
Nicholas Tse's new drama is coming! The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Customs Front" was released, netizens: The last hope for Hong Kong films

author:Muzi tells the story

With the rapid development of film and television quality in recent years and the birth of a large number of high-quality film and television works, the audience's vision of selecting works when watching movies has been greatly improved, and there are more excellent movies that are now on the air.

For example, the romance film "There is a Commissary by the Clouds" starring Peng Yuchang, Zhou Ye and others is also deeply loved by the audience, but when it comes to the most popular movie among the audience now, it must be "Customs Front" starring Jacky Cheung and Nicholas Tse. Now that this film has been online for a few days, what is its reputation?

Nicholas Tse's new drama is coming! The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Customs Front" was released, netizens: The last hope for Hong Kong films

"Customs Front" is a passionate war

As long as we look at the title of this drama, we already know, what it is mainly about, "Customs Front", as the name suggests, tells the story of the "Uncle Hats" who are looking for smuggling cases on the customs sideline.

Nicholas Tse's new drama is coming! The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Customs Front" was released, netizens: The last hope for Hong Kong films

The most important thing is that the martial arts instructor of this movie is still served by Nicholas Tse, he is not only the starring character of this drama, but also serves as the martial arts instructor at the same time, which is also the first time he has held such a position in his career in the entertainment industry.

Nicholas Tse's new drama is coming! The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Customs Front" was released, netizens: The last hope for Hong Kong films

Nicholas Tse played a skillful, but withdrawn personality and no friends "Uncle Zhou Zhengli" in the play, and his playing scenes in the play were even more stunned and enthusiastic.

Nicholas Tse's new drama is coming! The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Customs Front" was released, netizens: The last hope for Hong Kong films

In addition to being starring Nicholas Tse, even Jacky Cheung also starred in this drama, as a loyal fan of Hong Kong films, this news is undoubtedly very good.

Nicholas Tse's new drama is coming! The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Customs Front" was released, netizens: The last hope for Hong Kong films

Jacky Cheung has not appeared in movies for 8 years, and the classic image of "Brother Black Fly" he left in the entertainment industry has always been imitated, but it has never been surpassed.

Nicholas Tse's new drama is coming! The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Customs Front" was released, netizens: The last hope for Hong Kong films

This time, Jacky Cheung can return to the film industry, and it can only be described as gratifying, he plays Zhang Yunnan who has a teacher-friend relationship with Nicholas Tse in the play.

Nicholas Tse's new drama is coming! The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Customs Front" was released, netizens: The last hope for Hong Kong films

Although Jacky Cheung has not appeared in a movie for many years, his performance in the play is still remarkable, and his acting performance in the rivalry with Nicholas Tse is still the goal pursued by those traffic stars in the entertainment industry.

Nicholas Tse's new drama is coming! The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Customs Front" was released, netizens: The last hope for Hong Kong films

"Customs Front" also has a heavyweight star to help, this star is Lin Jiaxin, who has also played many times with a "king" level actor like Jacky Cheung. She has won countless awards, including the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress and Supporting Actress, all of which she has won.

Nicholas Tse's new drama is coming! The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Customs Front" was released, netizens: The last hope for Hong Kong films

With the existence of these three actors, there is no need to worry too much about the acting skills of this drama, not to mention that even the "poisonous tongue mentor" Wu Zhenyu also has a certain role in the play, such a cast is asking which audience will not be interested in this drama?

Nicholas Tse's new drama is coming! The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Customs Front" was released, netizens: The last hope for Hong Kong films

With Nicholas Tse as the martial arts instructor, the fighting scenes in this drama are also very intense, although this is the first time Nicholas Tse has served as a martial arts instructor, but I believe everyone has seen Nicholas Tse's fighting scenes.

Nicholas Tse's new drama is coming! The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Customs Front" was released, netizens: The last hope for Hong Kong films

In the early years, he starred with Donnie Yen in "Angry Serious Case", which directly brought everyone back to that era of popular martial arts dramas, and Nicholas Tse's role as the "crazy man" Qiu Gangao in the play left an extremely deep impression on the audience.

Nicholas Tse's new drama is coming! The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Customs Front" was released, netizens: The last hope for Hong Kong films

His brilliant "butterfly knife" made everyone impressed him, and his fight with Donnie Yen also made the audience applaud, and Nicholas Tse also successfully won the "Best Actor" with this role.

Nicholas Tse's new drama is coming! The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Customs Front" was released, netizens: The last hope for Hong Kong films

This time, he is also a 10-point character in "Customs Front", playing with sticks, bare-handed, and gunfights.

Nicholas Tse's new drama is coming! The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Customs Front" was released, netizens: The last hope for Hong Kong films

As a martial arts instructor, he also did the "recent blasting point" shooting in the scene when filming "Blasting", so you can imagine how intense the fight scenes in this movie are.

Nicholas Tse's new drama is coming! The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Customs Front" was released, netizens: The last hope for Hong Kong films

Nicholas Tse also trained 8-pack abs for this movie, which was called "Leng Feng's Hong Kong Branch" by the majority of netizens, and many netizens felt that he was likely to be Wu Jing's successor.

Nicholas Tse's new drama is coming! The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Customs Front" was released, netizens: The last hope for Hong Kong films

The first wave of word-of-mouth is freshly released, and the ratings are ridiculously high

The drama "Customs Front" has been staged for several days, and the first wave of audience evaluations can already show how good the quality of this drama is, especially now that the score of this drama is even more incredible.

Nicholas Tse's new drama is coming! The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Customs Front" was released, netizens: The last hope for Hong Kong films

Many netizens feel that the actors in this drama are all online, especially the "high-functioning bipolar patient" played by Jacky Cheung, who can switch between calm and crazy states, and completely plays an irritable but usually calm illness.

Nicholas Tse's new drama is coming! The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Customs Front" was released, netizens: The last hope for Hong Kong films

Some netizens feel that the characters in the play are portrayed very well, and the fate of the three protagonists is portrayed with completely different results, and the plot is used to tell everyone what is called "birds and forests have different lives" and what is called "human nature", and it also reflects the increasing number of internal friction and depression in the workplace today.

Nicholas Tse's new drama is coming! The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Customs Front" was released, netizens: The last hope for Hong Kong films

Let's watch the score of this drama on a certain eye, I don't know if I don't see it, I am shocked when I see it, although the score of this drama on it is as high as 9.1, it seems that netizens can give this drama such a good evaluation, and there is no element of praise.

Nicholas Tse's new drama is coming! The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Customs Front" was released, netizens: The last hope for Hong Kong films

Such data can only be described as explosive, you must know that it has been online for 10 days, and now the first-ranked romance film "There is a Commissary in the Clouds" has only reached 8.7.

Nicholas Tse's new drama is coming! The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Customs Front" was released, netizens: The last hope for Hong Kong films

It seems that Nicholas Tse deserves to be a character with the title of "Cold Peak: Hong Kong Branch", and his last movie "Angry Serious Case" starring Donnie Yen exceeded 1.2 billion at the box office.

Nicholas Tse's new drama is coming! The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Customs Front" was released, netizens: The last hope for Hong Kong films

This time, he starred in "Customs Front" and only had such a good reputation after only four days of release, and maybe in the follow-up, this movie will also have very good box office results, maybe Nicholas Tse can win the "Best Actor" again with this drama.

Nicholas Tse's new drama is coming! The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Customs Front" was released, netizens: The last hope for Hong Kong films


With the gradual end of martial arts dramas, martial arts stars are gradually decreasing, the older generation of actors is gradually aging, and the male actors caused by idol culture are becoming more and more "motherly", and it is difficult to appear in the film market like "Customs Front" This kind of movie that is explosive and makes people watch blood boiling, maybe it is not the era of martial arts dramas anymore as Jackie Chan said.

Nicholas Tse's new drama is coming! The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Customs Front" was released, netizens: The last hope for Hong Kong films

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