
Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion

author:Liangshan Cultural Tourism
Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion

On the evening of June 28, the 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition and Performance of "New Fashion of the Dazzling Dance Era, Building a National Concentric Circle" and "Tianfu People's Big Stage" was held in Xichang City, and 16 dance teams from various counties (cities) across the state participated in the performance.

The exhibition and performance was hosted by the Propaganda Department of the Liangshan Prefecture Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Liangshan Prefecture Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, the Liangshan Prefecture Education and Sports Bureau, and undertaken by the Liangshan Prefecture Cultural Center. Li Xiaoxiong, Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of the Liangshan Prefecture Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and Director of the Liangshan Prefecture Civilization Office, and Wang Yong, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Liangshan Prefecture Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, attended the exhibition.

Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion

This exhibition is the highest level of square dance performance in our state, the exhibition programs are the latest square dance works created by the counties (cities), the programs have their own characteristics, some regional characteristics are distinctive, some costumes are beautiful, and some ethnic customs are strong...... Every dancer on the stage conveyed a positive spiritual power with a bright smile and smart dancing posture, and won warm applause from the audience.

Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion

The event fully demonstrated the achievements of the state's cultural benefits and further promoted the prosperity and development of the state's mass cultural undertakings. The exhibition set up 3 first prizes, 6 second prizes, and 7 third prizes, and the outstanding programs selected by the exhibition will represent Liangshan to participate in the 2024 Sichuan Provincial Square Dance Exhibition.

Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion
Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion
Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion
Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion
Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion
Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion
Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion

Source | Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture Cultural Center

Comprehensive Finishing | Liangshan Cultural Tourism

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Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion

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Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion
Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion
Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion
Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion
Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion
Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion
Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion
Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion
Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion
Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion
Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion
Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion
Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion
Cultural Activities | The 2024 Liangshan Prefecture Square Dance Exhibition came to a successful conclusion

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