
The smooth transition to the decolonization of the Hong Kong SAR Police Force in China

author:Jin Ji


On 1 July 2023, to celebrate the 27th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), China, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Police (HKSAR) Police Guard of Honour conducted a Chinese-style foot drill to raise and lower the national flag. In addition, the flag guards used Type 95 automatic rifles, while the other ceremonial officers used Type 56 honor guard rifles – demonstrating the attitude of the HKSAR Police Force to actively integrate into the embrace of the motherland.

The smooth transition to the decolonization of the Hong Kong SAR Police Force in China

In addition, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Police Force will also promote the colonial "Yes., Sir! Replace it with "Yes, sir!" The above measures show that removing the "colonial color" that is symbolic to the country and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will help strengthen the sense of national identity and cultivate patriotism and love for Hong Kong!

The smooth transition to the decolonization of the Hong Kong SAR Police Force in China

At the same time, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Police Force began to phase out Western-made police equipment and began to install police models produced in the mainland of the motherland: anti-riot vehicles, anti-riot equipment, individual protective equipment, ambulance equipment, communications equipment, etc.; In addition, considering that Ukrainian neo-Nazi organizations, intelligence agencies such as the United States/Britain and NATO, and Taiwan independence forces all want to disrupt Hong Kong, it is also natural to equip the Hong Kong SAR police units with anti-sniper systems, laser anti-drone systems, and directed urban anti-riot weapons.

The smooth transition to the decolonization of the Hong Kong SAR Police Force in China
The smooth transition to the decolonization of the Hong Kong SAR Police Force in China
The smooth transition to the decolonization of the Hong Kong SAR Police Force in China

Of course, the Hong Kong police rely most on firearms: in the past, NATO and American-made firearms were sanctioned by NATO and the United States, and the proportion of ammunition supply and accessories may be decreasing day by day. Domestic guns will become the first choice of the Hong Kong police: pistols, automatic rifles, 12-gauge foreign trade shotguns, riot-proof grenade launchers, etc., they are all equipment that can compete with NATO firearms;

The smooth transition to the decolonization of the Hong Kong SAR Police Force in China
The smooth transition to the decolonization of the Hong Kong SAR Police Force in China

As a natural harbour, the Marine Police (HKSAR) is equipped with very important equipment: the use of domestically produced multi-mission interceptor boats, amphibious hovercraft and speedy pursuit training boats to replace the previous British-made patrol speedboats and patrol vessels. A total of 124 new police vessels and support boats of various types will be commissioned in the coming years to meet the challenges of law and order and law enforcement in Hong Kong waters in the next 20 years.

The smooth transition to the decolonization of the Hong Kong SAR Police Force in China
The smooth transition to the decolonization of the Hong Kong SAR Police Force in China

The Water Ghost Squad, a special unit of the Hong Kong Marine Police, is part of the Water Assault Unit of the Force's Special Duty Company (nicknamed the Flying Tigers): they are Hong Kong's land, sea and air amphibious special police units, which are responsible for hostage rescue, counter-terrorism, VIP protection, and underwater missions, including underwater search, tracking, evidence collection and diving rescue. Every year, the "Water Ghost Team" exchanges and exercises with amphibious military units of various countries, and its equipment is also equipped with international advanced equipment and tactical concepts. However, due to the hostility of Western countries to China, the "Water Ghost Team" will train and communicate with mysterious domestic mainland military counterparts in the future, and they will also be equipped with more domestic cutting-edge underwater combat equipment;

The smooth transition to the decolonization of the Hong Kong SAR Police Force in China
The smooth transition to the decolonization of the Hong Kong SAR Police Force in China
The smooth transition to the decolonization of the Hong Kong SAR Police Force in China

The sea situation in Hong Kong's waters is complex, and without air support, the Hong Kong SAR Police Force will achieve twice the result with half the effort: therefore, the procurement of domestic police helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to strengthen law and order management and crack down on terrorist organizations will be the general trend. The Hong Kong SAR Government Flying Service is mainly composed of American-made and NATO-made aircraft, and in the future, China's AC series or Z-20/8 series will become the main force;

The smooth transition to the decolonization of the Hong Kong SAR Police Force in China

In addition, taking into account the special geographical location and security needs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), the HKSAR Police Force can purchase small balloon radars to serve the public: they have a long stay in the air, a long detection distance, and high positioning accuracy, which can provide more public security information support for the HKSAR Police Force.

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