
Look at the picture to guess the idiom, I feel like I haven't learned the idiom in Figure 5, have you ever learned it?

author:Elegant white cloud fL
Look at the picture to guess the idiom, I feel like I haven't learned the idiom in Figure 5, have you ever learned it?
Look at the picture to guess the idiom, I feel like I haven't learned the idiom in Figure 5, have you ever learned it?
Look at the picture to guess the idiom, I feel like I haven't learned the idiom in Figure 5, have you ever learned it?
Look at the picture to guess the idiom, I feel like I haven't learned the idiom in Figure 5, have you ever learned it?
Look at the picture to guess the idiom, I feel like I haven't learned the idiom in Figure 5, have you ever learned it?
Look at the picture to guess the idiom, I feel like I haven't learned the idiom in Figure 5, have you ever learned it?
Look at the picture to guess the idiom, I feel like I haven't learned the idiom in Figure 5, have you ever learned it?
Look at the picture to guess the idiom, I feel like I haven't learned the idiom in Figure 5, have you ever learned it?

On a sunny spring afternoon, in the town's library, the sunlight shines through the window lattices and dapples on the wooden floor piled with books. Li Ming, a teenager with an infinite love of literature, was sitting by the window, clutching a yellowed piece of paper that had accidentally fallen from an old book. On the piece of paper, a pattern is drawn in a simple font - five interlaced lines, seemingly simple but hidden mysterious, with a line of small words attached to it: "Look at the picture to guess the idiom".

Li Ming's brows were furrowed, this pattern was both familiar and unfamiliar to him, as if it had touched a corner of his memory, but he could not capture it clearly. He looked around, looking for possible clues, but the library was silent, save for the occasional faint sound of flipping through a book.

Inner Monologues:

"What the hell is this idiom? How come I've never seen one? Am I not knowing enough about ancient cultures? ”

Chapter 1: Unsolved Mysteries Inspire Fighting Spirit

With this incomprehension and curiosity, Li Ming decided to take this challenge as a new starting point for his literary exploration. He began to immerse himself in hard reading in the library, from "Shuowen Jie Zi" to "Idiom Dictionary", from ancient books and documents to modern interpretation, accumulating knowledge bit by bit. In the dead of night, when everything is silent, Li Ming's mind is at its most active, and he repeatedly scrutinizes the pattern, trying to find the answer from every detail.

Dialogue Clips:

"Li Ming, are you studying that idiom again? Don't get too attached to it, maybe it's just an unsolvable puzzle. My friend Xiao Zhang said half-jokingly when he passed by.

Li Ming raised his head, his eyes flashing with determination: "No, I believe that every puzzle has its answer. This time, I'm going to use my own way to unravel the secret of this unlearned idiom. ”

Chapter 2: Inspiration flashes, and the willows and flowers shine

Day after day, month after month, Li Ming's efforts did not seem to bear fruit immediately, but the thirst for knowledge and the exploration of the unknown invisibly nourished his soul. Finally, on a stormy night, while flipping through an ancient book, Li Ming accidentally caught a glimpse of a description of ancient formations, which mentioned "criss-crossing and endless changes" that shocked his heart.

He suddenly remembered the pattern on the piece of paper, and didn't the five lines symbolize this criss-crossing layout? Inspiration flashed through his mind like lightning, and he jumped up excitedly and shouted, "It's 'intricate'!" This idiom depicts exactly this complex and changeable scene! ”

Chapter 3: The Road to Counterattack, a Literary Journey

After solving the puzzle, Li Ming did not stop. This experience made him deeply aware that the world of literature was far wider and deeper than he had imagined. He began to participate more actively in the activities of literary clubs, exchanging ideas with like-minded friends, and even tried to write articles about what he saw and felt and submitted to major literary magazines.

At first, his work did not attract much attention, but Li Ming was not discouraged. He kept learning, he kept revising, and every failure brought him closer to success. Finally, an essay about the interweaving of ancient culture and modern life, with its unique perspective and profound insights, won the favor of editors and was successfully published in a well-known literary journal.

Inner Monologues:

"It turns out that the real counterattack is not an overnight glory, but the courage to stand up after countless falls. It was that love of literature that allowed me to find my own stage. ”

Chapter 4: Rising Stars of Literature, Illuminating Dreams

With the publication of his works, Li Ming gradually made his mark in the literary world. With its unique style and profound connotation, his works have won the love of readers and the recognition of experts. He has been invited to participate in various literary lectures and seminars, and has shared his creative experience with many literary masters.

In this process, Li Ming has always maintained a humble and learning attitude. He knows that there is no end to the road of literature, only continuous exploration and pursuit. And he will continue to use his own brushstrokes to depict the colorful and complex world of the world, and use the power of words to illuminate the road of more people's dreams.

Epilogue: An unfinished journey

Today, Li Ming is no longer the teenager who is puzzled by the "unlearned idioms", but has become a bright new star in the literary world. But he knows that this is just the beginning and that there is still a long way to go. He will continue to swim in the ocean of literature, using his own stories and brushstrokes to record the changes and beauty of this era. And the idiom "intricate" that once bothered him has also become one of the most precious memories on the road of his life's counterattack, reminding him that no matter what challenges he faces, he must maintain that curiosity about the unknown and persistence in dreams.