
Whether Biden is elected or not is a question! Obama supported it, and the truth was confusing, and "House of Cards" was staged

author:Seven minutes
Whether Biden is elected or not is a question! Obama supported it, and the truth was confusing, and "House of Cards" was staged

Everyone, melon eaters, it's a lively day, Bill O'Reilly, the "old gun" of the American TV circle, threw a topic on social media, saying that Biden is withdrawing from the presidential race stage! That's a fryer, let's talk about it.

Whether Biden is elected or not is a question! Obama supported it, and the truth was confusing, and "House of Cards" was staged

O'Reilly said categorically that Biden's campaign train has arrived for two reasons: first, party polls show that Biden's vitality is greatly damaged after the debate and it is difficult to recover; Second, the money bag is deflated, and the road to fundraising is getting narrower and narrower. As soon as this news came out, it was like a thunderclap on the ground, which made people cry out as a surprise.

Whether Biden is elected or not is a question! Obama supported it, and the truth was confusing, and "House of Cards" was staged

But everyone, this is a one-sided revelation, and there is still a question mark about its authenticity. After all, although Mr. Biden himself laughed at himself from time to time, saying that he was old, his legs and feet were not good, and his mouth was not so slippery, but he was resolute, saying that he would fight to the end, and he was full of confidence to compete with Trump in the November election. Just this kind of strength that doesn't admit defeat, cough! We'll have to give him a thumbs up.

Look at the "family and friend group" behind Biden, Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, and other big names in the Democratic Party, one after another, stood up one after another to support Biden, that scene, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is an iron wall. and Biden's wife, Jill, who is even more determined to be a strong backing for her husband, saying that she will accompany him to fight to the end.

Whether Biden is elected or not is a question! Obama supported it, and the truth was confusing, and "House of Cards" was staged

So, is O'Reilly's words true, or is it groundless? We, the spectators, can only move the small bench and wait for the follow-up plot. However, if this thing is true, then the Democratic Party will be fried, who will be the successor? Biden has retired, who will take the lead? A series of chain reactions that are exciting to think about.

Whether Biden is elected or not is a question! Obama supported it, and the truth was confusing, and "House of Cards" was staged

The changes in the political arena are more bloody than TV series, so let's watch a realistic version of "House of Cards". Guys, what do you think? Is this reliable? Will Biden really leave early, as O'Reilly said? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, let's guess what medicine is sold in this gourd.