
To the management post, we must do "8 in place"!

author:Jiang Xiaohua Management

When the leader, this management 8 is in place, you must do it!

To put it bluntly, managing this is dealing with people.

Do you also think that the methods are all right and the strategy is fine, but the team just can't lead it?

That's probably because you haven't really figured out the human veins yet.

Management does not mean that you are commanding from above, but you have to be down-to-earth and understand people's hearts.

Leader, if you can't do these 8 positions, your team is likely to be scattered.

But if you do, you'll be able to fly with them, and everything will go smoothly.


Hearts in place

The first thing in management lies in the heart, and if the heart is not in place, everything is empty.

As a manager, the first thing to do is to "have your heart in place".

It's not just about your dedication to your work, it's about caring for your subordinates.

At work, you have to calm down and understand what each employee is thinking, worrying about.

Then use their needs to create loyalty for themselves.

To the management post, we must do "8 in place"!

But remember, that loyalty is based on your ability to accurately grasp and use the real needs of your employees.

You need to make your subordinates feel that you are not only their boss, but also their confidant, in exchange for enough trust and support.

In this way, they will be willing to die for you.

Even in the face of great difficulties and challenges, they will follow you with all their hearts.

At the same time, you may wish to ask yourself more in the process of management:

"Do I really care about their growth?"

"Am I willing to devote time and energy to their development?"

Only when you listen, feel, and respond with your heart can you truly achieve the heart in place and achieve heart-to-heart resonance.


People in place

People are the core of management, and if people are not in place, it is difficult for the team to succeed.

As a manager, you must know how to identify and employ people, and capture the value of each employee.

After all, everyone's personality, abilities, and potential are different.

To get the most out of your team, you need to know people well.

These value points are then used smartly to create greater benefits for the team.

In your day-to-day work, you should try to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each subordinate as much as possible.

To the management post, we must do "8 in place"!

Put the right people in the most suitable positions, so that everyone can shine in their own field.

This will also make employees feel that they can get their due rewards for every effort they deserve.

As a manager, you also need to learn to "squeeze" more value from their efforts.

Of course, this exploitation is not for you to exploit nakedly.

Instead, it is necessary to use a reasonable incentive and reward mechanism to allow employees to create more value for you on a voluntary basis.

At the same time, we should also pay attention to the cultivation and development of employees.

Since you are sitting in a management position, you must have the mind and pattern of a manager.

Don't be afraid of employees going above and beyond.

Instead, we should provide them with a stage and opportunities for growth, and retreat behind the scenes to be willing to be green leaves.

When subordinates feel your trust and expectation, they will naturally work harder to improve their abilities and create greater value for the team.


It's all in place

Things are the carrier of management, and if things are not in place, everything is nonsense.

At work, you want to make your employees feel like they know what they do.

Make sure everything is taken care of in the best possible way, and no matter what they do, they can't escape your control.

That way, they will be more in awe of you and work harder.

Like what:

You need to strictly control every aspect of the work to ensure that each step can be completed according to the established plan and standards.

At the same time, feedback and summary are also required.

Every time a task is completed, it is necessary to conduct an effective review in a timely manner, analyze the reasons for success or failure, and learn lessons, so as to provide useful reference for future work.

Only in this way can we ensure that every work of the team can be implemented and done well.


Words in place

Words are the bridge of management, and words are not in place, and misunderstandings are numerous.

As a manager, you need to be good at communication and dare to speak.

Convey in clear, accurate, and powerful language.

Make it easy for employees to understand your requirements and expectations for the task.

At the same time, it is also important to listen to the suggestions of subordinates.

Understand their thoughts and needs and provide them with opportunities to express themselves.

To the management post, we must do "8 in place"!

In addition to verbal communication, managers should also pay attention to the role of example.

Every action you take, every decision you make, has a profound impact on your employees.

Therefore, we should use our own actions to interpret the true meaning of management as much as possible, and use our own behaviors to set an example for employees.

Only in this way can we truly teach by example and do what we say.


Money in place

Money is a sensitive point of management, and if money is not in place, it is difficult to stabilize people's hearts.

As a manager, you need to know how to allocate team resources appropriately.

Package money, time, energy, etc.

Learn to "entice" employees with money and make them work hard for money.

In terms of monetary incentives, it is necessary to ensure that the efforts of employees are proportional to the returns.

Let them feel that their value has been duly recognized.

At the same time, it is also necessary to learn to use money to bind the interests of employees.

By setting up a reasonable reward mechanism, we can stimulate employees' enthusiasm and creativity.

Let subordinates understand that only by creating more benefits for the team can they get more rewards.

To the management post, we must do "8 in place"!

In short, at work, you need to make employees feel that getting results and money is the highest goal they are pursuing.

And you are the only way to help them achieve this goal quickly.

That's how you can really control them.

Of course, in distribution, the principle of fairness and justice must be emphasized.

Avoid internal contradictions and conflicts caused by unequal money.

Only when you can use the sensitive point of money wisely can you really stabilize people's hearts and stimulate the vitality of the team.


Caps in place

"Hat", here refers to honor and status, the high hat is not worn in place, morale can be low.

As managers, we have to understand a truth:

For the new generation of employees, money is not always everything.

Therefore, if you want to be able to play new tricks, you must know how to put a high hat on your employees and use "reputation" to tie their hearts.

If employees have made outstanding achievements, they should be commended and rewarded immediately.

Give them the hat of honor in time and elevate their status.

Let such subordinates feel that their efforts are seen by the leader, so that their inner potential and enthusiasm for work will be continuously stimulated.

To the management post, we must do "8 in place"!

Also, you have to create opportunities for your employees to promote and develop.

Let subordinates continue to climb up in the team and improve their status and influence.

As long as the two aspects of "money" and "reputation" are satisfied, employees will definitely cherish their work opportunities and team atmosphere more, and are willing to spend more time for the development of the team.

Of course, this kind of honor and status incentive can also promote the formation of a healthy competitive atmosphere within the team.

Let everyone riveted and rush forward!


Check it out

Investigation is the guarantee of management, and the investigation is not in place, and there are many loopholes.

As a manager, you have to keep your eyes open and keep an eye on the work of your team, and supervision and inspection are essential.

In practice, you need to establish a complete set of supervision mechanisms and inspection processes.

Ensure that every job is completed according to established plans and standards.

In addition, it is to always pay attention to the progress of the work and give subordinates certain practical guidance.

Once you find problems and deficiencies in your subordinates' work, you can quickly point them out and help them correct them.

However, you should also pay attention to the ways and means when checking, after all, everyone's acceptance is different.

You have to choose the right way to check if the employees are doing everything in place.

To the management post, we must do "8 in place"!

Don't use that overly harsh and demanding way to put unnecessary pressure on employees and leave them breathless.

Instead, guide your subordinates in a gentler, encouraging way.

Let them form an atmosphere of self-supervision and self-improvement.

In this way, the team's execution and work efficiency can really be improved, and the work can be done better!


Penalties in place

Punishment is a necessary means of management and the key to ensuring efficiency.

As a manager, you have to understand that there are inspections, there are rewards, and there must be punishments.

If the punishment is not in place, then the system will be useless and discipline will be lost.

When imposing punishments, it is important to be just, fair and open.

Employees should not be disposed of arbitrarily by wearing tinted glasses based on personal preferences or prejudices.

It is still more important not to retaliate in the name of punishment.

At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the combination of corrections and corrections.

Through reasonable punishment measures, employees can recognize their mistakes and be willing to correct them while accepting punishment.

That's what punishment really means.

In addition, the punishment should be moderate.

Excessive punishment can lead to resentment and even thoughts of leaving.

Punishment that is too light may be superficial, making it difficult for subordinates to correct.

Therefore, you need to formulate reasonable punishment measures according to the actual situation of the employee and the severity of the mistake.

From the point of view of human nature, only if you punish you in place, they can be obedient, otherwise they will not put you in their eyes at all.

✎ Write at the end

Management, to put it bluntly, is to understand human nature and be down-to-earth.

When you have done this "management 8 in place", you will find that everyone in the team is not here to work, but really wants to work with you.

Because they have found their place under your hands and feel the value of their existence.

Remember, management is not about commanding from above, but about connecting with each subordinate with your heart.

Now, it's time to put this set of "Management 8 in Place" into practice and get your team moving!

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