
The more a woman can be quiet in these things, the more difficult it is

author:Meet the cold crisp
The more a woman can be quiet in these things, the more difficult it is

Mr. Yang Jiang said:

"We were so eager for the waves of fate, and in the end we found that the most beautiful scenery in life is actually the calmness and calmness of our hearts."

In the hustle and bustle of the world, we are often surrounded by all kinds of voices, some laughing, some crying, some complaining, and some showing off.

However, time is like water, the years are silent, and people are always different.

When encountering problems, some people choose to be hysterical, while others are always calm and calm.

Quiet to self-cultivation, thrifty to cultivate virtue.

A woman who knows how to be quiet, no matter how the years change, can be calm and self-reliant in the face of major rights and wrongs.

If a woman can be quiet in these things, she is probably not simple.

The more a woman can be quiet in these things, the more difficult it is
The more a woman can be quiet in these things, the more difficult it is

Don't talk when you're upset

Anthony Robin, the world's potential motivator, once said:

Don't complain about others, even if you have experienced hardships, it will not help;

Don't complain about yourself, complaining is just dwelling on the past, but it doesn't do you any good;

Only by changing one's vision of life can one truly get rid of pain.

Everyone has a time when they are irritable, maybe it's the pressure of work, maybe it's the trivial things of life, or maybe it's the twists and turns of emotions.

At this time, many people will choose to vent and use words to vent their inner dissatisfaction and anxiety.

But those women who are able to keep quiet understand that when they are irritable, their words are often impulsive and negative, which not only does not solve the problem, but can also exacerbate the conflict.

Oprah Winfrey, a world-renowned talk show host, also encountered difficulties and doubts in the early stages of her career.

But she learned to remain silent under irritability and pressure, using this time to reflect and grow, and eventually became a legend in the media world.

Her quietness is the source of her strength and the embodiment of her wisdom.

Choosing to be silent and not venting emotions easily is a rare form of self-control.

As the sages said: "Anger should be dissolved, and it must be carefully checked." ”

Choosing not to speak when you are upset not only avoids saying hurtful things on the spur of the moment, but also gives yourself a space to think calmly.

The more a woman can be quiet in these things, the more difficult it is
The more a woman can be quiet in these things, the more difficult it is

Don't complain when you're in trouble

Writer Zhou Guoping said: "If you pay all your attention to one thing, then how small the matter will be infinitely magnified, as if it is a big thing." ”

The trivial things can become annoyances because you focus too much on them.

As the saying goes, "Complaining is the poison of the soul".

Complaining may seem like the most natural response to adversity, but it only drains our energy and plunges us deeper into despair.

Those women who can stay quiet in difficult situations often know how to use silence to accumulate strength and find a way out.

Marie Curie once said, "Life is like the ocean, only the strong-willed can reach the other side." ”

On the road of scientific research, she encountered countless failures and difficulties, but she never complained, just silently persevered, and finally discovered radium, which made great contributions to the scientific community.

Her non-complaining is the best response to the predicament and the key to her success.

Nine times out of ten, life is not as expected.

In the face of adversity, some people will choose to complain about the unfairness of fate, while others will be able to accept it calmly and seek a way out.

Singer Zhang Shaohan once said:

"It's a day to complain, it's a day not to complain, so why not choose not to complain and even make yourself more positive? If you don't go through these ups and downs in life, you can't actually grow into the person you are now. ”

Indeed, complaining will only end up exhausting and demoralizing.

If we can't change the situation we are experiencing, then it is better to learn to let go of it appropriately and face it with a positive and optimistic attitude.

The more a woman can be quiet in these things, the more difficult it is
The more a woman can be quiet in these things, the more difficult it is

Don't show off when you're successful

Maugham once said: "What you need to restrain is vanity and ostentation, and what you need to deal with is the cleverness that you always want to stand out." ”

Everyone has the psychology of boasting, and when they are proud, they will inevitably get carried away and even indulge themselves.

However, just as the truth of making a big name and slandering a high name, a high profile may temporarily gain the envy of others, but it will also attract unnecessary disputes and right and wrong.

As the saying goes, humility makes people progress.

Showing off will only make us lose the motivation to move forward, and the real successful people often know how to keep quiet when they are successful, and use this silence to be grateful and reflective.

Jane Austen, the outstanding female writer in the history of English literature, is world-famous for her works such as Pride and Prejudice.

However, in the face of success, she never showed off, but silently continued her literary creation, speaking with her works.

Her non-ostentatious is a love for literature and the best interpretation of her own achievements.

Feng Jicai said:

"To be low-key is not to be marginalized, and it is not to be incompetent. On the contrary, the more ignorant the more flamboyant, and only self-confidence can be low-key and content with low-key. ”

Achieving achievements without showing off, and having a noble status without showing off are not only a manifestation of high emotional intelligence, but also a calm and unhurried attitude to life.

Success is something that everyone aspires to, but being able to keep a low profile and be humble in the face of success is a rare quality.

As the ancients said: "Full of losses, humble benefits." ”

Not showing off when achieving success not only reflects a person's cultivation and connotation, but also paves the way for greater success in the future.

The more a woman can be quiet in these things, the more difficult it is
The more a woman can be quiet in these things, the more difficult it is

In these rapidly changing times, we all need to learn to find inner peace in the midst of the hustle and bustle.

For a woman, being able to be quiet and sane at a given moment is a rare quality.

Whether it's choosing to be silent when you're upset, not complaining in a difficult situation, or not showing off when you're successful, these are all signs of inner strength and wisdom.

Remember, quietness is not weakness, but a deep strength; Not an escape, but a wise choice.

The more a woman can be quiet in these things, the more difficult it is

Author: Han Su

A long-termist who believes in writing.

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