
The latest requirements, materials and procedures for price verification and evaluation qualifications

author:Lili Enterprise Service

What is the qualification of price verification? How to apply for price verification and evaluation qualification? Conditions and processes?

The latest requirements, materials and procedures for price verification and evaluation qualifications

How to apply for price verification and evaluation qualification? What are the required conditions and process materials?

What is Price Assurance Assessment? New policy guidance for price verification and assessment qualifications

What are the conditions, materials and processes required for individuals to apply for price verification and evaluation qualifications?

The latest requirements, materials and procedures for price verification and evaluation qualifications

Price attestation is a professional valuation process that involves the assessment and estimation of the value of tangible and intangible assets, services, and other economic interests related to the national and public interest. The price verification and evaluation needs to meet the conditions of independent legal personality, fixed office space and professional personnel, including the preparation of materials, filling in the application form, and the review and approval of materials. So how to set up a compliant price verification and appraisal qualification? What are the conditional processes?

The latest requirements, materials and procedures for price verification and evaluation qualifications

The conditions and procedures for handling price verification and evaluation qualifications are as follows:

Conditions for price verification and appraisal license:

1. Qualification requirements: The applicant must have legal business qualifications, have a valid industrial and commercial business license and relevant tax registration certificates, and include the words identification, authentication and evaluation in the name.

2. Professional allocation: The applicant must be equipped with 8 price appraisers (8 price appraisers related to cultural relics are required for the appraisal and evaluation qualifications of cultural relics), and they should have relevant qualification certificates or professional titles to ensure that the institution has sufficient professional ability in the price verification and evaluation work.

3. After the new policy, shareholders require two-thirds of shareholders to have a price verification and evaluation certificate, and need to pay social security for more than 6 months, and the materials are stricter than before.

The latest requirements, materials and procedures for price verification and evaluation qualifications

The process of handling the qualification registration certificate of the price verification and evaluation agency

1. Prepare materials: including a copy of the industrial and commercial business license, organization code certificate, quality assurance system certification certificate, legal representative ID card, qualification certificate or professional title certificate and other relevant supporting documents.

2. Fill in the application form: download and fill in the "Application Form for Qualification Registration of Price Verification and Evaluation Agency", and affix the official seal.

3. Collect relevant information: Bring the application form and relevant supporting documents, submit the application to the provincial price department or market supervision department, and receive the relevant information about the qualification registration certificate.

4. Data review: The price department or market supervision department will review the information of the applicant to check whether it meets the conditions, and if it meets the requirements, it will accept the application and issue a qualification registration certificate.

5. Payment of fees: After passing the audit, you need to pay the relevant certificate fees and data certification fees.

6. Receive the certificate: After paying the certificate fee, you can obtain the qualification registration certificate of the price verification and evaluation agency and start the official operation.

The time required. Previously, it usually took one to two months. Now due to the tightening of the policy, the difficulty of handling has increased, and it takes about three months to process, it should be noted that there may be differences in policies and approval processes in various places, and the specific processing time will be different.

The latest requirements, materials and procedures for price verification and evaluation qualifications

What materials are required to apply for the price verification and evaluation certificate of the China Price Association

1. Relevant supporting materials of the price appraiser

2. Registration form of basic information of legal persons and employees

3. Articles of association and management system

4. Filing and registration form of price evaluation agency

5. Balance sheet, etc

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