
6:3 passed! The results of the immunity case were released, and Trump received good news, clearing the way for his victory

author:Masked camouflage brother

The latest U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Trump calling himself a "big victory" and Biden saying it is unacceptable, does this mean that the obstacles to Trump's entry into the White House are being removed one by one?

6:3 passed! The results of the immunity case were released, and Trump received good news, clearing the way for his victory


On July 1, local time, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a final ruling on Trump's previous request for the president to be exempted from criminal prosecution.

The court announced a 6-3 vote ruling that former U.S. President Donald Trump could be granted immunity from criminal prosecution for some actions taken toward the end of his presidency, but not for actions taken in his private capacity.

The ruling makes it clear that the president is not above the law, but that the president is not subject to prosecution in the exercise of his core constitutional powers, and that he should enjoy presumed immunity for "acts in public office" that does not apply to "acts other than in public office."

6:3 passed! The results of the immunity case were released, and Trump received good news, clearing the way for his victory

But instead of defining what constitutes "public office" in this context, the Supreme Court has left that decision to lower courts to assess which of Mr. Trump's actions would qualify for immunity from criminal prosecution.

The simple conclusion of this ruling is that as long as the relevant cases are found to have been committed by Trump during his presidency, he has immunity, on the contrary, if he commits the crime after leaving the presidency, there is no way to do it, and he can only wait for the verdict to be announced.

This also means that the Supreme Court's ruling further delays the federal election trial, because it is a complicated job, and there is still no exact division of what exactly Trump did during his presidency and which cases fall within the scope of his personal status.

6:3 passed! The results of the immunity case were released, and Trump received good news, clearing the way for his victory

In August last year, U.S. Department of Justice Special Counsel Smith filed four charges against Trump for his connection to the "Capitol Hill riot," including conspiracy to defraud the United States and conspiracy to obstruct official proceedings. Trump has been dismissing the case on the basis of presidential immunity, and after failing to find support, Trump appealed the matter to the U.S. Supreme Court.

So now Trump is very satisfied with the verdict. He posted on the Internet that it was "a huge victory for the U.S. Constitution and democracy."

Some people are happy and some people are worried, and Biden's reaction is not surprising. Speaking on the same day, Biden said that the ruling almost meant that there was no limit to what the president could do, "a completely new principle and a dangerous precedent."

6:3 passed! The results of the immunity case were released, and Trump received good news, clearing the way for his victory


Needless to say, Trump and his team will seize this opportunity to turn the tide and try to put all cases in the category of immunity, and if not, postpone the trial of these cases until after the election. As long as he is re-elected, he can order the end of the trial against him after he is sworn in.

From this point of view, this ruling of the US Supreme Court is indeed a "big gift" to Trump, which is equivalent to paving the way for Trump to return to the White House.

Once Trump wins the election, Biden's fate can be imagined, Republicans will definitely take advantage of the victory to chase after Biden and the Democrats have used all the tricks they used before, and in the end, it is difficult to say whether Biden will retire at home or spend the rest of his life in prison.

6:3 passed! The results of the immunity case were released, and Trump received good news, clearing the way for his victory

As things stand, this year's U.S. election is truly spectacular, with Trump being the first former president in U.S. history to be criminally charged and found guilty, and Biden creating the first time in U.S. history that a sitting president's son has been found guilty.

As for the US Supreme Court's announcement that the former president may be exempt from criminal charges under any circumstances, it is also the first time in more than 200 years since the founding of the United States, which is a precedent, but this is not necessarily a good thing, the internal divisions and antagonism in the United States are more than ever, and after this election, it may be further divided.