
Crack down on the crime of illegal production and sale of "special liquor"! Police smashed 11 black dens in one fell swoop

author:Fushun politics and law
Crack down on the crime of illegal production and sale of "special liquor"! Police smashed 11 black dens in one fell swoop

The ground is damp, sewage is flowing sideways, and the pungent smell of alcohol comes with a musty smell...... This is a scene witnessed by the police in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province when they closed the net of the "special wine" filling packaging material den.


In recent years, some lawless elements have fraudulently used the name of the state and the people's army to illegally fill and produce so-called "special" and "exclusive" counterfeit liquor for profiteering, seriously infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, disrupting market order, and also damaging the image of party and government organs and the people's army.


In March this year, the Ministry of Public Security deployed a special operation to "clean the wind" and organized public security organs across the country to severely crack down on the criminal activities of producing and selling so-called "special supply" and "exclusive supply" of counterfeit liquor in the name of party and government organs and the military in accordance with the law. On May 23, under the coordination and guidance of the Ministry of Public Security and the Zhejiang Provincial Public Security Department, the Hangzhou public security organs dispatched more than 130 police officers to Guizhou, Hunan and other places to carry out a centralized collection of the "4.24" extraordinarily large production and sales of "special liquor" cases.


"We arrested 61 criminal suspects in one fell swoop, smashed 11 black dens for the production and sale of fake wine, seized more than 3,100 boxes of fake wine, more than 11,000 pieces of various counterfeit packaging materials, and the total price involved was about 210 million yuan. Chen Jinda, head of the Environmental Food and Drug Investigation Detachment of the Hangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, recently introduced to the reporter of the "Rule of Law Daily".

The black dens are miserable

  Since 2018, criminal suspect Pan, together with Wang, Deng and others, have targeted the fake wine market, and successively set up 4 companies in Guizhou, Hunan and other places to sell the so-called "special liquor" dedicated to the army through online platforms.


At the same time, without performing any approval procedures, Wang Moumou entrusted Wang, Zeng Moumou and others to print the outer packaging of "special liquor", and entrusted Wen to set up an underground filling den, and packaged and produced "three no" special liquor with no product logo, no manufacturer and no production date printed with the pattern of "Navy Military Emblem" without authorization.


Through analysis, research and on-the-spot investigation, the Hangzhou Shangcheng Public Security Bureau finally confirmed the underground den where the "special liquor" packaging materials were filled, and destroyed the den in one fell swoop when the suspect could not avoid it.


Jia Yun, captain of the Environmental Food and Drug Brigade of the Shangcheng Public Security Bureau, told reporters: "This den adopts the form of 'front store and back shop', which is ostensibly a packaging material company, but in fact there is an abandoned basement behind the store, which is very dilapidated and hidden. ”


On May 23, in Guizhou, the Shangcheng Public Security Bureau dispatched 25 police officers to close the net of the "special wine" packaging material filling den. When the police entered the basement, five workers were filling and processing.


According to He Hangang, deputy captain of the environmental food and medicine brigade of the Shangcheng Branch, the basement was airtight, the wires on the walls were chaotic and intertwined, the cobwebs were dense, the wine tank cleaning machine was moldy and black, the floor was full of dirty water, there was no sanitary protection, and the packaging materials and wine barrels related to the "special wine" were randomly piled up in the corner like garbage.


"A set of packaging materials, including 1 cardboard box, 6 wine boxes, 3 handbags, and 12 wine label stickers, costs about 15 yuan, and the cost of wine is lower." He Hangang said.


Under the unified leadership of the Hangzhou Municipal Bureau, 25 police officers from Shangcheng Public Security arrested 8 criminal suspects in two packaging dens and one filling den in Guizhou, and all the main suspects were arrested, and 129 Navy wine label stickers, 750 wine boxes, 61 wine boxes, and 183 handbags were seized, so that the "special liquor" showed its true face.

There are many routines in the sales company

  "Brother Sun, this is the wine ordered by the leaders of the army after they came to my winery for inspection, and as a wine for the base, the quality is absolutely excellent."


"Mr. Zeng, this Navy commemorative wine is really good, do you think you should take advantage of the event to send it?"




In the chat records of a group of "special wine" salesmen seized by the Hangzhou Linping Public Security Bureau, there are a large number of similar sales words, even if the customers on the other side never reply, the salesmen still persistently use WeChat to "bombard".


According to Sun Bo, the captain of the Environmental Food and Drug Brigade of the Linping Public Security Bureau, these salesmen posted drainage videos such as "luxury cars", "wine science" and "company annual meeting" through various online social platforms to attract interested consumers to chat privately and add friends, and then take the opportunity to promote "special wine".


On May 23, the Linping Public Security Bureau dispatched 108 police officers to Guiyang and Hunan to carry out a centralized collection of the sales company of "special liquor". More than 2,000 square meters of office space, more than 200 employees, business department, sales department, personnel department, operation department everything. It seems to be a formal company, but in fact, it adopts "electronic fraud" marketing methods on the Internet, publishes fake videos through more than 100 online accounts to attract consumers, and sells inferior wine with a high price of less than 30 yuan per bottle to consumers under the banner of "special wine", and the profit can reach more than 330 yuan in a single month.


Sun Bo said that the company itself was a liquor company, but the person in charge of the company, that is, the criminal suspects Pan and Wang, believed that the cost of "special liquor" was low and the profit was high, so they sold a large number of "special liquor" while selling their own liquor, so as to make huge profits.


In the central area of the company's office, there is a large LED screen, which always displays the sales list of the daily "special wine". The salesman who ranks first, that is, sells the most "special wine", needs to stand at the workstation and read aloud his "explosive order record", and other salesmen need to learn from him to sell more "explosive products".


Hu Xiaodi, deputy head of the Linping Public Security Bureau's Environmental Food and Drug Brigade, said: "If the salesmen don't do this, they may face the risk of being deducted." In order to encourage employees to sell wine and form an atmosphere of internal competition and sales, Pan and Wang also set up a rotating general manager system, and those with particularly outstanding performance can be on duty as general manager for two consecutive months, and the bonus can be doubled.

"Special" fake wine is too harmful

  "After drinking, I feel spicy and have a headache." Mr. Ye from Anji County commented on the "special wine" he bought.


In January this year, Mr. Ye swiped a short video of a "special wine" company on an online platform, because it was almost the Chinese New Year, he wanted to buy some wine, so he added the salesman's WeChat, and the other party sold him "special wine for the navy". Because the price of wine is relatively affordable, it is more face-saving to buy it and give it away, so he bought two cases at once.


After tasting the wine, he felt that the quality of the wine was average, so he casually deleted the salesman's WeChat. "If I knew it was fake, I wouldn't have bought it." Mr. Ye said with some regret.


Since 2013, the relevant departments have issued notices strictly prohibiting the central and state organs from using "special supply" and "exclusive supply" and other labels. In 2022, six departments, including the Logistics Support Department of the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of Public Security, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the State Administration for Market Regulation, issued the "Notice on Prohibiting the Sale of Tobacco and Alcohol and Other Commodities under the "Army" Brand Brand, clarifying that goods with signs and words such as "special", "reception", "internal recruitment", "military supply" and "military special supply" sold online and offline are illegal products.


But why is the "special" and "exclusive" wine repeatedly banned?


Shen Yi, deputy captain of the Hangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau's Environmental Food and Drug Detachment, analyzed: "In the final analysis, it is to take advantage of the vanity of consumers and sell some low-end and inferior wine to them, which is actually a routine." ”


The relevant person in charge of the Food and Drug Crime Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security said that the public security organs will always maintain a high-pressure posture of cracking down on criminal activities such as the production and sale of so-called "special liquor", and resolutely punish them severely in accordance with the law. At the same time, consumers are reminded that they need to be cautious when buying liquor, and all claims that the party, government and military units "special liquor" and "internal liquor" are fake liquor, and once found, they should actively report to the public security organs or relevant departments to avoid falling into the "trap" of consumption, causing personal injury and property losses.

Source: Rule of Law Daily