover the car." The uncle and father respectfully said: "Don't lie and destroy my family!" ”

- "Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The Legend of the Ancestors

This story also makes Lou Sang Village have the reputation of "big tree Lou Sang", so far there is this village in Linjiatun Town, Zhuozhou City, there are temples to commemorate the ancestors around, and there is the name of "Lou Sang Chun Society" in the eight views of Zhuo County.

And Liu Bei's lifelong noble and mentor, Lu Zhi, a great Confucian of the Eastern Han Dynasty who was respected as the ancestor of the Fanyang Lu family, was also a native of Zhuozhou.

Lu Zhi has a resolute personality, and studied under Taiwei Chen Qiu, Daru Ma Rong, etc., and is the same senior brother of Zheng Xuan, Guan Ning, and Hua Xin. Ma Rong is a wealthy family of relatives, and there are often singers and dancers in the family, and Lu Zhi has studied in Ma Rong's house for many years and has never glanced at it, so Ma Rong admires Lu Zhi very much.

Later, Lu Zhi was successively worshiped as the Taishou of Jiujiang and Lujiang, quelled the barbarian rebellion, and also surveyed Confucian classics in Dongguan with Ma Riyan and Cai Yong, and participated in the continuation of the "Han Ji".

During the Yellow Turban Uprising, Lu Zhi was the general of Beizhong Lang, and led the army to fight with Zhang Jiao, and besieged Zhang Jiao in Guangzong County, but later fell short due to the eunuchs' slander. When Dong Zhuo entered Beijing, he controlled the government and wanted to depose the young emperor Liu Wei and support Liu Xie, the king of Chen Liu, as the emperor, but only Lu Zhi came out alone to oppose it, and he was as cruel as Dong Zhuo was afraid of Lu Zhi's reputation and did not dare to kill him.

Lu Zhi has a valuable character and a fame at home, and is recognized as a model for his knowledge, courage, meritorious achievements and moral demeanor in troubled times.

Later, Cao Cao's army went on a northern expedition, passing through Zhuo County, and issued an order to Lu Zhi to inform the local people: Therefore, Lu Zhi, the general of Beizhonglang, "is a famous book in the sea, and he is a model of Confucianism, a model of scholars, and a leader of the country." In the Book of the Later Han Dynasty, he was praised as "the wind and frost are different from the nature of plants and trees, and the danger and chaos see the festival of chastity, then Lu Gong's heart can be known". Lu Zhi's reputation for such a character also laid the foundation for the Zhuozhou Lu clan to later serve as the "crown clan of Beizhou" and "the prestige of Fanyang County".

At the beginning, after Lu Zhi completed his studies, he returned to his hometown Zhuoxian to teach, and Liu Bei and Ze "studied under him with Liu Deran and Gongsun Hao of Liaoxi", Liu Bei was able to become a disciple of the great Confucian Lu Zhi, and his Zhuozhou nationality may have played some role.

And although Liu Bei has not been under Lu Zhi's door for a long time, he has obtained an identity - the introductory disciple of the great Confucian Lu Zhi. This allowed him to gain a ticket to enter the elite society of the late Han Dynasty, so that he was able to make friends with Zheng Xuan, Kong Rong, Chen Deng and other famous scholars of the time, become a member of the upper circle, and with the help of these people, he became a well-known celebrity. This is also Liu Bei's trick to win the name of "hero" early in the environment of selling straw sandals, but early in the late Han Dynasty, in an environment that valued identity.

Another big advantage of studying under Lu Zhi is that Liu Bei has Gongsun Zhan, a fellow senior brother. After the Yellow Turban Uprising, Liu Bei intermittently became an official such as An Xiwei, Xia Micheng, Gao Tang Wei, and Gao Tang Ling, but his career did not improve much, and not many people knew about him. After Liu Bei defected to Gongsun Zhan, he was appointed as the Sima of the other department. When he went to Qingzhou to fight against Yuan Shao, he was also promoted to the prime minister of the plains (higher rank) because of his military exploits, which entered the eyes of the people of the world.

It can be said that Liu Bei's identity, network resources, and even the first pot of gold are all related to his academic qualifications in Zhuozhou. And his romantic encounter with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, two tiger generals, also happened in Zhuozhou.

The eldest brother's surname is Liu Mingbei, the word is Xuande, and he lives in Sang Village, Dashulou; The second brother's surname is Guan Mingyu, the word cloud is long, and he lives in Xie Liang County, Hedong; The third brother's surname is Zhang Mingfei, the word Yide, and he lives in Fanyang County, Zhuozhou......

The above is the beginning of the classic cross talk excerpt "Reckless People", which talks about the righteousness of Liu Guanzhang's brothers. But the much-talked-about Taoyuan Three Knots is the plot of the novel in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and the historical facts are like this.

Guan Yu's word cloud is long, the word is immortal, and Hedong is also a person. Desperate Benzhuo County. The first lord joined the disciples in the township, and Yu and Zhang Fei were insulted. The first master is the plain phase, and the feather and the fly are the other divisions, and the division is divided into parts. The first lord and the two of them slept in the same bed, and they were brothers.

Zhang Feizi Yide, a native of Zhuo County, is rarely the master of Guan Yu. Yu is a few years older, and Fei Brother is a brother.

——《Three Kingdoms》

In history, the three met in Zhuozhou, and at first sight, Guan Zhang joined Liu Bei's team and began to start a business together. The story of the "Taoyuan Three Knots" in the romance is more acceptable to the people and has a more far-reaching impact.

On the top wall of Zhuozhou Railway Station, the scene of the three knots in Taoyuan is painted; Zhuozhou now also has commemorative places such as Sanyi Temple and Taoyuan Street. And Liu Bei and Zhang Fei, two people from Zhuozhou, went around and around, fought and fought all their lives, but they died first after a great cause, and then never returned to their hometown in Zhuozhou, and Zhuojun was also owned by Cao Wei.

The first state in the world with many heroes is actually an inconspicuous small county town

Zhuozhou Sanyi Palace, commemorating Liu Guanzhang

In the fifth year of the early Wei and Huang dynasties of the Three Kingdoms (224), Zhuo County was renamed Fanyang State, and later changed to Fanyang County. Since then, Zhuozhou has officially had the name of "Fanyang".


Tang and Song dynasties: The hometown of the Song Emperor occupied by the Liao State

In the first year of Emperor Wu of the Western Jin Dynasty (265), Fanyang County was changed back to Fanyang Kingdom. During the Sixteen Kingdoms of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Zhuo County successively belonged to Later Zhao, Qianyan, Qianqin and Houyan. During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the Northern Qi Dynasty merged the two counties of Fangcheng and Changxiang into Zhuo County. In the early years of the Sui Dynasty, the former Zhuo County in the west of Zhuo County was set up as Fanyang County, which belonged to Changli County (now Yi County).

In the third year of Emperor Kaihuang of Sui, Emperor Wen of Sui streamlined the local administrative organs, changed the three levels of state, county and county to state and county level, withdrew Zhuo County, and merged the area under its jurisdiction into Youzhou. At the beginning of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, he dismissed the state and placed the county, and then changed Youzhou to Zhuo County, and opened the Yongji Canal, which reached the river in the south and led to it in the north. In the first year of Tang Wude, Zhuo County was renamed Youzhou, and in the seventh year of Wude, Zhuo County was renamed Fanyang County.

On the ninth day of November in the 14th year of Tang Tianbao (755 AD), An Lushan, who was also the envoy of Fanyang, Pinglu and Hedong towns, raised troops against the Tang Dynasty, and the Anshi Rebellion officially began. At that time, Zhuozhou was under the rule of the Fanyang Jiedu envoy, and it was also one of the sources of war for An Lushan's rebellion.

During the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, the Later Tang River East Jiedu made Shi Jingjiao anti-Tang self-reliance, and was surrounded by the general Zhang Jingda in Taiyuan, he sent ministers to the Khitan for help, and promised to cut "the land of Yanmen has been north and Youzhou", and asked the Khitan people to help.

The Khitan sent troops to help Shi Jingjiao repel the Later Tang soldiers and support him to establish the Later Jin Dynasty, and Liao Taizong and Shi Jingjiao were about father and son. In the third year of Tianfu (938), Shi Jingjiao ceded the sixteen states of Yanyun to the Khitan according to the requirements of the Khitan, and Zhuozhou was also among them. After occupying the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun, the Liao Dynasty had an advantage over the Central Plains Dynasty.

The first state in the world with many heroes is actually an inconspicuous small county town

Zhuozhou is one of the sixteen states of Yanyun

In the Later Zhou Dynasty, Zhou Shizong Chai Rong was wise and martial, led the army to attack Liao by land and water, and recovered Ying, Mo and Ning (south of Jinghai County, Tianjin) in more than a month, as well as Yijin Pass, Waqiao Pass, and Sikou Pass. When Waqiao Pass was recovered, the soldiers were already approaching the south of Zhuozhou. It's a pity that when Chai Rong wanted to wave his army to capture Youzhou again, he fell short due to serious illness.

Although Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin was born in Luoyang Jiama Camp, he was born in Zhuozhou Zhao, his great-grandfather Zhao Hao is a native of Zhuozhou, and his great-grandfather Zhao Ting also did the history of Zhuozhou Thorn, and later the family left Zhuozhou for some reason, it can be said that since Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin, Song Taizong Zhao Guangyi below, the ancestral home of the founding emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty is in Zhuozhou.

After Zhao Guangyi, Taizong of the Song Dynasty, took advantage of the momentum of the Northern Han Dynasty to launch the Northern Expedition from Taiyuan, and once recovered Yizhou and Zhuozhou in Hebei Province in the early stage, and restored the land of his ancestors. But later, the Song army and the Liao people fought on the bank of the Gaoliang River, the Song army was defeated, and Zhao Guangyi came to the battlefield in person, but he was also injured and arrowed, and evacuated in a donkey (ox) cart.

As a result, Zhao Guangyi was unwilling, and Yongxi sent Pan Mei, Yang Ye, Tian Chong, Cao Bin, and Cui Yanjin five generals in the third year of Yongxi to divide the eastern, middle and western routes, and then carry out the Northern Expedition with the East Road as the main route, which is known as the "Yongxi Northern Expedition" in history. At this time, the situation of Zhuozhou's "important military place" came into play, and the Song and Liao armies repeatedly fought around Zhuozhou.

The division of beauty first went down to Huan, Shuo, Yun, Ying and other states, and re-entered and took Feihu, Lingqiu, and Ulzhou, and got more important places behind the mountain, and Bin also connected Xiazhou County, and the momentum was greatly invigorated. Every time it is played, it has been surprised by the speed of the march. and Binci Zhuozhou, the sun was eclipsed in October, because he retired from Xiongzhou to aid and feed. Shang Wenzhi said: "How can there be an enemy in front of him, and he will oppose the retreating army to help the millet, and it will be a bad mistake." "Urgently send the envoy to stop the bin, urgently lead the division to the Baigou River and the Mixin army, and raise the soldiers of the case, with the momentum of Zhang Xishi; Tong Mei and others will try their best to get behind the mountain, and they will re-enter the division to the east, and join forces to take Youzhou. Shi Bin's subordinate generals, Wen Mei and Chongjin have made meritorious contributions, but they have already held heavy troops and cannot attack, and they are scheming. As a last resort, he re-wrapped grain and then attacked Zhuozhou. At present, the Khitan masses are in the hot summer, the sergeants are poor, the food is exhausted, and they have retired from the army, and there is no return to the army, so they are defeated. - History of the Song Dynasty
Song generals Cao Bin and Mi Xin crossed the Juma River in the north, confronted and challenged Yu Yue Xiuge, and the battalion commanders in the north and south were six or seven miles. The last time it was fifty miles east of Zhuozhou. - "History of Liao"

We can see that in this Northern Expedition, Cao Bin of the Eastern Route Army pushed forward and quickly captured Zhuozhou, but he ran out of food in ten days, so he retreated to Xiongzhou to replenish grain and grass. However, Zhao Guangyi did not allow Cao Bin to retreat, and sent someone to order him to immediately lead the army along the Baigou River to join Mi Xin, and not move, accumulating strength and sharpness; After Pan Mei and others all captured the land behind the mountain, they joined forces with Tian Chongjin to the east and joined forces to capture Youzhou.

At that time, Cao Bin's famous generals gathered, but he could only sit back and watch Pan Mei and Tian on the other side to make contributions, and he could not capture with heavy troops, and his generals were not happy. Cao Bin had no choice but to take five days of grain and grass to attack Zhuozhou, but "the time was hot, the sergeants were lacking, and the grain was not continued", and the Song army could not hold on to Zhuozhou, so it could only abandon it again.

Cao Bin sent people to lead the people of Zhuozhou to retreat, he himself led the army to the palace, due to the fatigue of many soldiers, lack of food and water, the combat effectiveness of the Song army was extremely reduced, and finally was chased by Yelu Huge all the way to Qigou Pass, the Song army "for the Liao division to impact the dead tens of thousands, the Shahe River does not flow, abandon Gejiaruo hills", is for the Qigou Pass defeat. This is not only to blame Cao Bin's main army as a bait to attract the main force of the Liao army, but it entered the enemy territory too deep and suffered defeat; Song Taizong is also to blame for pointing fingers and delaying the fighter.

After the defeat of the main forces of the Eastern Route Army. The other two Northern Expeditionary armies also withdrew one after another, the West Route Army exhausted the famous general Yang Ye, the Middle Route Army Tian re-entered the whole army and returned, and the states and counties taken by the Song Third Route Army were all gained and lost. Since then, in the hundreds of years from Liao to Yuan, Zhuozhou has never returned to the hands of the Han dynasty except for a few times. There was the Song Dynasty, and Zhuozhou also became the ancestral hometown of the Song Dynasty emperors who could not go back.

It is worth mentioning that during the reign of the Liao State, because of its prevalence of Buddhism, Zhuozhou was also deeply influenced by it, and many temples and pagodas were built. Zhuozhou's existing landmark ancient building "Zhuozhou Twin Towers" was built in the Liao Dynasty.

The first state in the world with many heroes is actually an inconspicuous small county town

Twin Towers - a landmark in Zhuozhou

In the twin towers of Zhuozhou, the south tower is called Zhidu Temple Tower, the north tower is called Yunju Temple Tower, the south tower is five levels, the height is 44 meters, it was built in the eleventh year of Liao Taiping; The sixth level of the north tower, with a height of 56 meters, was built in the eighth year of Liao Da'an. The characteristics of the Twin Towers era are obvious, quite the architectural style of the Liao Dynasty, and have a certain influence in China. And "Twin Towers Clear Smoke" is one of the eight views of Zhuo County.

Note: The tower of Zhidu Temple is inferred by the academic community to be the Liao Dynasty, which is still controversial.


Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties: The first state in the world

During the Yuan Dynasty, the provincial system was adopted, and Zhuozhou was promoted to Zhuozhou Road, with jurisdiction over 7 counties including Fanyang. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang sent a northern expedition to capture Zhuozhou, and in the first year of Hongwu, Zhuozhou belonged to Beiping Prefecture. In the 27th year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, Shuntianfu was divided into four road halls, and Zhuozhou belonged to Shuntianfu West Road Hall. Since the sixth year of Yongzheng, it no longer administers the county, and its jurisdiction is close to the current county border.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Beijing was the capital of the empire, and Zhuozhou's status as the "southern gate of Gyeonggi" and "the place where soldiers must fight" was more important.

According to the record of "Zhuozhou Chronicles", Ming Chengzu sent troops and ordered Zhang Yu to be the vanguard to capture Zhuozhou, Yongle built Zhuolu Wei in this (Zhuozhou) in seven years, built Zhuolu Zuowei in eight years, and built Zhuolu Zhongwei and other military institutions in eleven years. The Ming Dynasty set up an official, known as Zhuolu Yicheng, which was an important military institution to guard the Ming capital of Beijing.

At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Zhuolu Sanwei, Liangxiang Xingzhou Wei and Xianghe Yingzhou Wei were combined into one guard, which was called Zhuolu Wei. There shall be a garrison officer. In the 28th year of Kangxi, it was ordered to be cut and organized into the Zhuozhou battalion, which became an important place for troops in Gyeonggi. At the beginning of Yongzheng's succession to the throne, the court situation was unstable, and the Zhuozhou battalion rose to protect the stability of the Beijing Division.

In the sixteenth year of Qianlong, Emperor Qianlong made his first southern tour, and in order to welcome the emperor's arrival, he built a palace on the east side of the Yaowang Temple in the south of Zhuozhou City. In the Qing Dynasty, Gao Jin wrote the "Southern Tour Grand Ceremony" described the architectural layout of the palace, saying that it "flying pavilion to construct its side, with high attention, control the mountains and rivers, lingering Daidian, clouds connect ten thousand rooms, tower shadow floating." ”

The first state in the world with many heroes is actually an inconspicuous small county town

Zhuozhou Qing Emperor Palace

After the completion of the Zhuozhou Palace, it became the Qing Dynasty emperor patrol hunting, fishing and hunting, reading, worship the tomb resting place, Qianlong, Jiaqing, Daoguang three generations of emperors have come to live here, among which the Qianlong Emperor is particularly fond of Zhuozhou, has stayed here many times, and in Zhuozhou to observe the people's feelings, visit the ancient to find the secluded.

There is a lantern festival on the fifteenth day of the first month of Zhuozhou, which began in the Han Dynasty, flourished in the Tang Dynasty, flourished in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and the ancients had the saying that "Yangzhou is in the south, and Zhuozhou is in the north".

There is a clamp city in the original city of the ancient city of Zhuozhou, the door name is "Tonghui", there are three heavy buildings in the sandwich city, the name is "Tonghui Building", commonly known as the drum tower. Upstairs, the left drum and the right bell, the building is four feet high. Twenty miles away, it's far away. The fifteenth day of the first month of each year is the day of the lanterns, from the Tonghui Building to the south gate to place 72 wooden archways, and 7 lantern sheds are placed at the crossroads. Every day, the streets and alleys, the lanterns are colorful, playing dragon lanterns, lions, stepping on stilts, setting off firecrackers, it is really a fire tree blooming, the planet is broken, thousands of households, burning candles all night.

The first state in the world with many heroes is actually an inconspicuous small county town

Zhuozhou Drum Tower - Tonghui Building

On the night of the Lantern Festival, climb the drum tower, overlook the long street, the dragon flies and the phoenix dances, which is quite spectacular. This scene is called the "Tonghui Lantern Market". According to legend, Emperor Qianlong wrote a lot of imperial poems after browsing the "Tonghui Lantern Market", one of the eight scenic spots in Zhuo County, among which these two poems are the most widely circulated.

"Zhuozhou Ancient Tour"

Yanyun Yishui takes Qingchuan, and Zhuolu Chengnan plays passenger whips.

The village refers to Lou Sang Wen Shengjie, and the river is alive and open to boats.

Daoyuan's former residence inquired about the elders, and the ruins were hazy and twilight.

Provincial knowledge is the same as justice, and thousands of famous places are passed on by people.

"Two days after the Yuan Dynasty, stationed in the palace to watch the lanterns"

The festival is on the Yuan side of the two dynasties, and the smoke scene is arranged to listen to the crowd.

It is said that the ruins are wrapped in grain, and the king of money buys candles.

A thousand rows of burning trees, a hundred star towers in the air.

Tuan Luan Bao Rabbit Teng East China Sea, live up to the prelude to the lamp.

He even wrote a sentence for Zhuozhou when he was in high spirits, "The sun will rush to the unparalleled land, and the first state will be difficult through the ages", and Zhuozhou won the name of "the first state in the world", which is unparalleled by other states. Nowadays, the plaque with "the first state in the world" is decorated on the building sign on the main road of Zhuozhou.

The first state in the world with many heroes is actually an inconspicuous small county town

"The First State in the World" plaque

Today's Zhuozhou City has a steady economic development, stability and prosperity, and still occupies its own place in the location of Tianjin, Beijing and Hebei. The Zhuozhou Twin Towers, Sanyi Temple, Huliang Bridge and other places mentioned in the Eight Views of Zhuojun are still roughly preserved, and the cultural color of the Three Kingdoms in the city is extremely strong. What's more interesting is that you find a local Zhuozhou man to talk to a few words, and you will vaguely see the style in the portrait of Song Taizu, and he will also point to the building sign on Fanyang Road and tell you: "Look, this is the first state in the world." ”

Source: Wenshi Yan