
Stop clinging to the problem of corruption in the country! Over the past few decades, China has made remarkable achievements!

author:Chen Chuer

As an ordinary citizen, I have witnessed the changes in the mainland in the past few decades, from the early days of reform and opening up to the world's second largest economy. However, in the process, the issue of corruption became the focus of public opinion for a time, and some people even remembered it.

But I would say it's time to put aside the over-focus on corruption in the country and face up to the tremendous progress we've made!

Stop clinging to the problem of corruption in the country! Over the past few decades, China has made remarkable achievements!

I remember when I was a child, my family lived in a small town, and the roads at that time were all muddy roads, and when it rained, they were muddy.

Now, wide asphalt roads have been built in every village, and there is no need to worry about muddy roads when traveling. Not only that, highways, high-speed rail, airplanes, these once unreachable means of transportation, have now become a part of our daily lives. It can be said that China's achievements in infrastructure construction have attracted the attention of the world.

In this process, there are also people who always grasp the problem of national corruption. I understand that the problem of corruption needs to be addressed, and we cannot tolerate any moth that erodes the foundations of the country. But can't we see the tremendous achievements of the motherland?

Stop clinging to the problem of corruption in the country! Over the past few decades, China has made remarkable achievements!

The place where I work is a small private enterprise, the owner is very good, and the salary is good.

A few years ago, the boss told us that the company needed to expand the market abroad in order to start a new business. At that time, I was full of anticipation, but also a little worried. After all, going abroad is a whole new experience for me. However, when I set foot on that strange land, I was amazed to find that the people there were full of curiosity and respect for China. They envy the speed of development of the mainland and are eager to cooperate with us.

During that time, I deeply realized the strength of my motherland. We no longer need to look at other people's faces, and we have enough strength to stand tall on the international stage. Such an achievement is the result of the joint efforts of many generations. Yes, we have shortcomings, we have corruption, but we cannot deny that our country is moving in a better direction.

Stop clinging to the problem of corruption in the country! Over the past few decades, China has made remarkable achievements!

Some people say that corruption is a cancer on the country and must be completely removed. I agree with this view.

However, I also believe that our country is capable of solving this problem. Developments over the past few decades have proven that our country has a strong capacity to heal itself. If we work together, the problem of corruption will eventually be solved.

In short, the mainland has made remarkable achievements in the past few decades, and this is something that each of us should be proud of. Of course, we must also recognize that the country still faces many challenges to its development, including corruption. However, we must believe that under the party's leadership, the mainland will surely overcome all difficulties. It's time to let go of the excessive focus on corruption and discover more of the country's bright spots.

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