
Diving queen Fu Mingxia: Her husband who is over 70 years old became the chairman, and now he is a winner in life

author:Little Plum Classroom
Diving queen Fu Mingxia: Her husband who is over 70 years old became the chairman, and now he is a winner in life
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Diving queen Fu Mingxia: Her husband who is over 70 years old became the chairman, and now he is a winner in life

In the sports world, the marriage between an Olympic champion and a wealthy family is no longer uncommon, but what is little known is that the pioneer of this trend is actually the "diving queen" Fu Mingxia. Her combination with Leung Kam-song, a financial leader who is 26 years older than her, has caused an uproar in society.

Today's Liang Jinsong has been promoted to chairman, and Fu Mingxia is full of children, like a winner in life. How did this romance of all ages and classes germinate? In the face of many doubts, how do they work together to overcome the difficulties? Let's walk into the legendary life of Fu Mingxia and uncover this controversial love story that finally came to fruition.

Fu Mingxia's growth road is full of hardships and challenges. She comes from a family that is extremely poor, and the family has little to spare for the basics of making ends meet.

In order to improve her physical condition, her father sent her to a gymnastics school when she was 7 years old, hoping to strengthen her physique through sports.

Diving queen Fu Mingxia: Her husband who is over 70 years old became the chairman, and now he is a winner in life

Fu Mingxia, who has just entered the gymnastics world, is not optimistic. Her joints are stiff and inflexible, which is incompatible with the flexibility and precision required by gymnastics. In contrast, the coaches prefer her sister Fu Mingyan as a key training object.

However, Fu Mingxia was not discouraged. With amazing perseverance and perseverance, she has challenged her limits again and again in an effort to overcome her physical disadvantages.

In the face of the challenge of every action, no matter how many times she failed, Fu Mingxia never gave up. She had no tears, only persistence. She practiced repeatedly with a tenacious will until she reached the state of perfection.

Any skill taught by a coach, she quickly grasps and puts it into practice. Even though her knees were a little thick, she never stopped exercising hard every day, even if her whole body trembled in pain, she never let out a cry of abandonment.

Diving queen Fu Mingxia: Her husband who is over 70 years old became the chairman, and now he is a winner in life

As time went on, Fu Mingxia's talent was finally recognized. Yu Fenhui, the coach of the Hubei provincial team, was selected into the provincial team. The coaches who used to dismiss her were all amazed at how far she had come.

Fu Mingxia proved with practical actions that although she is not talented, she is the most tenacious fighter.

At the age of 13, Fu Mingxia ushered in a turning point in her life. In her first World Championships swimming competition, she won the gold medal and set her own Guinness World Record.

This achievement not only made her the youngest world champion in the world, but also laid the foundation for her to become the youngest Olympic gold medalist in the future.

Diving queen Fu Mingxia: Her husband who is over 70 years old became the chairman, and now he is a winner in life

Since then, Fu Mingxia has opened her own glorious era. In the 10-meter platform and 3-meter springboard events, she was impeccable and overshadowed all her opponents.

She is not only the world's youngest world champion and Olympic gold medalist, but also the first double champion in China's Olympic history, known as the "Queen of Diving".

However, what few people know is that Fu Mingxia in life is full of inferiority complex in her heart, which is closely related to her original family. It is this inferiority complex that drives her to constantly break through herself and show amazing strength and perseverance in the arena.

Fu Mingxia's story tells us that even if you come from a humble background, as long as you persevere and work hard, you can create your own legend.

Diving queen Fu Mingxia: Her husband who is over 70 years old became the chairman, and now he is a winner in life

Fu Mingxia's life ushered in a new chapter after retiring. Only one year after bidding farewell to the competition, she stepped into the school gate of the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University as an ordinary student and began to experience the life of ordinary people.

However, this quiet period did not last long. Perhaps driven by her attachment to competitive sports, or driven by a sense of mission to win glory for the country, Fu Mingxia made an unexpected decision - to return to the national team.

Although the choice seemed sudden, she lived up to expectations and won glory for her country once again at the Olympics.

Before meeting her current husband Liang Jinsong, Fu Mingxia also had an unforgettable first love. Her first love object is Guoan striker Nanfang, the two are both athletes and have many common topics, and it seems that knowing and falling in love with each other is a matter of course.

Diving queen Fu Mingxia: Her husband who is over 70 years old became the chairman, and now he is a winner in life

However, because they were busy with training, they got together less and left more, and this relationship ended in the end.

For a period of time after that, Fu Mingxia devoted all her energy to training and study, and she politely declined the suitors who flocked to her around her. It wasn't until at a grand awards ceremony that she met the person who changed her life - Liang Jinsong.

At that time, Fu Mingxia had just finished her sports career, and Liang Jinsong took the initiative to talk to her in fluent Mandarin. The two hit it off at first sight, had a good conversation, and were immersed in a pleasant conversation all night.

Although Liang Jinsong is over half a hundred years old, his enthusiasm for love has not diminished in the slightest. He often conveyed his love for Fu Mingxia through letters, and this romantic act touched the girlish heart in Fu Mingxia's heart.

Diving queen Fu Mingxia: Her husband who is over 70 years old became the chairman, and now he is a winner in life

However, in the eyes of outsiders, there is an insurmountable gulf between them. is not only the age gap of 26 years, but also because Liang Jinsong is old enough to be Fu Mingxia's father.

Faced with many doubts and controversies, Fu Mingxia and Liang Jinsong chose to bravely insist on their feelings.

In order to express his love, Liang Jinsong even deliberately purchased the symbolic "Beijing CL7777" license plate. In their hearts, age, distance, and wealth are not obstacles to love.

This love story that spans ages not only breaks the world's vision, but also shows the power of sincere feelings. Fu Mingxia and Liang Jinsong proved with practical actions that as long as two hearts truly love each other, they can overcome all difficulties and write their own romantic chapter.

Diving queen Fu Mingxia: Her husband who is over 70 years old became the chairman, and now he is a winner in life

Leung's achievements in the financial world are legendary. He was once the Financial Secretary of Hong Kong and was known as the "God of Wealth", but what is less known is that his success did not come from a prominent family background or the support of others, but with his own efforts and talents, starting from nothing and building his own business empire step by step.

Born in a poor family, Liang Jinsong's father was just an ordinary hotel waiter, and there were many brothers and sisters in the family. This difficult upbringing is quite similar to Fu Mingxia's early experience, and it is this common background that makes the two emotionally resonate.

They are well aware of each other's difficulties, so they cherish this hard-won relationship even more.

Liang Jinsong's road to success is full of hardships and challenges. With his extraordinary wisdom and perseverance, he has established himself in the financial industry step by step. From the ordinary staff to the financial secretary of Hong Kong, every step is condensed with his sweat and wisdom.

Diving queen Fu Mingxia: Her husband who is over 70 years old became the chairman, and now he is a winner in life

His experience is not only an inspirational story of a self-made man, but also a model of an ordinary person who realizes his dreams through his own efforts.

Despite his successful career, Leung has always maintained a humble attitude, is enthusiastic about public welfare, and has made great contributions to the society. It was this approachable personality and sense of responsibility to society that attracted Fu Mingxia and made her see the shining point of Liang Jinsong.

The story of Liang Jinsong tells us that no matter what your background, as long as you have firm beliefs and unremitting efforts, you can create your own brilliance. The union between him and Fu Mingxia is not only the union of two people who love each other, but also the meeting of two similar souls.

Their love transcends the boundaries of age and identity, demonstrating the power of genuine affection.

Diving queen Fu Mingxia: Her husband who is over 70 years old became the chairman, and now he is a winner in life

The love story of Fu Mingxia and Liang Jinsong has attracted great media attention. Originally, the two planned to wait for Fu Mingxia to complete their studies at Tsinghua University before entering the marriage hall.

However, in the face of disturbances from the outside world, they decided to hold the wedding early. Without hesitation, the lovers flew to Hawaii, USA, and walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand under the watchful eye.

After getting married, Fu Mingxia chose to move to Hong Kong and wholeheartedly supported Leung Kam-song's career. Despite being public figures, they have kept a low profile and rarely appeared in public.

Fu Mingxia successfully transformed from a sports star to a good wife and mother, showing her wisdom and ability to adapt to her new role.

Diving queen Fu Mingxia: Her husband who is over 70 years old became the chairman, and now he is a winner in life

The couple had a daughter and two sons. Although their families are well-off, their lifestyles are no different from those of ordinary families. They see accompanying their children as a top priority in their lives.

Fu Mingxia is well aware of the hardships of physical training, so she does not force the children to follow in her footsteps. Instead, she pays more attention to the holistic development of her children.

The eldest daughter, Liang Siyu, has shown amazing intelligence since she was a child, and when she was one year old, she already knew more than 20 Chinese characters, and was proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. However, as time went on, Fu Mingxia gradually realized that she was putting too much emphasis on the children's academic performance and neglecting their true happiness.

When she realized this, she immediately took steps to rectify it and strive to create a happy and healthy environment for her children to grow up.

Diving queen Fu Mingxia: Her husband who is over 70 years old became the chairman, and now he is a winner in life

Today, Liang Siyu is 19 years old. At her last public appearance, people were surprised to find that her graceful figure was exactly the same as that of her mother, Fu Mingxia, in her youth.

This is not only a gift of genes, but also the result of Fu Mingxia's careful cultivation.

Despite his advanced age, Leung still retains his vitality and good health. He is always by his family's side, giving him meticulous care and support.

The harmony and happiness of this family has become an example that many people envy.

Diving queen Fu Mingxia: Her husband who is over 70 years old became the chairman, and now he is a winner in life

Today's Fu Mingxia has become a winner in life in the eyes of everyone. She has not only created brilliant achievements in sports, but also reaped full happiness in marriage and family life.

Her husband Liang Jinsong served as the chairman of the board of directors and had a successful career; Both children and daughters, and a harmonious family. This once poor little girl has now become the envy of many people.

Fu Mingxia has successfully transformed from a sports star to a good wife and mother, finding a balance between family and personal development. Her story is not only the growth process of an Olympic champion, but also a true portrayal of an ordinary woman's pursuit of happiness.

She used her own experience to prove that no matter what her background is, as long as she works hard, she can create her own wonderful life.

Diving queen Fu Mingxia: Her husband who is over 70 years old became the chairman, and now he is a winner in life

The love story of Fu Mingxia and Liang Jinsong breaks the prejudices of the world and proves that sincere feelings can cross the gap of age and identity. Their married life shows a beautiful picture of supporting each other and growing together, and sets an example for many.

Fu Mingxia's life experience tells us that success is not only about winning gold medals on the field, but more importantly, about gaining happiness on the field of life. Her story not only inspires countless athletes, but also inspires every ordinary person with dreams, making us believe that as long as we persevere, we will eventually usher in our own glory.

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