
Jiangchuan No. 2 Middle School: Illuminate the growth of labor-plastic people

author:Western Mobile Media

  In order to promote the formation of a labor education atmosphere of "cultivating morality through labor, increasing wisdom through labor, strengthening the body through labor, educating beauty through labor, and innovating through labor", Jiangchuan No. 2 Middle School actively organized students to carry out a variety of labor education practice activities.

Jiangchuan No. 2 Middle School: Illuminate the growth of labor-plastic people

The reporter recently saw in the labor base of Jiangchuan No. 2 Middle School that the students were carrying out the activity of grinding soybean milk, some students were responsible for pushing the grinding plate, and some students were adding soaked soybeans on the side, watching the soybean milk in the pot change from less to more, and the students were excited. After the beans were grinded, under the guidance of the teacher, the students experienced the process of filtering and boiling soy milk, and felt the charm of the traditional craft of making soybean milk.

Student Dai Xinjie:

  I learned how to make soy milk, and grinding soy milk made me feel the joy of labor and reaped joy from it.

Jiangchuan No. 2 Middle School: Illuminate the growth of labor-plastic people
Jiangchuan No. 2 Middle School: Illuminate the growth of labor-plastic people

On the other side of the labor base, crops such as peppers and corn are planted, and under the guidance of teachers, students perform their own duties and carry out field management activities such as hoeing and fertilizing.

Student Shi Yi: In this labor class, we hoe and fertilize the crops, and when they are ripe, they are sent to the canteen for processing, and let the students taste them for free, from which we experience the joy of labor, the sense of achievement of labor, and the truth of hard work and harvest.

Labor education is one of the main contents of students' all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor. In order to integrate knowledge education and practical education, Jiangchuan No. 2 Middle School has successively set up labor practice courses such as flower bonsai planting, soybean milk production, plant cuttings, and crop planting, so as to cultivate students' labor skills, realize the unity of knowledge and action, and promote students to form a correct world view, outlook on life, and values.

Chen Jiang, Vice Principal of Jiangchuan No. 2 Middle School:

  Each class will set up a labor education practice class every week, so that students can participate in activities in the labor education practice base, so that students can feel the beauty of labor and experience the value of labor, and also enrich students' campus life.

  The development of labor education practice activities in Jiangchuan No. 2 Middle School allows students to experience the beauty of life and the joy of labor in labor, and gives full play to the comprehensive educational value of labor education in cultivating morality, increasing intelligence, strengthening the body, and cultivating beauty. In 2016, Jiangchuan No. 2 Middle School successfully held the on-site meeting of Yunnan Provincial Work-Study Practice Base and was rated as Yunnan Provincial Work-Study Demonstration Base; In 2020, the on-site meeting of the labor education practice base of primary and secondary schools in Yuxi City was successfully held, and it was rated as a demonstration school of labor education in Yuxi City.

Source synthesis: Jiangchuan release reporter Gong Yixi Shi Minzheng

Editorial Release: Western Mobile Media

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