
【Party Discipline Learning and Education】Promote practical work with deep learning and promote development with dedication - all departments at all levels in our city promote party discipline learning and education to go deeper and more practical

author:Anshun Economic Development Zone released

Since the launch of party discipline learning and education, all departments at all levels in our city have closely followed the key points of learning, enriched the form of learning, worked in-depth learning, and strengthened the refining of ideology, truly integrated discipline and rules into daily life and grasped regularly, continued to promote the application of learning, and transformed the results of party discipline learning and education into a driving force for promoting high-quality development.

【Party Discipline Learning and Education】Promote practical work with deep learning and promote development with dedication - all departments at all levels in our city promote party discipline learning and education to go deeper and more practical

On April 23, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Leadership Group opened a reading class for party discipline study and education.

Into the brain and into the heart, see the action and see the effect

  "I will further strengthen my ideals and beliefs, strictly abide by discipline and rules, base myself on my own post, and work diligently and solidly" "I will strengthen self-restraint and consciously be loyal, clean and responsible"...... Recently, the Xixiu District Finance Bureau organized party members and cadres to carry out theme party day activities in Benzhai Village, Qiyanqiao Town, "Sizhitang", and all party members were deeply touched after visiting the former residence of the Yang family and listening to the story of Yang Zhen, a famous minister of the Later Han Dynasty.

  Listen to experts interpret the "Regulations", visit the warning education base, and observe the trial...... Since the launch of party discipline learning and education, all departments at all levels in our city have combined their own realities to enrich the form of learning, and the majority of party members and cadres have deeply felt the importance of party discipline in vivid education and teaching classrooms.

  Xixiu District will closely combine the study and education of party discipline with the "three meetings and one lesson" and the theme party day, constantly enrich the form of learning, and successively take the form of holding reading classes, party committee (party group) theoretical learning center group, watching warning education films, visiting warning education bases, etc., to help party members and cadres grasp the "Regulations" more deeply, more thoroughly and more accurately. 751 party branch secretaries in the region have completed the discipline party class; For special groups such as mobile party members, elderly and infirm party members, 649 times of paired student assistance and online tutoring were carried out, covering 4,725 person-times.

  Puding County highlights the "face-to-face" promotion of learning, with the relevant teachers of the county Commission for Discipline Inspection and the party school of the county party committee as the team, and sets up a 16-person "Regulations" interpretation teacher database, forming 12 related courseware to provide support for the discipline training of party members and cadres. Through online scheduling, telephone interviews, on-site guidance, etc., we will teach methods and clear paths for grassroots party organizations, and promote party discipline learning and education to cover all industries and fields, and party members at all levels in the county.

  Zhenning Autonomous County will include the interpretation and interpretation of the "Regulations" into the curriculum of various training courses such as the county's section-level cadre refresher course and the county's village party secretary (director) training class, and carry out hierarchical and classified training at different levels and in different fields. At the same time, through the party organization secretary to teach discipline party classes, discipline inspection and supervision cadres to give special guidance and other forms, the county has taught a total of 456 discipline party classes (times), to further guide the majority of party members and cadres to learn discipline, know discipline, clear discipline, and abide by discipline.

  Into the brain and into the heart, see the action and see the effect. Focusing on the "Regulations" to promote learning, the majority of party members and cadres in our city are more conscious of learning discipline and discipline, so that they often ring the ideological alarm bell, often tighten the strings of discipline, and always have a sense of awe, and effectively enhance political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and resistance to corruption.

【Party Discipline Learning and Education】Promote practical work with deep learning and promote development with dedication - all departments at all levels in our city promote party discipline learning and education to go deeper and more practical

On May 29, the Anshun Warning Education Conference was held.

Promote learning with cases and explain discipline with cases

  "Today's trial has made me deeply aware of the authority and dignity of the law, and the criminal issues involved in the case have made me think deeply." After participating in the Pingba District Party Discipline Study and Education Village (Community) Cadres Violation of Discipline and Law Warning Education Observation and Trial Activities, Wang Xinyi, Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Dongfang Community of Gulou Street, Pingba District, said with feeling: "I will continue to improve my legal literacy and professional ethics, actively perform my work duties, and make due contributions to the safety and stability of the community." ”

  Pingba District insisted on educating the people around them with things around them, and organized 30 village (community) cadre representatives to observe court trials "at zero distance" and receive warning education "immersively". Party organizations at all levels in the region held 35 warning education conferences, covering more than 5,000 people (times), and strived to transform the results of warning education into practical actions of knowing and respecting, guarding against fear, knowing the law and discipline, and abiding by the bottom line.

  Cases are the best textbooks and the best sobering agents. All departments at all levels in our city deeply analyze and flexibly use typical cases, carry out warning education at different levels and categories, and effectively improve the coverage and influence of warning education, so that warning education can be put into the mind.

  The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has made full use of typical cases, focusing on using cases to promote learning and explaining discipline through cases, and to do a good job in warning education. Carry out the activity of "Honest Guizhou, Honest Anshun 2024 Discipline and Law Education Month", complete the update of the warning education base, organize and carry out 414 warning education sessions (times), and receive education for 12,552 people (times).

  The Education Working Committee of the Municipal Party Committee has combined the study and education of party discipline with the consolidation and expansion of the two special actions of "changing teachers' ethics and teaching style" and "improving teaching ability", collected and sorted out warning education cases related to violations of rules and disciplines and laws in the education system in recent years, and used things around them to educate people around them and enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of warning education.

  Ziyun Autonomous County has carried out the "number one" family style and integrity education activities, and promoted the families of leading cadres to build a strong line of defense against family integrity by visiting warning education bases, watching warning education films, and listening to family style stories, so as to support happy and safe families with honest families.

  Up to now, our city has set up a special exhibition of "Unity of Compliance with Rules and Disciplines, Knowledge and Action" in the municipal comprehensive and strict governance of the party warning education base, and selected 29 negative typical cases to interpret the "six disciplines"; analyzed 15 negative typical cases, filmed the warning education film "Ting Ji Liangjian Non-stop", and produced and released 30 new media works on warning education; 841 warning education sessions were carried out, covering 35,800 people.

Promote work with learning and increase efficiency with action

  In the past few days, all departments at all levels in our city have insisted on promoting compliance with rules and disciplines and strengthening the performance of duties and responsibilities at the same time, and promoted the study and education of party discipline and the work of the center.

  "The service of the volunteers is very warm and thoughtful, seeing us dragging our luggage, they took the initiative to come up to ask for our needs at the first time, guide us to luggage storage and teach us to buy tickets by ourselves, which is really caring." Mr. Li, a tourist from Guangdong, said. In the volunteer service activity of "Party Members by Your Side, Zero Distance Service" organized by Huangguoshu Tourism Area, tourists praised the volunteer service of party members in the scenic spot.

  Taking the opportunity of party discipline learning and education, Huangguoshu Tourism Area continued to deepen the activity of "making contributions based on posts", carried out in-depth volunteer service of "Party members by their side, zero distance service", set up 22 volunteer teams of Party members, dispatched more than 1,420 volunteers (times), and served more than 149,000 tourists (times), and 458 Party members and cadres in the district paired up to help 694 families in need, so as to enhance the sense of gain and happiness of the masses.

  Find small cuts and push big breakthroughs. All departments at all levels in our city will closely combine the study and education of party discipline with the implementation of the major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the completion of the key work of the region, department and unit, and encourage and guide party members and cadres to work with peace of mind, let go of their work, forge ahead, and actively act to promote the quality and efficiency of various work.

  The Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee will incorporate the study and education of party discipline into the teaching layout of party schools (administrative colleges) at all levels, as the key content of education and training for party members and cadres, distinguish different levels and different fields to carry out hierarchical and classified training, highlight the education and training of key objects such as newly promoted cadres, young cadres, cadres in key positions, and cadres of the "two committees" of villages (communities), and hold 16 training courses and 989 cadres in conjunction with relevant departments directly under the municipal government.

  Focusing on the key and difficult issues of health work, the Municipal Health Bureau has determined three key research topics, including the investigation of the current situation of the management system of public hospitals, the strengthening of the construction of the maternal and child system to ensure the safety of mothers and infants, and the continuous strengthening of the construction of the pre-hospital emergency rescue system, and carried out research at the grassroots level.

  Guanling Autonomous County has carried out the work of "four alliances and four gangs" to contact and serve the people in difficulty, guide and promote party members and cadres to establish a strong sense of purpose, change their work style, improve the working methods of the masses, and do practical things for the grassroots and the masses with heart and affection, and solve problems.

  Anshun Economic and Technological Development Zone organically combines party discipline learning and education with inspection and rectification, audit supervision, ecological and environmental protection inspectors to find problems, the construction of "two cities and three bases" and investment promotion and the current central work, so as to transform the learning effect into work motivation and effectiveness.

Source: Anshun Daily

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