
The lunar soil was given priority to the four countries, not to the United States, but NASA is looking forward to it, and France will divide it privately?

author:Popular Science Lobby

Chang'e-6 has entered the stage of sample distribution and research, and many people are curious, in addition to domestic scientific research institutions, which countries, or foreign scientific research institutions, have the opportunity to obtain the samples brought back by Chang'e-6?

Because Chang'e-6 is an international cooperation project, the four partners of Chang'e-6 are likely to have priority access to Chang'e-6 lunar soil, in addition, although Russia has not participated in the Chang'e-6 project, China and Russia have also cooperated a lot in the field of aerospace in recent years, and the lunar soil of Chang'e-5 has also been given to Russia, so this time Russia is also expected to obtain Chang'e-6 lunar soil.

This can't help but make people curious, can the United States, which is most looking forward to obtaining Chang'e-6 lunar soil, get it?

Let's find out!

The lunar soil was given priority to the four countries, not to the United States, but NASA is looking forward to it, and France will divide it privately?

1. The four countries that have priority access to Chang'e-6 lunar soil

The lunar soil brought back by Chang'e-6 is the first lunar soil from the far side of the moon in human history, so it is more valuable for research than the lunar soil obtained from the moon in the past.

To put it bluntly, it is the priority of our domestic scientists to conduct research, of course, foreign scientists also have the opportunity to obtain a research sample, but when they can get it, they need to queue up to apply.

Among them, France, Italy, Pakistan, and Sweden, including ESA, may be the first countries to obtain Chang'e-6 lunar soil samples, because Chang'e-6 carries their scientific payload.

Then there is Russia, in 2022, the mainland gave Russia 1.5 grams of Chang'e-5 lunar soil in exchange, and at that time, Russia gave us the lunar soil brought back by the "Luna 16" launched by the Soviet Union in 1970.

The lunar soil was given priority to the four countries, not to the United States, but NASA is looking forward to it, and France will divide it privately?

Because of the different sampling locations, mainland scientists have obtained this sample of lunar soil from the Soviet era, which can also help us better study the moon and compare the composition of lunar soil in different periods of the moon's history.

In 2023, during French President Emmanuel Macron's visit to China, the mainland also presented him with a sample of lunar soil weighing 1.5 grams, which on the one hand shows that the mainland attaches great importance to its relations with France, and on the other hand, it also shows that the mainland is willing to continue to cooperate with France.

Speaking of which, France can obtain lunar soil from China's Chang'e-5 and Chang'e-6, which is extremely enviable for the United States.

Of course, behind France's acquisition of lunar soil samples, there are also friends who are curious, if France and the United States have such good relations, will France transfer lunar soil samples to the United States? If France really gave it away, wouldn't it mean that the United States "curved" to get the lunar soil brought back by China?

The lunar soil was given priority to the four countries, not to the United States, but NASA is looking forward to it, and France will divide it privately?

2. Will France share lunar soil with the United States?

In fact, there is no need to worry about this, because France cherishes the lunar soil given to him by China, and French scientists also have to conduct research, and only 1.5 grams of precious ones are reluctant to share with the United States.

For example, this time, as soon as Chang'e-6 returned to Earth with samples from the back of the moon, the French space agency announced the results of the analysis of the lunar soil samples sent to France by the United States after obtaining Chang'e-5 lunar soil last year: the lunar soil obtained by China and the United States from the front of the moon is less than 25% similar.

So this time, after France obtains the lunar soil of Chang'e-6, it will also conduct its own research.

The lunar soil was given priority to the four countries, not to the United States, but NASA is looking forward to it, and France will divide it privately?

Moreover, if France cooperates with China later, it is impossible to transfer the lunar soil given to him by China to the United States, it can only be said that the United States thinks too much, for the United States, it is "one big family", and it has never treated its allies equally, and all allies are "leeks" for the United States.

So NASA may be hoping that it can get some lunar soil from France or other allies who have obtained China's lunar soil, but in fact, no country can give it to him.

The lunar soil was given priority to the four countries, not to the United States, but NASA is looking forward to it, and France will divide it privately?

Speaking of which, as early as Chang'e-5, the United States has always wanted to obtain the lunar soil brought back by China, but a "Wolf clause" has completely blocked the road to Sino-US space cooperation, if the United States wants to obtain lunar soil and wants to cooperate with China, it needs to revoke the "Wolf clause", otherwise we will not be able to give him lunar soil.

When Chang'e-5 was opened for cooperation before, NASA asked many American scientific research institutions to apply.

However, although the application was approved, if these American scientific research institutions want to obtain Chang'e-5 lunar soil, they still need NASA to come forward to communicate with China's aerospace industry, and NASA will process some official documents.

Naturally, there is a lot involved in this, and NASA's desire to "curve" to obtain Chinese lunar soil is far from being as easy as he imagined.

The lunar soil was given priority to the four countries, not to the United States, but NASA is looking forward to it, and France will divide it privately?

The current United States never dreamed that one day China's aerospace industry would go ahead of itself.

In the past, the United States suppressed and blockaded China and banned any cooperation between China and the United States in the field of aerospace in order to stifle our development.

However, the Chinese people are constantly striving for self-improvement, and no matter how difficult it is, we will strive to move towards our goals.

Therefore, China will develop better and better, continue to make new breakthroughs, and "overtake in corners" in more and more fields.

The lunar soil was given priority to the four countries, not to the United States, but NASA is looking forward to it, and France will divide it privately?

And the U.S. blockade and sanctions against China have now become a shackle that restricts their exchanges and development. What do you think about this?

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