
The three brothers didn't have enough 100 yuan in their pockets, so they calmly sat in the store and shouted to their mother to settle the bill, and they were shocked when they saw the bill

author:The breeze is silent, and the bottom is its own

People have the impression that minors do not have full autonomy for large purchases, and they need to obtain the consent of their guardians.

Especially for children who are only a few years old, if they go to the store alone to consume, it is estimated that even the boss will not dare to agree, for fear that the child will eat the overlord meal.

There are three little brothers below, who went out to play together, but they didn't expect to be hungry when they were playing outside, so they went directly to a barbecue restaurant and started ordering.

The three brothers didn't have enough 100 yuan in their pockets, so they calmly sat in the store and shouted to their mother to settle the bill, and they were shocked when they saw the bill

After eating and drinking, I found that the money in my pocket was less than 100 yuan, so I calmly went home and called my mother to settle the bill, and my mother was stunned when she saw the bill!

Recently, a netizen shared an interesting story, the three brothers went out to play together, and when they were hungry, they walked into a barbecue restaurant and started ordering.

There were three brothers, the eldest was 6 to 7 years old, and the remaining two, one was 5 years old and the other was 3 years old.

The three brothers didn't have enough 100 yuan in their pockets, so they calmly sat in the store and shouted to their mother to settle the bill, and they were shocked when they saw the bill

#深度好文计划#弟弟们喊着饿, so the eldest brother took them to a barbecue restaurant, usually they like to eat barbecue skewers, but they used to go with the adults in the family.

At the moment, there are three of them, and after calculating the money in their hands, the eldest has 68 yuan in his hand, the second has less than 10 yuan, and the third has 5 yuan in his pocket, all plus one piece, it is less than 100 yuan.

Although the money was not enough, they were not worried at all, and walked into the store calmly and began to order.

They learned from the appearance of adults and began to order their favorite food, all kinds of meat skewers are indispensable, as well as prawns, scallops, in short, which is more expensive and which, eat first.

The three of them began to take a big bite of skewers, feasting, eating so happily, making their own food, ordering and eating, which is much more fragrant than eating with adults.

Soon, the three of them were full of food and drink, and went home with the bill and asked their mother to come and settle the bill.

The three brothers didn't have enough 100 yuan in their pockets, so they calmly sat in the store and shouted to their mother to settle the bill, and they were shocked when they saw the bill

Mom took the bill and took a look, and was immediately shocked, oh my God, the boy actually ate 500 yuan, they are such a child, they have eaten so much!

Fortunately for my mother, this is a new store, and it can be discounted by 6% when it opens, so in the end, the owner gave it a little cheaper.

After watching it, netizens were amused by the three children, they said: I know how to eat, I don't order the cheap ones, and the ones I order are expensive.

The three brothers didn't have enough 100 yuan in their pockets, so they calmly sat in the store and shouted to their mother to settle the bill, and they were shocked when they saw the bill

Some netizens also said: It's good, looking at the children's calm and confident looks, children from poor families can't learn.

Of course, children can have such confidence and go in to have a big meal, naturally because their parents can give them a back.

To get a few hundred yuan is nothing for people in the city, if you change to a rural family with a bad economic situation, it is estimated that the ending of the children will not be so happy, and a few hundred yuan is not a small amount for a family.

The affluent family economy has given the children plenty of confidence.

The three brothers didn't have enough 100 yuan in their pockets, so they calmly sat in the store and shouted to their mother to settle the bill, and they were shocked when they saw the bill

Some netizens expressed doubts about the child's bill: Can three children eat 500 yuan? Three adults plus wine can't eat 500.

Some netizens also said: Children don't look at the price, they eat whatever is delicious, and besides, children eat a lot of food, and they don't necessarily eat less than adults.

This is a brave attempt for the children, the children have commendable courage and courage, but in the future, such a large amount of consumption, it is recommended to follow the adults together,

First, it is not safe for children to eat barbecue by themselves, and secondly, such young children spend so much, and the shopkeeper may not dare to sell it to them.