
Zhu Ting joined Conegliano, and the fans were not convinced! After learning the reason, I expressed my support

author:Shanshan chats about entertainment

Photo/Shanshan chatting about entertainment

Editor/Shanshan Chat Entertainment

Zhu Ting joined Conegliano, and the fans were not convinced! After learning the reason, I expressed my support


As the leader of the Chinese women's volleyball team, Zhu Ting recently announced that she would join the Italian giants Conegliano, which has attracted great attention and heated discussions in the volleyball world. Some people expressed confusion and even questioned: why did Zhu Ting choose to leave the Scandicci club, where she performed well and has many fans? Various voices came and went, and the reaction of the fans was like a mirror, reflecting their deep emotions and high expectations for Zhu Ting.

Reasons for joining Conegliano

Zhu Ting's decision made fans gloomy. They gradually understood and supported her choice. After all, for a top athlete to pursue a higher level of competition and greater challenges, it is essential. Zhu Ting's strength and her choice have once again been widely recognized. Every decision is not just about personal prospects, but also about moving volleyball forward.

Zhu Ting joined Conegliano, and the fans were not convinced! After learning the reason, I expressed my support

Zhu Ting left Scandic and joined Conegliano, which was obviously a wise choice. As a leader in world volleyball, Conegliano offers a more complete training system and a higher level of competitive environment. For Zhu Ting, it is a better platform for exercise and self-improvement. At the same time, the strength and heritage of the new club provide more possibilities for her to realize her championship dream.

Of course, Zhu Ting's departure does not mean that she will ignore the Chinese women's volleyball team. On the contrary, her sense of responsibility and experience with the national team have made her more aware of her mission. Some people even predict that with her experience and leadership skills, Zhu Ting may become the head coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team in the future and lead the team to achieve greater glory. Zhu Ting is undoubtedly an important core of the Chinese women's volleyball team, and her performance in the international arena and the leadership and strength she showed at critical moments are deeply imprinted in the hearts of fans.

Zhu Ting joined Conegliano, and the fans were not convinced! After learning the reason, I expressed my support

Her decision to join a foreign club, although financially understandable, has also triggered regret and reflection from some fans. Domestically, the levels and requirements of the national leagues and international competitions do differ. Zhu Ting may need a higher competitive platform to maintain her competitive status and personal growth. Her health is just as important as the enjoyment of her game, which is one of the reasons why she chose a club abroad.

Although Zhu Ting has performed well in foreign clubs, her role in the national team has sometimes not been fully utilized, which may be related to factors such as tactical arrangements. Fans regret that her role in the national team has not been fully utilized, because for an elite athlete, the role and display value in the national team is the highest pursuit.

Zhu Ting joined Conegliano, and the fans were not convinced! After learning the reason, I expressed my support

The difficult years of the goddess of women's volleyball

Zhu Ting was born in a rural family in Zhoukou, Henan Province, experienced the ups and downs of life in her early years, and also witnessed Zhu Ting, the third eldest in the family whose parents worked for a living, had two older sisters and two younger sisters. The family's livelihood depends on three acres and six cents of land and the car repair shop that his father runs in the village. Zhu Anliang is busy from morning to night every day, farming during the day and repairing cars at night, barely supporting the whole family.

Zhu Ting's younger brother died of leukemia many years ago, bringing heavy grief and huge debts to the family. The family was in difficulty, and Zhu Ting's two sisters had to drop out of school and work in a factory in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, to earn money to support their family. In February 2007, Zhu Ting was 13 years old. Before the start of the new semester, her father said to her: "Your sister's grades are better than yours, she doesn't study anymore, you don't want to study, the family has no money." ”

Zhu Ting joined Conegliano, and the fans were not convinced! After learning the reason, I expressed my support

Zhu Ting's sports talent is very good, you can go to a sports school to try. In the trial training of the sports school, Zhu Ting performed well in various tests, including the 100-meter run, standing long jump and basketball. After all the tests, the coach in charge of admissions excitedly said to Zhu Anliang: "I have never seen such a talented volleyball seedling, we must recruit her!" ”

When Zhu Anliang heard this, a big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. But when he learned that the annual tuition fee was as high as tens of thousands of yuan, he nervously pulled the corner of Zhu Ting's clothes: "Dad, I'm not going to school anymore, let's go home!" The high tuition fees made Zhu Anliang well aware of the pressure, but from the hopeful gaze in the coach's eyes, he seemed to see a bright future for his family. A voice has been echoing in his heart: "If we had money, we would have two athletes in our family a long time ago!" ”

Zhu Ting joined Conegliano, and the fans were not convinced! After learning the reason, I expressed my support

Zhu Anliang felt guilty because of the future of his two daughters, and after learning that Zhu Ting was talented, he was determined not to let this guilt continue. He gritted his teeth and rejected Zhu Ting's request to drop out. In order to pay for their son's medical expenses, the Zhu family has long been in debt. But for Zhu Ting's volleyball dream, Zhu Anliang and his wife Yang Xuelan did not hesitate to borrow money from relatives, and even sold all the food and farm tools in the family to pay for Zhu Ting's tuition.

Zhu Ting decided that she must not let her parents down again. After returning to the sports school, Zhu Ting waved her arms and smashed the ball hundreds of times a day, constantly practiced cushioning, and became one of the most diligent students in the school. Fate favors those who have a heart, and Zhu Ting was selected to study in the provincial sports school in 2008. At first, she attended the regular class, but after only 12 days, she was promoted to the "sports class" with her own efforts. In 2009, 15-year-old Zhu Ting finally bid farewell to the life of going home to farm, and was directly promoted to the Henan women's volleyball youth team with her outstanding talent.

Zhu Ting joined Conegliano, and the fans were not convinced! After learning the reason, I expressed my support

At this time, Zhu Ting, not only has her skills, tactics, and psychological quality to be improved, her height is only 1.88 meters, and her performance is also very young. In the 2011 Henan women's volleyball team against Evergrande women's volleyball team (coach Lang Ping), Zhu Ting served as a passer and made many mistakes, and many coaches were dissatisfied with Zhu Ting's performance.

Peak moments

Zhu Ting was only 19 years old when she entered the women's volleyball national team, and met the "iron hammer" Lang Ping, who continued to improve under the guidance of Lang Ping, and finally became the main attacker in the team. In 2015, Zhu Ting shined in the Women's Volleyball World Cup and helped China win the championship. In the Rio Olympics that followed, the Chinese women's volleyball team won the championship again.

Zhu Ting joined Conegliano, and the fans were not convinced! After learning the reason, I expressed my support

Zhu Ting became famous in one fell swoop with her outstanding performance and became a high-profile "new star of the women's volleyball team". In 2019, she led the Chinese women's volleyball team to win the World Cup again. Zhu Ting won a lot of bonuses and state awards, which she gave back to her parents, and after paying off the family's debts, she also bought a property in the county for her parents to live in.

Her parents were grateful to Zhu Ting for her filial piety. Zhu Ting not only bought a house and a car for her parents, but also found a specialist for her mother to treat her eye disease, which finally helped her mother recover and regain her sight. Although the parents thought that Zhu Ting had reached the age when she should get married and start a family, they never forced it because they understood the characteristics of their children's careers.

Zhu Ting joined Conegliano, and the fans were not convinced! After learning the reason, I expressed my support

Zhu Ting's outstanding performance in the World Youth Championships and the three major competitions, as well as her outstanding achievements in the international arena, have become a dazzling star in the women's volleyball world. She not only led the Chinese women's volleyball team to defeat Brazil to win the championship at the 2016 Rio Olympics, but also won the MVP award, showing her calmness and leadership temperament at critical moments.

At the 2020 Tokyo Olympics qualifying tournament, she still insisted on playing with a serious wrist injury, but the Chinese women's volleyball team failed to advance, which aroused widespread attention and discussion. Zhu Ting's choices and decisions, including her treatment abroad and joining foreign clubs, have also sparked controversy and questions among fans

Zhu Ting joined Conegliano, and the fans were not convinced! After learning the reason, I expressed my support

Despite this, Zhu Ting has always maintained her passion and professionalism for the game. In April 2024, she announced her return to the national team, bringing joy and anticipation to her fans and supporters. Zhu Ting's return is not only a big boost to the Chinese women's volleyball team, but also marks a new chapter in her career.


After Zhu Ting joined Conegliano, fans were full of doubts and puzzles. They asked: Why did you leave the world's top league to join a team in Italy's second league? When they learned why, they fell silent. Zhu Ting chose Conegliano not because of regression or lack of personal strength, but because of deeper considerations. Perhaps seeking a calmer environment to compete, or to better reunite with family, these motivations go beyond superficial results and personal accolades.

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