
If you are tired of eating big fish and meat, come to some vegetarian dishes to clear the intestines and share 6 recipes, which are particularly fragrant without meat

author:The little daughter-in-law loves to cook

1. Stewed fungus with tofu

If you are tired of eating big fish and meat, come to some vegetarian dishes to clear the intestines and share 6 recipes, which are particularly fragrant without meat
If you are tired of eating big fish and meat, come to some vegetarian dishes to clear the intestines and share 6 recipes, which are particularly fragrant without meat

2. Shred the potatoes

If you are tired of eating big fish and meat, come to some vegetarian dishes to clear the intestines and share 6 recipes, which are particularly fragrant without meat
If you are tired of eating big fish and meat, come to some vegetarian dishes to clear the intestines and share 6 recipes, which are particularly fragrant without meat

3. Hot and sour cabbage shreds

If you are tired of eating big fish and meat, come to some vegetarian dishes to clear the intestines and share 6 recipes, which are particularly fragrant without meat
If you are tired of eating big fish and meat, come to some vegetarian dishes to clear the intestines and share 6 recipes, which are particularly fragrant without meat

4. Stir-fried shiitake mushrooms with green peppers

If you are tired of eating big fish and meat, come to some vegetarian dishes to clear the intestines and share 6 recipes, which are particularly fragrant without meat
If you are tired of eating big fish and meat, come to some vegetarian dishes to clear the intestines and share 6 recipes, which are particularly fragrant without meat

5. Stir-fried shredded carrots with oyster mushrooms

If you are tired of eating big fish and meat, come to some vegetarian dishes to clear the intestines and share 6 recipes, which are particularly fragrant without meat
If you are tired of eating big fish and meat, come to some vegetarian dishes to clear the intestines and share 6 recipes, which are particularly fragrant without meat

6. Crispy tofu

If you are tired of eating big fish and meat, come to some vegetarian dishes to clear the intestines and share 6 recipes, which are particularly fragrant without meat
If you are tired of eating big fish and meat, come to some vegetarian dishes to clear the intestines and share 6 recipes, which are particularly fragrant without meat