
[Be a pioneer with good deeds] Adhere to the leadership of party building and build a strong fighting fortress - Hao Qingshui, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Village Committee of the Sixth Port Village of Xinkou Town

author:The official account of Xiqing Rong Media
[Be a pioneer with good deeds] Adhere to the leadership of party building and build a strong fighting fortress - Hao Qingshui, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Village Committee of the Sixth Port Village of Xinkou Town

Character introduction

Hao Qingshui, male, Han nationality, born in August 1973, joined the Communist Party of China in June 1995, and is currently the secretary of the Party Committee and director of the village committee of Liubu Village, Xinkou Town, Xiqing District. Since 2018, Hao Qingshui has adhered to the principle of "grasping party building, revitalizing industry, and beautifying the environment", relying on the rich agricultural and tourism resources at the intersection of the three rivers, actively innovating the collective development ideas of the village, and developing projects such as the Red Culture Theme Development Park, the Ecological Liubu Scenic Area, and the 10,000-mu Green Vegetable Base, and has embarked on a unique "red + green + agriculture" industrial development road. In July 2023, a basin-wide flood occurred in the Haihe River, and a large area of land in Liubu Village, located in the Dongdian Flood Storage and Detention Area, was flooded. In recent years, Hao Qingshui has won the honorary titles of "National May Day Labor Medal", "Tianjin Good Man", "Tianjin Outstanding Communist Party Member", "Tianjin Model Worker" and "Tianjin Rural Revitalization Advanced Individual", and in 2024, the Sixth Port Village Party Committee will be rated as "Xiqing District Advanced Grassroots Party Organization".

Adhere to the guidance of party building

Promote the integration of agriculture and tourism "industrial revitalization"

Hao Qingshui adheres to and strengthens the construction of party organizations throughout the whole process of promoting rural revitalization, takes the "secretary project" as the starting point, closely focuses on the key point of enriching the people and increasing income, regularly organizes the "two committees" team to study and dispatch the party building to promote rural revitalization, innovates the development model according to local conditions, writes "native products" articles, and promotes the deep integration and resonance of party building work and rural revitalization. Strengthen advantageous agriculture, transfer the low-lying, nine years of waterlogging of abandoned land to the village collective, transform and try to plant rice, so that thousands of acres of barren beach into fertile land, annual harvest of 800,000 catties of rice, for the village collective income of more than 200 yuan; By promoting large-scale planting, standardized production, and brand marketing, we will further promote the brand awareness of "the first vegetable village in Beijing and Tianjin", and strengthen the advantages of special agricultural products such as fennel, celery, spinach, and cabbage melon in Liubu; Liubu Agricultural and Sideline Products Sales Company was established, integrating farmers' resources, and through the "Party Building + Community" model, the vegetable garden shared by retail households was transformed into a centralized order distribution model, and the last meter from the field to the table was opened. To do intensive education and training in the cultural tourism industry, Hao Qingshui relies on the characteristics of the agricultural resources and abundant water resources of the sixth port village, vigorously develops rural tourism, develops and builds the red cultural theme development park, the ecological Liubu scenic spot, the "Lian (Lotus) Runchuxin" clean government education base, Nanniwan agricultural research base, national security education base, water homestay hydrological science popularization research, the sixth port village flood fighting spirit research route, Liubu waterfront camping park and other projects, and at the same time holds characteristic folk festivals according to seasonal changes, and successfully holds the "Harvest Festival" and "Ice and Snow Festival" "Winter Fishing Festival", "Rice Planting Festival", "Open Sickle Festival" and "Jerusalem Artichoke Festival", continue to develop folk festival tourism and strengthen the collective economy. As of May 2024, the Sixth Port Village Research Base has received more than 2,000 teams and more than 140,000 people, and has jointly built education bases with more than 40 units, and the village collective has increased its income by more than 10 million yuan. Under the leadership of Hao Qingshui, Liubu Village won the honorary title of "National Rural Tourism Key Village" and was listed as "On-site Teaching Point of Tianjin Municipal Party School (Tianjin School of Administration)".

[Be a pioneer with good deeds] Adhere to the leadership of party building and build a strong fighting fortress - Hao Qingshui, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Village Committee of the Sixth Port Village of Xinkou Town
[Be a pioneer with good deeds] Adhere to the leadership of party building and build a strong fighting fortress - Hao Qingshui, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Village Committee of the Sixth Port Village of Xinkou Town

Promote rural governance

Promote the fine governance of "six ports of civil security"

In order to further optimize rural grassroots governance, Hao Qingshui adheres to the principle of "party building leading and national participation", and actively explores the fine governance model. Implement "micro-grid fine governance", build the party organization on the grid, and take the lead in establishing a "1+7+12+50+N" full-coverage grid work framework composed of village secretaries, team members, grid members, micro-grid members, and various teams, so as to take up the "big and small things" of the masses with the "small grid" and give full play to the role of the "nerve endings" of grassroots governance. In order to guide and drive the whole people to participate in grassroots governance and resolve contradictions and disputes at the grassroots level, Hao Qingshui built a sunshine discussion platform in the village, created a grid council and a party-mass council, and conducted deliberations and consultations around five aspects: industrial development, rural construction, people's livelihood security, rural governance, and contradictions and disputes, so as to better give full play to the autonomy of the grassroots masses. At the same time, he also led the party members and cadres of the village to vigorously renovate the village environment, promote the construction of "beautiful pastoral, beautiful village, beautiful courtyard", and successively completed the cleaning of dirty and disorderly, illegal demolition, household toilet transformation, heating transformation, sewage treatment, greening and beautification, etc., more than 200 illegal buildings were demolished, and the garbage dead ends for many years were removed, and the public space was transformed into a fitness square. Under the leadership of Comrade Hao Qingshui, Liubu Village has successively won the honorary titles of "China's Beautiful Leisure Village" and "National Rural Governance Demonstration Village".

[Be a pioneer with good deeds] Adhere to the leadership of party building and build a strong fighting fortress - Hao Qingshui, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Village Committee of the Sixth Port Village of Xinkou Town
[Be a pioneer with good deeds] Adhere to the leadership of party building and build a strong fighting fortress - Hao Qingshui, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Village Committee of the Sixth Port Village of Xinkou Town
[Be a pioneer with good deeds] Adhere to the leadership of party building and build a strong fighting fortress - Hao Qingshui, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Village Committee of the Sixth Port Village of Xinkou Town

Stick to the front line of flood fighting

Ensuring the "safety of people's lives"

In July 2023, the Haihe River suffered a basin-wide flood, and Liubu Village is located at the confluence of the Ziya River, the Daqing River and the Duliu River, and is located in the core area of the Dongdian Flood Storage and Detention Area, undertaking a large number of flood control and flood control tasks. After receiving the notice of the transfer of the Dongdian flood storage and detention area, Hao Qingshui actively played the role of the "Sanhe Spark" party organization as a fighting fortress, and gathered the party members of the whole village "full of stars" into a "fire" for flood control and disaster relief, and began the "race" with the flood, they went deep into the flood storage and detention area, transferred and resettled the affected people, rushed to transport fertilizers, machinery and other agricultural materials, and maximized the safety of people's lives and property. Become the "secretary of the embankment with a quick-acting heart-saving pill" in the mouth of the masses. At the same time, Hao Qingshui actively organized the inspection of the embankment to check the danger on duty, pipe surge danger management and other work, after the flood receded, led the party members and cadres to seize the opportunity to produce self-rescue, only less than 10 days to complete the drainage, 1290 acres of winter wheat, 1100 acres of vegetables, and more than 1800 repair sheds. On February 1, 2024, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the grassroots cadres and masses in the Sixth Port Village, affirmed the Sixth Port Village's practice of "receding one acre of water and cultivating one acre", stepping up the repair of damaged farmland and agricultural facilities, and exhorted Hao Qingshui and all party members and cadres to lead the villagers to "rebuild a beautiful home and create a happy life." ”

[Be a pioneer with good deeds] Adhere to the leadership of party building and build a strong fighting fortress - Hao Qingshui, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Village Committee of the Sixth Port Village of Xinkou Town
[Be a pioneer with good deeds] Adhere to the leadership of party building and build a strong fighting fortress - Hao Qingshui, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Village Committee of the Sixth Port Village of Xinkou Town

Under the leadership of Hao Qingshui, the Party Committee of Liubu Village will live up to the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the expectations of the villagers, solidly promote rural revitalization and post-disaster reconstruction, further optimize and improve the "red + green + agriculture" industrial pattern, seek accuracy, do practical, and take the road of future development, and lead the party members and cadres of the whole village to strive to build a "six-port sample" of rural revitalization.