
The other half has 2+1, what should you do?

author:Lao Li loves to share

My other half has 2+1, what should I do? This is a dilemma that many people encounter.

The other half has 2+1, what should you do?

Often many people encounter these problems, either noisy or noisy, or mad, or even emotionally impulsive, making radical behaviors, not only useless, but also can make the problem more complicated, or even unmanageable, must be calmly faced, since it is on the stall, we have to find a way to solve it, so what should we do? Today I will talk to you about this topic and tell you some methods and skills to deal with it, and the following four points must be remembered

First, calm yourself down

Many people encounter this kind of thing, the whole person is stunned all of a sudden, unable to accept this reality, emotions are greatly impacted, some people cry two trouble and three hanging, purely to let the emotions take away, all day long in anxiety, pain, confusion, confusion, anger in the struggle to extricate themselves, at this time the most important thing is to try to calm down, only calm down to make correct judgments and thinking, in order to know what to do next?

Second, it is necessary to make amends

Your other half has 2+1, it must be that there is a loophole in your house, and this situation will occur, just like a rat in the house, you have to consider where it came from? Hurry up and fill the loophole, the rat will not come in again, for example, you don't have the other party's economy, the other party has money in his hand, and there is a messy capital outside, and then for example, you usually smug a lot, what the other party does in a day, you don't care, a lot of time is out of control, you don't take it seriously, etc., quickly find out the problem first, control the other party's money, whereabouts, mobile phones, plug the loopholes, and stop losses in time.

Third, don't be in a hurry to tear your face

Some people encounter this kind of thing and just go around making trouble, looking for 2+1 trouble, and making trouble with the other half? Looking for the other half's parents or unit to make trouble pushes the other half into a desperate situation, often causing the other half to simply break the jar and fall, the dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, you really can't do anything about him.

Fourth, hold on to the weakness of the other half

When this kind of thing happens, you must find the other half to have a good talk, but before talking, you must think about how to deal with various situations, especially you must find the weakness of the other half, the weakness of the other half, what is he afraid of? For example, if your other half just wants to play outside, and he values the stability of the marriage, you tell him, if such a situation occurs again, we will separate, and for example, your other half is very face-loving, and you say that if such a situation occurs again, I will stab you and make you lose face, and for example, your other half is particularly afraid of his parents or leaders, and you say that if you have such a situation again, I will tell your parents and leaders, and he will be afraid. He will converge, and he will slowly break off that relationship.

The other half has 2+1, what should you do?

What do you think? Let me know in the comment section.

I am Lao Li, and I share with you every day how to use traditional culture to protect the happiness of your family and life.

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The other half has 2+1, what should you do?