
At the graduation ceremony, the president of the university presented the "Four Flavors of Chinese Medicine"

author:Ahead plus

On June 26, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University held the 2024 graduation ceremony and degree conferment ceremony. A total of 4,222 undergraduate graduates and 827 graduate graduates of GPC have opened a new chapter in their lives under the witness and blessing.

At the graduation ceremony, Zhai Lixiang, President of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, presented the graduates who were about to embark on a journey with a "clever plan" composed of four flavors of traditional Chinese medicine, skillfully using the effects of these traditional Chinese medicines to understand the philosophy of life and guide the students.

At the graduation ceremony, the president of the university presented the "Four Flavors of Chinese Medicine"

The first medicine is Millennium Health. Millennium Health is a perennial herbaceous plant of the family Araceae, which has the effect of dispelling rheumatism and strengthening muscles and bones, implying the wind of a gentleman, fortitude and bravery.

At the graduation ceremony, the president of the university presented the "Four Flavors of Chinese Medicine"

Zhai Lixiang said: "The ups and downs of life are ordinary, on the road in the future, learn from excellent people, cultivate both inside and outside, consolidate the foundation and strengthen the foundation, and have the fortitude and courage to move forward the more difficult and dangerous; Open the road in the mountains and build bridges in the water, demonstrating the mission of the new force in the pharmaceutical industry in the future. ”

The second flavor medicine is Lu Lu Tong. Lulutong is the dry and ripe fruit inflorescence of the witch hazel family plant maple tree, which has the effect of invigorating blood circulation and diluting water and reducing swelling, implying that there are hundreds of kinds of life, and all roads are open.

At the graduation ceremony, the president of the university presented the "Four Flavors of Chinese Medicine"

"Graduation is the end of this phase and the beginning of the next journey in life. Some of you choose to continue your studies, some choose to find employment, some choose to start your own business, some join the barracks, some go down to the grassroots level, and some go to the frontier. The times have given you many opportunities to choose, no matter which choice, I deeply bless you, no matter which choice, as long as it is not a misguide, even if it is a detour, there will be a bright future. Zhai Lixiang said.

The third flavor medicine is Iwami. Iwami wears the whole herb of the Lamiaceae plant purple ginseng, which has the effect of invigorating blood and removing stasis, softening and dispersing knots, implying the power of youth, slowly piercing the stone.

At the graduation ceremony, the president of the university presented the "Four Flavors of Chinese Medicine"

Zhai Lixiang sent a message to the graduates to have perseverance and tenacity, "as long as they have the determination of 'insisting on the green mountains and not relaxing', the tenacity of 'perseverance and perseverance', do not give up, do not suffer internal friction, cultivate the power of dripping water through stones, use the surging power of youth, perseverance and perseverance, they will be able to achieve success." ”

The fourth herb is agarwood. Agarwood is a resinous wood of the Ruixiang family plant white wood, which has the effect of relieving pain, stopping vomiting in warmth, and relieving asthma, implying that all trees are floating and agarwood sinks alone.

At the graduation ceremony, the president of the university presented the "Four Flavors of Chinese Medicine"

"Agarwood has the precipitation of thick accumulation and the quality of quiet and introverted, which inspires us to always maintain the deep fragrance in our hearts in the flashy world." Zhai Lixiang hopes that the graduates will overcome their impetuous mentality, calm down, calm down, bend down, accumulate strength in the submersion, take the initiative to adapt to the wave of digital transformation, cultivate artificial intelligence literacy, and actively participate in the construction of a healthy bay area, a healthy China and Chinese-style modernization.

"There are many reasons why you are attached to your alma mater, and there are many reasons why you can come back whenever you want to 'go home'. Please also believe that your teachers and your younger students will work hard to build our campus into a better place. Zhai Lixiang said.

Source: People's Daily client

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