
"YOUNG Beauty Gu'an" Central Academy of Fine Arts empowers the integration of industry and education of Gu'an intangible cultural heritage

author:Global Chinese Arts
"YOUNG Beauty Gu'an" Central Academy of Fine Arts empowers the integration of industry and education of Gu'an intangible cultural heritage

Group photo of guests at the launching ceremony

On June 30, 2024, the launching ceremony of the "YOUNG Beauty Gu'an" Central Academy of Fine Arts Empowering Gu'an Intangible Cultural Heritage Integration Action and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Traditional Culture Innovation and Social Aesthetic Education Demonstration Project was held in Gu'an. The event was hosted by the Gu'an County Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism and the School of Experimental Art and Technology of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and organized by Beijing Caishi Culture Group and the Pangu Folk Art Society of the Youth League Committee of the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

The purpose of the activity is to deeply excavate, inherit and innovate the excellent traditional local culture of the county, and give full play to the role of cultural bacon in casting the soul and cohesion. The Gu'an County Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism, together with the Central Academy of Fine Arts and Beijing Caishi Culture Group, has carried out extensive layout and in-depth cooperation with the intangible cultural heritage industry as a treasure, introduced high-end academic resources of culture and art from professional colleges and universities such as the Central Academy of Fine Arts and the Central Academy of Drama, and carried out theme practice activities such as aesthetic education research, aesthetic education talent plan, and cultural and art festivals, so as to realize the innovative development of characteristic culture in Gu'an County.

"YOUNG Beauty Gu'an" Central Academy of Fine Arts empowers the integration of industry and education of Gu'an intangible cultural heritage
"YOUNG Beauty Gu'an" Central Academy of Fine Arts empowers the integration of industry and education of Gu'an intangible cultural heritage

The site of the launching ceremony

Liu Bing, Director of Gu'an County Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, Chen Mingqiang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch directly under the School of Experimental Art and Technology of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Ma Wenjing, Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of the Gu'an County Party Committee, Su Kun, Director of the Office of the Gu'an County Network Security and Information Commission, Ma Xusheng, Deputy Director of the Gu'an County Education and Sports Bureau, Luo Meng, Chairman of Beijing Caishi Culture Group, Zhu Konglei, Executive Secretary-General of the National and Local Governance Research Group and Deputy Director of the Industry and Finance Center of Shourong Holding Group, Du Ming, Secretary of the School of Experimental Art and Technology of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Liu Xin, Vice President of Beijing Caishi Culture Group, Zhao Dongliang, Director of the Quality Education Research Center of Tsinghua University, Sun Lisha, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, Secretary-General of the Organizing Committee of the Cross-Strait Youth Calligraphy and Painting Competition, and Executive Deputy Secretary-General of the China Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, as well as the relevant leaders of the Pangu Folk Art Society of the Youth League Committee of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, the relevant leaders of the Gu'an County Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, the relevant leaders of the Office of the Gu'an County Network Security and Information Commission, the relevant leaders of the Gu'an County Education and Sports Bureau, the representatives of the intangible cultural heritage inheritors of Gu'an County, the representatives of teachers and students of Gu'an County No. 6 Middle School, Beijing/ Representatives of outstanding enterprises in Gu'an attended the launching ceremony.

"YOUNG Beauty Gu'an" Central Academy of Fine Arts empowers the integration of industry and education of Gu'an intangible cultural heritage

Liu Bing, director of the Gu'an County Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, delivered a speech

Liu Bing, Director of the Gu'an County Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism, said in his speech that the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) has launched the Action to Empower the Integration of Industry and Education of Gu'an Intangible Cultural Heritage and the Demonstration Project of Traditional Culture Innovation and Social Aesthetic Education in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region in Gu'an County, the core area of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. This initiative is not only a recognition of Gu'an's rich intangible cultural heritage items and profound cultural heritage, but also an important milestone in promoting cultural innovation and social aesthetic education in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. The project will combine the art education background of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and the intangible cultural heritage resources of Gu'an, and promote the close integration of art education, creation and local economic development through the integration of industry and education, aiming to enhance the protection, inheritance and innovation of Gu'an's intangible cultural heritage, and contribute to the cultural prosperity and social progress of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

"YOUNG Beauty Gu'an" Central Academy of Fine Arts empowers the integration of industry and education of Gu'an intangible cultural heritage

Chen Mingqiang, deputy secretary of the Party branch directly under the School of Experimental Art and Technology of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, delivered a speech

Chen Mingqiang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch directly under the School of Experimental Art and Technology of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, said: "The Central Academy of Fine Arts has launched two major action plans: "Contributing to the Construction of the Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation" and "Promoting the Integration of Art and the Modern Industrial System". With the support of various parties, 18 teachers and students participated in the 2024 summer social practice of "YOUNG", aiming to stimulate young scholars' sense of responsibility in the country's modernization, transform the learning results into practical actions to serve the country and the people, and at the same time get education and growth in aesthetic education to serve the society. The success of the event benefited from the guidance and support of the Gu'an County Bureau of Culture and Tourism, intangible cultural heritage inheritors and multiple units, and we look forward to bringing rich knowledge and results to future activities.

"YOUNG Beauty Gu'an" Central Academy of Fine Arts empowers the integration of industry and education of Gu'an intangible cultural heritage

Zhang Wanfu, the inheritor of Gu'an intangible cultural heritage, spoke on behalf of the intangible cultural heritage inheritors

Zhang Wanfu, the inheritor of Gu'an intangible cultural heritage, spoke on behalf of the intangible cultural heritage inheritors: "At the launching ceremony of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei traditional cultural innovation and social aesthetic education practice activities, as a representative of the intangible cultural heritage inheritors, I am deeply honored and excited. This event not only provides a platform for the display and dissemination of traditional crafts, but also a good opportunity for the integration of traditional culture and academic research. I will devote myself to imparting skills to students, and at the same time learning new knowledge from them, so as to enhance the awareness of intangible cultural heritage skills, promote the inheritance, development and innovation of intangible cultural heritage, and bring Gu'an intangible cultural heritage into the lives of more people and rejuvenate it. ”

"YOUNG Beauty Gu'an" Central Academy of Fine Arts empowers the integration of industry and education of Gu'an intangible cultural heritage

Luo Meng, chairman of Beijing Caishi Culture Group, delivered a speech

Luo Meng, chairman of Beijing Caishi Culture Group, emphasized in his speech that the intangible cultural heritage of Gu'an is not only a treasure of Chinese culture, but also the embodiment of the national spirit. "Beijing Caishi Culture Group is committed to building a platform for the integration of intangible cultural heritage and modern art through the integration of industry and education, and promoting the dissemination of intangible cultural heritage on campus and serving social and economic development. We will work closely with the Gu'an government, the Central Academy of Fine Arts and all sectors of society to give full play to their respective advantages, deeply explore new models of intangible cultural heritage and modern art aesthetic education, promote the in-depth integration of Gu'an's characteristic culture and cultural industry, and inject new impetus into local economic development. Thanks to all those who support and care, we will contribute to the innovation of traditional culture and the development of the social field with enthusiasm and pragmatism. ”

"YOUNG Beauty Gu'an" Central Academy of Fine Arts empowers the integration of industry and education of Gu'an intangible cultural heritage
"YOUNG Beauty Gu'an" Central Academy of Fine Arts empowers the integration of industry and education of Gu'an intangible cultural heritage

The intangible cultural heritage inheritors performed at the launching ceremony

At the launching ceremony, the intangible cultural heritage inheritors also performed the guzheng skills and the intangible cultural heritage calligraphy and dance performance, which won the applause of the guests present.

"YOUNG Beauty Gu'an" Central Academy of Fine Arts empowers the integration of industry and education of Gu'an intangible cultural heritage
"YOUNG Beauty Gu'an" Central Academy of Fine Arts empowers the integration of industry and education of Gu'an intangible cultural heritage

The scene of the symposium

In the afternoon of the symposium, the teachers and students of the School of Experimental Art and Technology of the Central Academy of Fine Arts listened carefully to the introduction and sharing of their respective art forms by the inheritors of intangible cultural heritage, and put forward many creative ideas and suggestions from the perspective of artistic creation and academic research. They showed a strong interest in the modern transformation and innovative development of intangible cultural heritage art, and discussed how to combine traditional art with modern aesthetics to create works of art that have both traditional charm and modern aesthetics. The in-depth dialogue between the teachers and students and the inheritors of intangible cultural heritage not only laid a solid foundation for the subsequent art residency and creation, but also stimulated the infinite enthusiasm of both parties for the inheritance and innovation of intangible cultural heritage. Through this forum, everyone explored the new positioning and new role of intangible cultural heritage in modern society, and provided new ideas and new perspectives for the development of Gu'an's intangible cultural heritage.

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