
Bad news! Due to different reasons, the four newly naturalized players of the national football team cannot play, and it is difficult to win against Saudi Arabia

author:Watch the ball at zero o'clock

Some time ago, naturalized player Luo Guofu announced the news of his retirement, and the national football team also lost a naturalized general who could be used. At present, there are 5 naturalized players who can immediately represent the national football team, such as Ackerson, Alain, Fernando, Jiang Guangtai, and Li Ke, and the Football Association also plans to add several new naturalized players, such as Cangzhou Lions foreign aid Oscar. But now there is bad news, and the four newly naturalized players originally scheduled by the national football team will not be able to play.

Bad news! Due to different reasons, the four newly naturalized players of the national football team cannot play, and it is difficult to win against Saudi Arabia

On July 2, 2024, according to the latest news from domestic media such as "Beijing Youth Daily" and "Football News", due to different reasons, the three newly naturalized players originally planned by the national football team, Oscar, Zhou Dingyang, and Serginho, will not be able to represent the national football team this year. According to reporter Xiao Yun, the Football Association and the Cangzhou Lions Club conducted in-depth exchanges on the naturalization of Cangzhou foreign aid Oscar, and Oscar was also very happy to accept naturalization, but his agency team directly offered the precondition of an annual salary of 3 million euros, which was far from the annual salary of 1.2 million euros given by the Chinese side, so the negotiations reached an impasse.

Bad news! Due to different reasons, the four newly naturalized players of the national football team cannot play, and it is difficult to win against Saudi Arabia

The 24-year-old has been playing in the Chinese league for seven years and will be able to represent the national football team in the round of 18 as soon as he completes the naturalization procedures. Maybe Oscar's level is not as good as Wu Lei at his peak, but he is relatively young and has a longer shelf life. However, now he is unable to complete his naturalization immediately due to salary problems, and the huge salary gap may also cause him to be unable to represent the national football team this year. Zhou Dingyang can run and break through, have offense and defense, and is a midfielder that the national football team needs very much, but he has represented the original club team in the Asian preliminaries before, so the possibility of wanting to represent the national football team is gone.

Bad news! Due to different reasons, the four newly naturalized players of the national football team cannot play, and it is difficult to win against Saudi Arabia

In addition, Changchun Yatai's foreign aid Serginho is also a newly naturalized player in the national football plan. This season, Serginho has 5 goals and 5 assists in 12 games for Changchun Yatai, and has a good form. He himself is very willing to accept naturalization, and he does not ask for a sky-high annual salary, and he is also a talent needed by the national football team. Overall, Serginho's naturalization is not difficult, but the naturalized player will not be able to play for the national football team until January next year. So it's only a matter of time before he doesn't play. As for Delgado, it is also a matter of time.

Bad news! Due to different reasons, the four newly naturalized players of the national football team cannot play, and it is difficult to win against Saudi Arabia

Delgado, a naturalized player in the Shandong Taishan team, had already been naturalized in China, but later due to a loan to Portugal for half a year, his time to represent the national football team was forced to be delayed. In terms of time, he will not officially represent the national football team until July next year. These four could have become the new naturalized players of the national football team in the round of 18, but they could not play immediately for various reasons. This time, Japan and Australia are the two most difficult teams to deal with, while Bahrain and Indonesia are basically the same as the national football team, and the national football team can also fight for Saudi Arabia. Without the help of these 4 people, the chances of the national football team winning against Saudi Arabia will be a few points less. Do you think the national football team can break through from the top 18 this time? Welcome to comment and leave a message and communicate together.