
Xiong Qiran, Secretary of the Party Group and Procurator General of the Municipal Procuratorate, led a team to carry out the "July 1st" visit to condolences to old party members

author:Yibin Politics and Law

On July 1, Xiong Qiran, Secretary of the Party Group and Procurator General of the Yibin Municipal Procuratorate, led the relevant responsible comrades of the Political Department and the Party Committee of the organ to carry out the "July 1st" visit to the old party members, and extended cordial greetings and holiday blessings on behalf of the party group of the Municipal Procuratorate.

Xiong Qiran, Secretary of the Party Group and Procurator General of the Municipal Procuratorate, led a team to carry out the "July 1st" visit to condolences to old party members

The condolence group came to the First People's Hospital of Yibin City, visited the 95-year-old former procurator general and retired cadre Zhou Guangqian, learned about the medical situation of elderly care, thanked him for his contribution to the Yibin procuratorate, and told the Political Department of the Municipal Procuratorate and the Party Committee of the organ to do a good job in service guarantee, so that the old procurator general can truly feel the care and warmth of the party group of the Municipal Procuratorate.

Xiong Qiran, Secretary of the Party Group and Procurator General of the Municipal Procuratorate, led a team to carry out the "July 1st" visit to condolences to old party members
Xiong Qiran, Secretary of the Party Group and Procurator General of the Municipal Procuratorate, led a team to carry out the "July 1st" visit to condolences to old party members

At the home of the former chief procurator Luo Defu, the condolence group had a cordial conversation with him to learn more about the old procurator general's health, diet, daily life, medical treatment, etc., and hoped that while taking care of his health and enjoying a better life, he would continue to give full play to his spare heat to put forward valuable opinions and suggestions for striving to build a modern Yibin model for procuratorial work.

Xiong Qiran, Secretary of the Party Group and Procurator General of the Municipal Procuratorate, led a team to carry out the "July 1st" visit to condolences to old party members

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