
It is easy to lack sleep in summer, and patients with vitiligo need to be cautious

author:Yin Zhisheng of TCM dermatology

With the arrival of summer, the high temperature and long sunshine have caused many people to fall into the predicament of lack of sleep. For vitiligo patients, sleep deprivation during this period not only affects the quality of daily life, but can also have a series of adverse effects on the condition.

It is easy to lack sleep in summer, and patients with vitiligo need to be cautious

Lack of sleep affects vitiligo recovery

Lack of sleep exacerbates vitiligo

Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease, and the development of its condition is closely related to the body's immune status.

Lack of sleep in summer can directly lead to immune dysfunction and endocrine disorders, which can exacerbate the development of vitiligo.

Sleep deprivation interferes with the normal renewal and repair process of skin cells, making the skin more sensitive and fragile and susceptible to external irritants, which in turn promotes the spread of vitiligo and the aggravation of depigmentation.

This not only affects the patient's appearance but also severely reduces their quality of life.

Increased risk of neuroendocrine disorders

Bad lifestyle habits such as long-term insomnia or staying up late can lead to dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, causing neuroendocrine disorders.

This disorder may induce or aggravate the symptoms of vitiligo, such as enlargement of vitiligo, hypopigmentation, etc.

Sleep is an important period for the body to repair and regulate itself, and a lack of adequate rest will weaken the body's resistance to infection and disease, making vitiligo patients more susceptible to bacteria and viruses, further aggravating the condition.

Affects skin health and self-repair

Getting enough sleep helps boost the metabolism and repair of skin cells, while sleep deprivation can interfere with this process.

The summer sun is strong, and if people with vitiligo don't get enough sleep, the skin will not be able to effectively defend itself against UV damage, increasing the risk of skin lesions.

In addition, lack of sleep can also tarnish the skin, accelerate the aging process, and form wrinkles and a dull complexion, which is undoubtedly worse for vitiligo patients who are already facing appearance problems.

Increased risk of cardiovascular disease

Long-term sleep deprivation can also lead to increased blood pressure and increased heart rate, which can easily lead to cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and coronary heart disease in the long term.

These diseases not only affect the overall health of the patient, but they can also aggravate the condition of vitiligo patients by affecting blood circulation.

Reduced blood supply to the affected area can hinder the production and distribution of melanin, further exacerbating the formation and spread of vitiligo.

It is easy to lack sleep in summer, and patients with vitiligo need to be cautious

How to deal with sleep deprivation in summer

Maintain a regular sleep schedule: Try to maintain a regular bedtime and wake up time, even on holidays.

Create a comfortable sleeping environment: Make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark, and at the right temperature, and avoid excessive temperatures and noises that interfere with sleep.

Limit caffeine and alcohol intake: Do not consume caffeinated beverages after 3 p.m. and avoid smoking and drinking before bedtime.

Moderate exercise: Sticking to exercises such as jogging and jumping rope can improve blood circulation, but avoid strenuous exercise before bedtime.

Adjust your diet: Avoid being too full before bedtime and reduce your intake of foods high in vitamin C to avoid hindering melanin production.

Relax: Control your emotions and avoid excessive anxiety or excitement before bed, you can try meditation, deep breathing and other methods to relax.

It is easy to lack sleep in summer, and patients with vitiligo need to be cautious

Lack of sleep in summer is a health problem for vitiligo sufferers. By improving sleep quality, adjusting lifestyle habits, and maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude, we can effectively reduce the adverse effects of sleep deprivation on the condition. Adequate sleep is the cornerstone of good health and an important guarantee for vitiligo patients on the road to recovery.