
Hu Xijin: Hu Youping is a hero, she touched all Chinese!

author:The troubles of the school flower

Recently, a vicious injury incident occurred in Suzhou, at a bus stop, a Japanese mother and son were waiting for the bus, next to a Japanese school. An unemployed Chinese man attacked the Japanese mother and son with a knife, and at the moment of crisis, Suzhou lady Hu Youping stepped forward and hugged the gangsters from behind, allowing the Japanese mother and son to escape, but unfortunately Ms. Hu Youping was stabbed several times, and the rescue was ineffective and lost her life.

Hu Xijin: Hu Youping is a hero, she touched all Chinese!

Afterwards, Suzhou held a memorial service for Hu Youping, and the other three people who helped subdue the gangsters were also awarded the title of Righteous and Brave Heroes.

At a time of tension between China and Japan, Ms. Hu Youping eased relations between the two countries with her own acts of kindness, of course, accompanied by huge controversy, after all, Japan has a deep blood feud with us in the past, committed heinous crimes, and has not repented in the slightest.

Hu Xijin: Hu Youping is a hero, she touched all Chinese!

Regarding this incident, I am very concerned about Hu Xijin's views, because Lao Hu is very concerned about all news involving Japan, and this time is no exception. Regarding the voices in the society questioning Ms. Hu Youping's sacrifice to save the Japanese, Lao Hu severely criticized. He believes that Hu Youping's heroic deeds have touched the entire Chinese society and all the Chinese people. Hu Youping's heroic deeds have sparked great resonance in Chinese society. There are still people who demean Ms. Hu's practices and values, which are destined to be spurned.

Hu Xijin: Hu Youping is a hero, she touched all Chinese!

Hu Xijin further emphasized that Ms. Hu Youping is a great hero who helps unite our common values and promote our unity, and any voice that doubts Ms. Hu is shameful. Lao Hu's attitude is very firm!

Hu Xijin: Hu Youping is a hero, she touched all Chinese!

I have to say that Hu Xijin spoke highly of Ms. Hu's practice of sacrificing her life to save the Japanese, and even used the title of hero. Indeed, righteousness and courage are what our society should advocate, and Ms. Hu's behavior is worth learning from. However, in view of the complicated historical relationship between China and Japan, some Japanese politicians are still paying respects at the Yasukuni Shrine and are not afraid to protest against the discharge of nuclear wastewater. Lao Hu should pay more attention to it and call for it.

Hu Xijin: Hu Youping is a hero, she touched all Chinese!

Dare to ask Lao Hu, if Chinese citizens are attacked in Japan, will there be Japanese people who will sacrifice their lives to save them? Some netizens questioned the killing of Chinese in the Philippines, why is the attention so low? It's not that everyone is narrow-minded, but that there are too many things that don't do it with their hearts.

Hu Xijin: Hu Youping is a hero, she touched all Chinese!

Sino-Japanese relations are too complicated, especially Japan's unrepentant attitude, in the face of Ms. Hu's behavior, it is normal for some people to have different opinions, and should not be criticized by Lao Hu as a shameful behavior, we are a pluralistic society, we should be able to tolerate all kinds of voices, this seems to be what Lao Hu often says, right?


What do you think of Hu Xijin's views on the Hu Youping incident?

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