
Biden Macron is sympathetic and will become the "last loser" in the election? Europe is in danger of being affected

author:Masked camouflage brother

Both the United States and France have recently been preparing for elections, and they have both similarities and differences, such as the protests that erupted after the results of the first round of voting in the French National Assembly, and the American people vented their frustration after the first debate, calling for Biden to withdraw from the election. As things stand, the results of these two elections will have a significant impact on Europe.

So now the one who can empathize with Macron the most is probably Biden, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are brothers and sisters. The U.S. presidential election will be held in early November, and a few days ago, the United States held its first televised debate, which is also much earlier than in previous years.

Biden Macron is sympathetic and will become the "last loser" in the election? Europe is in danger of being affected

Macron and Biden

But even in advance, it still can't hide the fact that Biden is defeated by Trump. Biden's stumbling, wandering eyes during the debate were broadcast live from the world, leaving both his supporters and Democrats embarrassed.

After the debate, the United States called for Biden to withdraw from the race, including the Democratic Party.

Members of the Democratic Party, who were scheduled to run in the November congressional elections, have begun to distance themselves from Biden to avoid being influenced by his prospects of being elected, and they have said that major party donors are "very angry" about Biden's performance.

Biden Macron is sympathetic and will become the "last loser" in the election? Europe is in danger of being affected

At the same time, the results of a CBS survey show that more than 70% of American citizens believe that Biden's mental state does not allow him to be re-elected, and hope that he will voluntarily quit. Although Biden has made it clear that he will not withdraw from the election, judging from the poll support in recent days, Trump has a big chance of winning, and he may really have to "enter the palace for the second time".

And there is another issue to note, that is, Biden has not officially won the nomination in the Democratic Party. In August, the Democratic National Convention will be held in Chicago, and all Biden needs to do is to get the nomination at the meeting before he can represent the Democratic Party in the US presidential election.

However, judging by the recent reaction of the Democrats, they have become deeply disappointed in Biden. Even if the possibility of a Democratic change is not very feasible, the data is enough to show that Biden is getting farther and farther away from the presidency.

Biden Macron is sympathetic and will become the "last loser" in the election? Europe is in danger of being affected

Democrats who listened to Biden's speech

Whether the next leader of the United States will "understand the king" or "sleep king" will not only affect the development and future of the United States, but will also bring many unpredictable challenges to Europe.

If Biden is re-elected, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine will definitely continue, so that in addition to Ukraine, there will be European countries that will lose the most, because they will not only give up the stable and affordable supply of Russian natural gas, but also empty their families to support the bottomless pit of Ukraine, and now they have been firmly bound by the United States and cannot get off this thief ship.

One of the purposes of the United States' continued hyping up the conflict and creating tensions is to "kidnap" its European allies and make them completely united with itself against Russia.

Biden Macron is sympathetic and will become the "last loser" in the election? Europe is in danger of being affected


And if Trump comes to power, Europe will probably have a harder time. When Trump was in office, he led the United States to have unpleasant encounters with many European countries, not only to reduce the "defense protection" of these countries, but also to increase competition.

What's more, Trump has been unhappy with NATO for a long time, and he has repeatedly complained that the United States is the largest contributor of NATO members, and the implication is to pay less "dues" or let other countries share more. If he can't get along, he also threatens to lead the United States to "withdraw from the group", which is certainly unacceptable to other NATO countries, after all, they are relying on the protection of the United States to live in peace.

Biden Macron is sympathetic and will become the "last loser" in the election? Europe is in danger of being affected

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said he believes that the United States will be an ally of NATO and Ukraine and will continue to provide support regardless of the outcome of the US election. This is a self-consolation and a signal to Trump and the Republican Party, but will Trump listen? The answer is self-explanatory.

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