
What can you do in 30 seconds? Let me tell you, do you dare to come and challenge? Come and find a big competition for different words

author:Zhenzi said that there are 1 and 2 things

Let's find different words together, learn while looking for them, and find a different Chinese character in each of the ten Chinese character pictures of "Bright Moonlight in Front of the Bed, Suspected to be Frost on the Ground".

What can you do in 30 seconds? Let me tell you, do you dare to come and challenge? Come and find a big competition for different words


Bed [chuáng] 1. Furniture for people to sleep on.

Example: mattress. Bed. Sickbed. Get up.

2. Something that acts as a support like a bed.

Example: Lathe. Machine tool. Gum.

3. For bedding, etc.

4. Certain floors like beds.

Example: River Bed.

What can you do in 30 seconds? Let me tell you, do you dare to come and challenge? Come and find a big competition for different words


前 [qián] 1. The direction in which the person is facing; On the front.

Example: Front. Front door. In front of the house and behind the house.

2. Act in the direction you face.

Example: Stagnant. Go ahead. Move forward.

3. Past; Earlier.

Example: Unprecedented. Unprecedented.

4. Order in the head.


5. Once upon a time.

Example: Ex-husband. Ancestor.

6. Future.

Example: Future. Foreground. Future.

What can you do in 30 seconds? Let me tell you, do you dare to come and challenge? Come and find a big competition for different words


明【míng】1.明亮 (跟"暗"相对).

Example: The moon and stars are rare. Brightly lit. Bright. Bright.

2. (from the current count) second (year, day).

Example: Next year. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.

3. Clear; Got it.

Example: Distinguish between right and wrong. Love and hate. Sprightly. Concise. Illustrate.

4. Understand; Understand. Example: Deeply understand the righteousness.

5. Public; revealed.

Example: Bright guns and dark arrows. Prices are clearly marked. There's something to say.

6. Eyesight. Example: blindness. Fuming.

7. Good eyesight; Discerning.

Example: Deaf and clear. Brilliant. Astute.

8. Indication; Display. Example: Beginning with a clear meaning.

9. Light. Example: Abandon the darkness and turn to the light.

10. Indicates that it is clearly so or indeed true.

Example: Knowingly asking.

11. The name of the dynasty (1368-1644 AD), built by Zhu Yuanzhang, first built the capital of Nanjing, and then moved the capital to Beijing.

12. Last name.

What can you do in 30 seconds? Let me tell you, do you dare to come and challenge? Come and find a big competition for different words


月 [yuè] 1.月; The Moon, the Earth's satellite, does not emit light by itself, its light is the light that reflects the Sun.

Example: Wearing the stars and wearing the moon. Moonlight. Lunar eclipse. Moon.

2. The unit of time, the year is divided into 12 months.

Example: March in the spring. Severe winter. First lunar month.

3. Monthly.

Example: Monthly. Monthly interest. Monthly salary.

4. The shape is round like the moon.

Example: moon cake. Yueqin.

What can you do in 30 seconds? Let me tell you, do you dare to come and challenge? Come and find a big competition for different words


光 [guāng] 1.Bright light emitted by the sun, fire, electricity, etc.

Example: Light. Luminous. Firelight. Sunlight.

2. Bright.

Example: Radiance. Luster. Bright. Light.

3. Brilliance; Honor.

Example: Glorious. Grace. Glory.

4. Honorifics, which indicate that the other person's actions make them feel honored. Example: patronize. To.

5. Time; Day.

Example: Time is like an arrow. Time.

6. Scenery; Giveaways.

Example: Spring is bright. Scenery. Sightsee.

7. Smooth; Smooth.

Example: Clean. Slippery. Smooth.

8. Net; Exhaust.

9. Exposed (body). Example: barefoot.

10. only; Only.

What can you do in 30 seconds? Let me tell you, do you dare to come and challenge? Come and find a big competition for different words


1. Do not believe; Not sure.

Example: Half-believed. Doubt. Qualm. Hesitate.

2. Speculation due to unbelieving.

Example: suspicion.

3. It cannot be determined; Difficult to solve.

Example: Doubtful case. Doubt. Difficult. Doubt.

4. Refers to difficult problems.

Example: Question. Explanation. Answering.

5. Confusing.

Example: Suspicious soldier. Suspicious.

What can you do in 30 seconds? Let me tell you, do you dare to come and challenge? Come and find a big competition for different words



Example: Nothing is good. Opinionated. Right and wrong.

2. Think it's right.

Examples: Ancient and non-modern. Depth is its words.

3. Say yes.

4. This; This one.

Example: From the is, it can be known. It's the year. So?

5. Connect two things.

Indicates the presence. Indicates judgment. Indicates an explanation or description.

6. Connect two nouns or verbs that are the same.

The use of this format twice in a row indicates that the things mentioned are not related to each other and cannot be confused.

In this format alone, it emphasizes the objectivity of things.

In this format alone, it means a concession and contains the meaning of "although".

7. Linking two identical quantitative structures, used after a verb, with the meaning of "counting", indicating that no other is considered.

8. Use at the beginning of the sentence to accentuate the tone.

9. Used before a noun, it contains the meaning of "whatever".

10. Used before an adjective or verbal predicate, the stress of "is" indicates firm affirmation, and contains the meaning of "indeed, substantial".

11. Used before a noun, it contains the meaning of "suitable".

12. Used in choice questions, yes/no questions, or rhetorical questions.

13.The "composition" with "is...... The format of "emphasis" means emphasis or classification.

What can you do in 30 seconds? Let me tell you, do you dare to come and challenge? Come and find a big competition for different words


1. Earth; Earthly outer 壳.

Example: Heaven and earth. Stratum. Earthquake.

2. Land; Ground.

Example: arable land. Wasteland. Alkaline ground. Sweeping. Concrete floors.

3. The part of the earth's surface that removes the oceans.

Example: Groundwater. Land. Mountain. Basin.

4. Region, a place or area with a large scope.

Example: Zone. Local. Territory. Outback.

5. Part of the space.

6. Premises; Place.

Example: Local materials. Field trips. Destination. Venue.

7. Status; Situation.

Example: Put yourself in their shoes. Situation. Circumstances.

8. The field of ideological activity.

Example: Insight. Heart.

9. Distance (after mileage or station).

10. Set off the bottom surface of the pattern and pattern.

What can you do in 30 seconds? Let me tell you, do you dare to come and challenge? Come and find a big competition for different words


上 [shàng] 1. Above, the position is in a high place.

Example: Upper. Spread. Upstream.

2. Chronologically or in order.

Example: Last time. Episode on. Roll up.

3. High grade or good quality.

Example: Superior. Superior. Admiral. Top grade.

4. Upward. Example: Appeal. Turned. Floating.

5. From low to high. Example: Go upstairs. Mountain.

6. Presentation. Example: Offering. Book. Tax.

7. Go forward. Example: Rush up.

8. To; Go (somewhere).

Example: Go to school. Go shopping.

9. Reach (a certain amount or degree).

10. Supplements; Add to.

Example: Oiled. Cargo. Feeding.

11. Publication; Broadcast. Example: Escalation. Credited.

12. Start working or studying at the specified time, etc.

Example: Go to work. Class.

13. Tighten.

Example: Winding.

14. Smear. Example: Medication. Varnished.

15. Staging; Appearances. Example: Staged. Play.

16. Bring food and other food to the table.

Example: Serve. Serve tea.

17. Installation.

18. The traditional phonetic notation marks in mainland folk music indicate the first level on the scale, which is equivalent to the "1" of the simple notation.

19. Used after a verb.

It means going from a low place to a high place.

Indicates that there is a result or a goal is achieved.

Indicates that the action begins and continues.

Indicates that a certain number of actions have been reached.

20. Used after nouns.

Represents on the surface of the object. Example: On the table. On the wall?

Indicates that something is within its bounds.

Indicates a certain aspect. Example: Actually.

Used after a word to indicate age, it is equivalent to "...... time".

What can you do in 30 seconds? Let me tell you, do you dare to come and challenge? Come and find a big competition for different words


frost [shuāng] 1.White ice crystals formed by water vapor in the air on the ground or objects when cold.

Example: Cold as ice. Worse.

2. Frost-like substances.

3. The metaphor of white.

Example: frost sideburns. Frost Sword.