
The 91st Regiment of the Volunteer Army was besieged, but the regiment commander did not retreat but advanced, stunned both the enemy and us

author:History written in the clouds

In 1951, a regiment of the Volunteer Army reached the south of the 38th parallel and completely lost contact with the headquarters, and what they did not know was that the three divisions of the US army had surrounded them.

In May 1951, the 31st Division of the 12th Army of the Volunteer Army had already fought far south of the 38th parallel because the fighting was too fierce.

However, the U.S. military planned to send heavy troops to cut off the retreat route of the 31st Division and surround the 31st Division with 13 times the strength of the force.

At this moment, Zhao Lantian, the commander of the 31st Division, received an order from his superiors: retreat immediately.

As soon as he heard this order, Zhao Lantian was in a hurry, because the 91st Regiment under his command had already fought too far south and could not be contacted at all.

The 91st Regiment of the Volunteer Army was besieged, but the regiment commander did not retreat but advanced, stunned both the enemy and us

Zhao Lantian was anxious, if he didn't withdraw, the whole division would be surrounded; But if it is withdrawn now, the 91st Regiment will also be finished.

However, Zhao Lantian quickly made up his mind, after all, for the sake of the overall situation, he sent Feng Ting, the chief of the operations section, to take two scouts to find the 91st regiment, and then ordered the whole division to retreat quickly.

At this moment, the 91st Regiment was rushing southward, and they had no idea that the US army already had 3 divisions surrounding them, and they didn't know that all the volunteer troops were retreating!

Li Changlin, the commander of the 91st Regiment, was a ruthless man, as early as 1947, when Liu Deng advanced into Dabie Mountain, he led the whole regiment to directly capture Yangshan, withstood more than 30 counterattacks of the Kuomintang, and was seriously injured.

At that time, the soldiers thought that the regiment commander had sacrificed, so they put his body in the coffin, preparing to bury it the next day, but they didn't expect that Li Changlin would crawl out of the coffin the next day.

This time on the battlefield of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, the 91st Regiment fought too fiercely, all the way south, how to fight, how to fight, at this time, they were more than 100 kilometers south from the main force of the Volunteer Army, and they had long lost contact with the large army.

The 91st Regiment of the Volunteer Army was besieged, but the regiment commander did not retreat but advanced, stunned both the enemy and us

Just as Li Changlin was thinking about how to attack the headquarters of the South Korean Third Army, Fengting finally found him.

After hearing the news brought by Fengting, Li Changlin was taken aback, he didn't expect all the troops to retreat, and he didn't expect that he would fall into an almost desperate situation all the way.

However, Li Changlin not only fought fiercely, but also very smart, I think that now the entire 91st Regiment has been topped by the enemy, if you go back, it will definitely be more dangerous, it is better to continue to move south, stun the enemy, and then find an opportunity to retreat north.

Li Changlin called several leaders of the regiment and made an important decision: to stop the flag and hide in the mountains!

Li Changlin was really bold and careful, and as early as after the previous battle, he asked the soldiers to collect South Korean clothing, but he didn't expect it to come in handy so quickly.

He asked everyone to change into enemy clothes, and sent the few Korean-speaking soldiers in the regiment to each company, which could be used to deal with the enemy in case of encounter.

Li Changlin took the troops to hide in the mountains, and sent many scouts to open the way, and when they encountered the enemy, they could hide and pretend to be South Korean soldiers if they couldn't.

The 91st Regiment of the Volunteer Army was besieged, but the regiment commander did not retreat but advanced, stunned both the enemy and us

After five days of marching, the whole regiment finally joined up with the main force.

What's even more amazing is that when passing through Seoul, the 91st Regiment also captured about 100 South Korean prisoners along the way.

When Peng Dehuai heard the news of the 91st Regiment, he was very happy and immediately ordered a telegram to commend him.

Li Changlin, the commander of the 91st Regiment, was brave and strategic, if he immediately retreated after getting the news, then he would directly break into the pocket laid by the enemy; But he did the opposite, leaving the enemy in the air.

What's even more valuable is that he used clever tactics to capture more than 100 prisoners without losing a single soldier.

Li Changlin, commander of the 91st Regiment, became a representative of the national combat heroes, rose to division commander, deputy commander, and later served as deputy commander of the Xinjiang Military Region.

The 91st Regiment of the Volunteer Army was besieged, but the regiment commander did not retreat but advanced, stunned both the enemy and us

Whether a commander is flexible or not involves not only his own safety, but also the safety of all the officers and men under him, and in many cases, it will also affect the entire battle situation.

In the volunteer army, there will also be some commanders who are not very flexible, but more are brave and resourceful soldiers, plus soldiers who are not afraid of life and death, so that they can be subdued and show our prestige when their weapons and equipment are greatly behind the enemy.

After the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the great powers no longer dare to underestimate our Chinese nation!