
The top ten in the city, Xiqing and two people are on the list!

author:The official account of Xiqing Rong Media

Decision of the Organization Department of the Tianjin Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China on commending the second "Secretary of the Party Organization of the Top Ten Villages in Tianjin" and the "Secretary of the Party Organization of the Top Ten Communities in Tianjin".

Hao Qingshui, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Village Committee of the Sixth Port Village, Xinkou Town, Xiqing District

Chen Ying, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Four Seasons Huacheng Community, Zhangjiawo Town, Xiqing District

Two on the list!

Happiness comes from struggle

The top ten in the city, Xiqing and two people are on the list!

In the middle of summer, the sixth port village is full of tourists, and the villagers are busy everywhere. Hao Qingshui said with a smile: "When General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the Sixth Port Village, he hoped that the villagers would rely on their own hands to rebuild a beautiful home and create a happy life. We keep in mind the entrustment, rely on the 'secretary project' to promote industrial development, and strive to turn the yearning for a better life into reality. ”

Looking back at 2018, Sixth Port Village is still a famous "difficult village". General Secretary Xi Jinping's golden sentence in his New Year's message, "Happiness comes from struggle", inspired Hao Qingshui, who had just taken office. He led the villagers to turn thousands of acres of barren beaches into thousands of acres of rice fields, turn green waters and lush mountains into gold and silver mountains, build a "red culture theme development park", set up three companies such as strengthening the village and enriching the people, and created the "Three Rivers Convergence" ecological six-port scenic spot, attracting 350,000 tourists and increasing the collective income of the village by more than 1,000 yuan.

Last year, a catastrophic flood occurred in the Haihe River Basin, and Liubu Village, located in the Dongdian Flood Storage and Detention Zone, became a key point. Hao Qingshui led the party members and cadres to quickly transfer the masses and stick to the embankment without sleep, and was called "the secretary of the embankment with a quick-acting heart-saving pill" by the villagers. After the flood receded, he led everyone to "retreat from the water", grabbed 1,290 acres of winter wheat and 1,100 acres of vegetables, and repaired more than 1,800 sheds. Nowadays, the wheat that has been sown has been harvested, and the ecological Liubu scenic spot has been reopened and is very popular. I have won the National May Day Labor Medal and Tianjin Outstanding Communist Party Member and other honors.

Attract "partners" to expand the "circle of friends"

Change "everyone is difficult to reconcile" to "everyone collects firewood"

The top ten in the city, Xiqing and two people are on the list!

Tall, fast-walking, and full of enthusiasm every day, Chen Ying is like "a battery full of endurance" in the eyes of the community. She actively explores the "four-season model" of "co-construction, co-governance + innovative services" for large-scale commercial housing communities to live and work in peace and contentment, and guides community residents to move from "bystanders" to "partners" and "family members".

To broaden the "circle of friends" of community governance, Chen Ying adheres to the guidance of party building, relies on the regional advantages of "community + business district", gathers party organizations in different fields in the jurisdiction to establish party building alliances, leverages all social forces with party members as the backbone, promotes shared responsibility, resource sharing, joint activities, and joint solution of problems, and realizes the leap from "difficult to reconcile" to "everyone collects firewood". Build a party and mass service station in Huacheng Impression Business District, give full play to the functions of the party building hub station in the business district, an intelligent convenience service station, and a relaxation and leisure station, and provide convenient services for residents and new employment groups in the district.

Activate the "energy circle" of community autonomy, adhere to the needs of residents, hold the "Huacheng Cup" community all-age sports meeting every year, transform the community nucleic acid testing hut into a "mobile neighborhood committee", open four channels for collecting public sentiment "online, offline, household, and discussion", and hold regular Huacheng councils, forming a "five-thing work method" of mass talking, democratic deliberation, joint efforts, everyone commenting on things, and publicly publicizing things, and completing 273 "micro-wishes" for residents. The community has won the honors of National Civilized Unit, Tianjin Advanced Grassroots Party Organization, etc., and I have been rated as an advanced model of national Red Cross volunteer service.

The details are as follows


Decision of the Organization Department of the Tianjin Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China on commending the second "Secretary of the Party Organization of the Top Ten Villages in Tianjin" and the "Secretary of the Party Organization of the Top Ten Communities in Tianjin".

(26 June 2024)

Since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government have thoroughly implemented the "Ten Actions" to promote the high-quality development of Tianjin, and the secretaries of the party organizations of the villages (communities) in the city have consciously been the "leaders" of grassroots organizations and the "backbone" of the grassroots people, advanced models recognized by the masses.

In order to commend the advanced, encourage the majority of grassroots party members and cadres to perform their duties and start a business, and strive to create a strong atmosphere of keeping in mind the entrustment, taking responsibility, and forging ahead, and play a good leading role in the study and education of party discipline, on the occasion of celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party, with the approval of the municipal party committee, the organization department of the municipal party committee decided to award Tian Bingsheng, Hao Qingshui, Zheng Yuqing, Shi Shang, Liu Tianmin, Kou Zhiming, Wang Zhiguang, Yin Jinge, Lian Chunying, Liu Meijiao and other 10 comrades for the second session. The honorary title of "Secretary of the Party Organization of Tianjin Top Ten Villages" was awarded to 10 comrades including Wang Fengrong, Zhao Jinmei, Yan Ping, Wang Yang, Wang Ling, Bian Hui, Liu Wei, Wang Fang, Chen Ying, and Lin Zeyin.

The comrades who were commended this time are outstanding representatives of the ranks of leaders in rural areas and communities. The majority of party members and cadres, especially grassroots cadres, should take them as an example, learn their political character of loyalty to the party and firm beliefs, deeply study and apply the party's innovative theories in the new era, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve the "two safeguards", and always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in terms of ideology, politics and action; Learn from their spirit of courage and hard work, take root at the grassroots level, work hard, unite and lead the masses to overcome difficulties, and promote the development of various undertakings at the grassroots level to continuously achieve new progress and new results; Learn from their feelings of caring for the masses, being close to the people and loving the people, keep in mind the purpose of the party, eliminate all difficulties to solve the people's worries, make every effort to warm the hearts of the people, make achievements to benefit the people's livelihood, and constantly enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security; We should learn from their fine work style of being strict with oneself and being honest in performing official duties, learn from discipline, know discipline, observe discipline, perform duties and use power in accordance with laws and regulations, endure hardships first and enjoy them last, and adhere to the political nature of communists. It is hoped that the commended comrades will cherish their honors, make persistent efforts, forge ahead with determination, work hard, and make new and greater contributions to the cause of the party and the people.

Party organizations at all levels in the city should conscientiously organize and study the typical deeds of the second "Tianjin Top Ten Village Party Organization Secretaries" and "Tianjin Top Ten Community Party Organization Secretaries" in carrying out party discipline learning and education, and adopt a variety of ways to widely publicize and guide the majority of party members and cadres to benchmark advanced, see the wisdom and wisdom, and unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, stick to the original mission, be loyal, clean and responsible, and contribute to the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist metropolis and strive to write a chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Tianjin!