
What is it like for two I people to get married and have a very E child?

author:Mom, Li haha

Seeing this question, it suddenly became very graphic, and I remembered my son of the cow.

When I tested the MBTI last year, I tested ENTJ, but to be honest, this is different from my previous personality, I personally prefer my own I, and I like to be alone.

However, every job I have participated in since graduation is a sales job, and many of them require face-to-face communication. It may be because of work, or it may be that I want to change and make myself stronger.

So over the years, the labels that others have given me have become: independent, decisive, rational, outgoing, enthusiastic, strong execution, and management ability...

Actually, I'm sentimental and like to be alone in a corner. So outside of work, I actually behave more like I.

Not to mention my husband, who is also an I person at work and an I person in family socialization, and I feel uncomfortable when I communicate with people.

But my son is different, and he is gradually becoming a social cow.

What is it like for two I people to get married and have a very E child?

I remember when he was a child, he took him downstairs to play, those uncles and aunts took their grandchildren to talk to me, I responded in a whisper, and my son also laughed when he asked, and he didn't squeak, I really didn't expect him to become so social cow slowly.

We moved several times for work and schooling, and I was worried that he would have a hard time adapting to the new environment, but we only had to go downstairs once and he would find a good friend to play with.

What is it like for two I people to get married and have a very E child?

I remember when we first moved to this community, he went downstairs to play in the small square, and they walked directly to the square where there were children and asked, "Can I play with you?" Some children said, "We're full." He said yes, and then went to the next child, and asked, "Can I play with you?"

If he meets someone he can play with, he asks his friends to play with him, and if he still refuses, he goes to play with slides and the like by himself.

Even if he goes downstairs to play now, children of the same age may be preparing for the final exam, and when they rarely come out to play, he goes to play with his little brother and little sister.

What is it like for two I people to get married and have a very E child?

It's as if he can play with anyone, there is no age difference, and he doesn't have to play with anyone.

Sometimes when they meet his classmates, they will "Hey, Brother Wang, Hi, Brother Li" and then hug, "Hey brother." That scene was really "pompous", haha.

After a while, there are more people playing together, and it is inevitable that there will be friction between the children, and they will be anxious when they play. Some cursed, some wanted to do it, and at this time he stepped back, "Hey, I don't participate in this, don't affect me."

Then they went to the sidelines, and when they had dealt with the conflict, he continued to play.

What is it like for two I people to get married and have a very E child?

In addition to talking to children, he is not timid to talk to adults, and when he is born to talk to others, he always answers enthusiastically. Sometimes he's out playing and I'm just watching him from a distance.

Someone asked him where his mother was, and he said, "My mother is there, she's busy, don't disturb her."

He himself often goes to the supermarket to buy things, and once he said he wanted to buy me a Mother's Day gift, so he went to the supermarket downstairs by himself. He took my favorite snacks, and the supermarket clerk asked him, "How do you buy so many things?"

He said, "It's Mother's Day, buy my mom some presents."

The salesman said, "You have filial piety, there is a sushi event in the store this year, buy a box of sushi for your mother."

He said directly, "No, no, my mother doesn't like to eat sushi, thank you Auntie."

Then he checked out and left, hahaha, and he later said to me, "This aunt still wants to trick me, and she can't sell her sushi."

Anyway, I have to take him with me when I go out, as long as I am there, I feel very comfortable, and I don't feel embarrassed or lonely alone, he can always bring you full emotional value.

I like the kind of energy in him very much, neither humble nor arrogant, down-to-earth and generous, and simple and comfortable to get along with.

For me, I'm really happy to have an E baby~