
Changshen bunker, the border witness of the fort in the years

author:Hebei Cultural Tourism

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Changshen bunker, the border witness of the fort in the years

Zhenyu building is the highest watchtower of the long stretch bunker, climb the stairs, each piece of big stone is heavy, vicissitudes, there is an unspeakable time, the roundabout corridor, each lookout has the legend of the past, a piece of blue brick is magnificent under the arched building, you can imagine the scene when it was built, there is no staircase at the top, but the small nest on the wall with the feet stepped on, it is estimated that the descendants dug it out, look out, the ears seem to hear the neighing of the horses of the old days, the wolf smoke is billowing, it makes people's hearts surging, adds a trace of heroic atmosphere, The scenery of the entire Changshendi is unobstructed, and it can be said that it is full of scenery. Only by standing here, quietly watching in all directions, can you really feel the danger of the long bunker, a path down the mountain twists and turns, the mountain apricots are self-absorbed in the wind, time keeps going and changing......

Changshen bunker, the border witness of the fort in the years

Along a road, you can see steep mountains on both sides, many detours, slow speed, skimming over gentle slopes, deep canyons, green pine forests...... The faint mist floated on the top of the mountain, and the air suddenly became fresh, just like the dream of expectation, and the real yearning for it.

There are several theories about the origin of Nagabuji, and the one is closer to history

Changshen bunker is located in the southeast of Chicheng County, the Ming Dynasty belonged to Xuanfu Town, Xiabei Road, the old name of "Outer Thirteen". In the tenth year of Wanli (1583), the Ming army built a fort and defended it.

Changshen bunker, the border witness of the fort in the years
Changshen bunker, the border witness of the fort in the years
Changshen bunker, the border witness of the fort in the years

Akagi has been a military powerhouse since ancient times, and there have been many wars throughout its history. The Yuan Dynasty became the main post road connecting Shangdu and Dadu, and in the Ming Dynasty it was called the "Gyeonggi Barrier" to protect Beijing. The Great Wall of Akagi exists from different periods. However, at present, in addition to the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Northern Qi Dynasty, and the Ming Great Wall that can be determined by historical data, others still need to be further investigated. According to preliminary statistics, there are currently about 690 miles of the Great Wall in Chicheng County.

The village of Nagashenji has come from a long history and has precipitated a profound culture for hundreds of years. When it comes to the origin of the name of the village, there are also different sayings, one is that only when you stand on the town tower will you feel that this is indeed an important place that can extend your horizons and watch for miles; And the other is to say, in ancient times, a military general surnamed Chang guarded this place, repeatedly won undefeated, this fort is impregnable, people call this place a place of victory, and then mistakenly for a long stretch of land.

Changshen bunker, the border witness of the fort in the years

There is such a record in the "Chicheng County Chronicles": "The old name is outside the thirteen families, Jiajing is the two chiefs of Shiche entrenched, the two chieftains of Longqing are migrated in four years, and the fort wall is built in the seventh year of Wanli, eight steps in one week, three feet high and five feet, all bricks, two buildings, two north and south gates."

Changshendi is located in a dangerous place, located in the deep valley between the Inspection Division and Ningjiang Fort, and is the traffic key point that guards the Dushikou to the Great Wall of the East Road. The "Zhenyu Tower" on the hill on the west side of the canyon can quietly observe the enemy situation in all directions, and is the commanding height of the entire Changshendi, from here, the whole village is in full view.

Changshen bunker, the border witness of the fort in the years
Changshen bunker, the border witness of the fort in the years

The castle is the north and south cities, the north city is the garrison area and the residential area, the south city is the school military field, and the empty field on the south side should be the school military field used for drills in those years. The rammed earth of the walls was very strong, with gravel mixed with the earth, and the principle of concrete pouring should be the same as today's. The city wall has been preserved for hundreds of years to resist the wind and rain, although it no longer has the defense function of the ancient castle, but it can still make people feel the years of the fort and the border.

The years shuttled through the ancient village fort, but they couldn't erase the heaviness

Walking into the castle, those thick city walls accept you with a calm gaze, they are so simple and rough, it is so simple and rough, it is so a few strokes to outline the majestic posture of the year, the trees or grass on the castle wall grow arbitrarily, without scruples, on the way into the village, we met the old man surnamed Guo, he is already the sixth generation in this ancient castle.

Changshen bunker, the border witness of the fort in the years
Changshen bunker, the border witness of the fort in the years
Changshen bunker, the border witness of the fort in the years
Changshen bunker, the border witness of the fort in the years

The interesting thing about the gatehouse of each courtyard of this castle is that it is so short, it turns around in the village, how can you not find that kind of tall and imposing, most of the walls of the courtyard are also made of stones, at the corner of a street, you can find an old object, look left and right, you don't know what it is, ask the old man of the castle to know that it is a horse pile, a stage, simple and elegant, the eaves are exquisite, the carved beams and paintings are built, and the outer wall is engraved with exquisite patterns, I sigh that the ancients can still live like this in light or war-torn days, and the temples here are also relatively intact, which shows that the religion at that time is flourishing day by day.

Changshen bunker, the border witness of the fort in the years
Changshen bunker, the border witness of the fort in the years

The mountains are surrounded by water, Zhong Lingyu is beautiful, you can hear the sound of the water from afar, a waterfall splits the surface and flies, the sound of the waves bursts, the smoke and water are leisurely, the flying beads splash jade generally roll down, the tree snuggles up to the water, the water reflects the tree, quiet harmony, faint loneliness. The idle state of mind is like life, slowly reminiscing in the years, the mountains are full of trees, the sea of trees, continuous, vast and endless.

The days in the castle are quiet, walking through the cement paved paths, you can feel the warmth of the sun, the silence of the ancient houses, the low gatehouse, everywhere flowing simple and elegant. The humid air in the mountains is refreshing and unforgettable. Walking through the village, I often feel that I have changed the scenery step by step, the inscription on the city plaque has been blurred, and the carved beams and paintings on the stage have also faded in color, and the scenes make it difficult to tell whether this is yesterday or today.

 The award-winning movie was shot in Nagashinji, and what kind of helplessness is in the story

"Second Sister-in-law" is the ninth film filmed by director Zhou Xiaowen.

Changshen bunker, the border witness of the fort in the years

The story of the movie is like this: the husband of the second sister-in-law of the woman in the mountains is a village chief who has stepped down, who is sick and crooked all day long, and he is not very good in bed and in the field, and the burden of the family is all carried by the second sister-in-law. Their only son, Huzi, always went to the neighbor's house to watch TV, and was always bombed out, and the second sister-in-law was angry and wanted to buy her son a TV bigger than the neighbor's house. She desperately made twist noodles and sold them in the county seat dozens of miles away. The neighbor "blind" often helps the second sister-in-law, and she has feelings when she comes and goes, and she secretly Chen Cang. The "blind man" introduced the second sister-in-law to a restaurant in the county town to make twist noodles to earn money, and often secretly sandwiched her salary to give her money. The second sister-in-law knew by chance that she could make money by selling blood, so she often sold blood, and she always went to watch the largest TV in the county in the store. After the second sister-in-law learned that the blind man often gave her money and heard other people's gossip, she turned her face with the "blind man", returned to the village, and continued to make twist noodles. The neighbor's daughter-in-law made a big fuss and fought with the second sister-in-law. It's the New Year, the second sister-in-law finally bought back the biggest TV, the villagers poured into her house to watch TV, the "village chief" felt very beautiful, but the second sister-in-law couldn't get off the kang due to fatigue and anemia, she leaned on her own blood and sweat - TV, stunned I don't know what to think? It became the object of the villagers watching it even on TV.

The film was shot in Nagashibuji. The lead actor in the play, Alia, experienced life in Nagashizuchi with several other actors before the filming of the movie began. For more than a month in Changshendi, the two actresses, Alia and Zhang Haiyan, lived in a farmhouse in the village every day, and each received a "son" and "daughter" to live together. has almost become an authentic "village woman", and her expression has become a little blank.

At the time of the filming, many people in the village also starred in extras. After the release of the film, it attracted widespread attention and discussion from critics at home and abroad. In 1994, she won the Best Actress Award (Alia), the Best Film Technology Award, and the Best Foreign Co-production Award at the first China Film Huabiao Awards. 1995 Best Actress Award at the 15th Chinese Film Golden Rooster Awards (Alia); The 47th Locarno International Film Festival Youth Jury Gold Medal, International Film Critics Award, Jury Prize and many other awards.

Changshen bunker, the border witness of the fort in the years

Each village has its own charm, perhaps it is the product of this history and the condensation of culture, once formed, it will never change, and the changes of time will only wear down its face but will not erode its uniqueness. A brick and a story record the development of a village.