
The top ten popular majors for civil servants have been sorted out by someone, and it is worth taking a good look

author:Elegant white cloud fL
The top ten popular majors for civil servants have been sorted out by someone, and it is worth taking a good look
The top ten popular majors for civil servants have been sorted out by someone, and it is worth taking a good look
The top ten popular majors for civil servants have been sorted out by someone, and it is worth taking a good look
The top ten popular majors for civil servants have been sorted out by someone, and it is worth taking a good look
The top ten popular majors for civil servants have been sorted out by someone, and it is worth taking a good look
The top ten popular majors for civil servants have been sorted out by someone, and it is worth taking a good look
The top ten popular majors for civil servants have been sorted out by someone, and it is worth taking a good look
The top ten popular majors for civil servants have been sorted out by someone, and it is worth taking a good look
The top ten popular majors for civil servants have been sorted out by someone, and it is worth taking a good look
The top ten popular majors for civil servants have been sorted out by someone, and it is worth taking a good look
The top ten popular majors for civil servants have been sorted out by someone, and it is worth taking a good look
The top ten popular majors for civil servants have been sorted out by someone, and it is worth taking a good look
The top ten popular majors for civil servants have been sorted out by someone, and it is worth taking a good look
The top ten popular majors for civil servants have been sorted out by someone, and it is worth taking a good look
The top ten popular majors for civil servants have been sorted out by someone, and it is worth taking a good look
The top ten popular majors for civil servants have been sorted out by someone, and it is worth taking a good look
The top ten popular majors for civil servants have been sorted out by someone, and it is worth taking a good look
The top ten popular majors for civil servants have been sorted out by someone, and it is worth taking a good look
The top ten popular majors for civil servants have been sorted out by someone, and it is worth taking a good look
The top ten popular majors for civil servants have been sorted out by someone, and it is worth taking a good look

In the vast ocean of study, there is such a group of students, who may not have stepped into the palace of those who are widely regarded by the society as the "top ten popular majors of civil servants", but with extraordinary courage and unremitting efforts, they shine brightly in the face of adversity. Li Ming is the hero of such a story.

Chapter 1: The first acquaintance is unpopular, and the heart is unwilling

The moment the university admission letter arrived, Li Ming's mood was as complicated as the gloomy sky outside the window. He majored in environmental science, a popular choice for most people at the time, let alone civil servants. The discussion of relatives and friends has come to the ears: "What kind of job can I find in the future of this major?" "There are few positions to be required for the civil service examination." These words were like thorns, piercing deep into Li Ming's heart.

In the dead of night, Li Ming lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling, and his inner monologue sounded: "Do I really have to be bound by this profession?" No, I can't let other people's opinions define my life. This unwillingness has become the firmest strength in his heart.

Chapter 2: Swim against the current and surpass yourself

During his four years of university, Li Ming did not choose to be comfortable like some of his classmates, but devoted every minute and second to his studies, not only delving into the theoretical knowledge of environmental science, but also actively participating in various scientific research projects and social practice. He knows that although the profession is unpopular, as long as he is good enough, he can always find his own stage.

By chance, Li Ming participated in a research project on urban environmental protection policy, and his innovative thinking and solid skills were highly recognized by his mentor. The results of the project were finally published in core journals in China, which not only won him the attention of the academic community, but also gave him confidence in the future.

Chapter 3: Opportunities and Challenges Coexist

In the blink of an eye, graduation season is coming. Faced with fierce competition in the job market, Li Ming did not choose to blindly follow the trend, but set his sights on the civil service examination. He is well aware that although environmental science is not a popular major, with the country's emphasis on the construction of ecological civilization, the number of civil service positions in the field of environmental protection is gradually increasing.

In the days of preparing for the exam, Li Ming almost closed himself in the study, except for eating and sleeping, he was immersed in hard study. He not only has to review public subjects such as practice tests and arguments, but also conducts in-depth study of professional knowledge in the field of environmental protection. Whenever in the dead of night, accompanied by a lonely lamp, he would silently tell himself: "Every step counts, and every effort will not be in vain." ”

Chapter 4: The situation in the examination room, turning things around

Finally, the day of the civil service exam came. Li Ming walked into the examination room with a nervous but determined mood. In the written test, he successfully stood out and entered the interview session with his solid foundation and excellent performance.

At the interview site, Li Ming calmly faced the sharp questions of the examiners, and he gave professional and insightful answers based on his practical experience in college and his deep understanding of environmental protection policies. In particular, when asked how he used his professional knowledge to promote environmental work, he spoke eloquently, showing extraordinary confidence and ability.

Chapter 5: Dreams come true and shine

After layers of screening, Li Ming finally received an offer for his favorite position. He was successfully admitted to a municipal environmental protection bureau and became a civil servant. When the news spread, those who had questioned him all cast surprised and envious glances. And Li Ming just smiled faintly, he knew that all this was the result of his own efforts.

In his new position, Li Ming quickly adapted to the environment, he not only applied the professional knowledge he learned to practical work, but also actively innovated working methods to contribute to the cause of environmental protection. His work has been highly praised by leaders and colleagues, and he has gradually become a leader in the unit.

Epilogue: Sailing against the current, not forgetting the original intention

Looking back, Li Ming knows that it is the courage and unremitting efforts that make him from an unpopular professional to a new star in the civil service. He often said to the young people around him: "Don't be afraid to choose an unpopular major, as long as you work hard enough, every major can become a ladder for you to realize your dreams." ”

Li Ming's story is like a clear stream, inspiring countless young people who are lost and confused on the way to study. It tells us that no matter what kind of environment we are in, as long as we have a dream in our hearts, there is a road under our feet. Sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat, and only by constantly surpassing yourself can you reach the other side of your dreams.

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