
Aite courtesy: Take you to play with the crowd targeting strategy, and marketing will no longer get lost!

author:Aite Courtesy Official Center

Hey guys! We all know that in this day and age, there is an explosion of information, and there are all kinds of information and advertisements everywhere to attract your attention. In such an environment, it is not easy to make marketing effective and get your voice heard by the right people. Today, let's use a questionnaire case to see how to use Aite courtesy to play this matter!

Aite Youli: A customized marketing assistant for the brand

Aite Youli has a set of questionnaire tag system, through every click of the user's brand activities, every answer, the accumulation of a massive user database. These user tags are like the user's "digital ID", allowing Aite Youli to easily identify their interests, occupations, age groups, and even consumption habits. Whether it is a student in a college engaged in academic research, or a brand business to explore market trends, or a specific segment of enterprises and institutions have investigation needs, Aite Youli can give you a clear and tailored research plan.

Aite courtesy: Take you to play with the crowd targeting strategy, and marketing will no longer get lost!

Case Study: AI Meets Enterprise Management

Let's take the recent super-hot topic of artificial intelligence, AI has gone from science fiction to reality, changing our work and life. A university research institute saw this hot spot and found Aite Youli to help conduct a questionnaire survey, planning to put 500 questionnaires to see how artificial intelligence affects enterprise management. They are targeting executives between the ages of 26 and 50, who are often key players in the company, and whose companies have already applied artificial intelligence technology.

So how does Aite Youli operate? For those old users, push directly according to the previously set tags, and you can find the target at once, which is very fast. And for new users, hey, don't worry, let's have a small questionnaire screening first, and only those who meet the requirements can enter the next link. Don't feel troublesome, this wave of operations can ensure that the participants are really the right people, and eligible partners will fill out questionnaires and get prizes. On the first day of the campaign, 100% of the target number of questionnaires was achieved.

Aite courtesy: Take you to play with the crowd targeting strategy, and marketing will no longer get lost!

Do you think that's the end of Aite's polite drama? No No No! At the end of the survey, you'll also be given a detailed data report, as well as in-depth data analysis to help you uncover the secret trends and insights behind the numbers. These valuable insights are the "golden key" for business decision-making, allowing you to stay one step ahead of others and occupy a favorable position in the future market competition.

So, friends, if you are still worried about not being able to find your target users, or your marketing strategy is always so bad, you might as well try Aite Youli. It can help you with precise positioning, professional service, and efficient execution, so that every interaction you have has become an accelerator for brand growth.

Aite courtesy: Take you to play with the crowd targeting strategy, and marketing will no longer get lost!

In this challenging era, choosing Aite is choosing a marketing partner who understands you and helps you. Whether you want to increase brand awareness and sales, or want to understand the market trends, Aite Youli can make you do more with less and achieve your goals easily! Let's turn every interaction into the best part of your brand story, so that everyone can hear your voice and see your light!

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