
Wen County, resonant!

author:Wen County today

From Shikumen in Shanghai to Nanhu Lake in Jiaxing, a small red boat carries the trust of the people and the hope of the nation, crosses the rapids and rapids, passes through the stormy waves, and becomes a majestic giant ship that leads China to steady and far.

After more than 100 years of trials and hardships, history and the people have jointly chosen the Communist Party of China as the leader; In the glorious history of the party, there are countless communists who are unswervingly determined and struggle to win. Those glorious historical moments are the revolutionary background tempered by countless communists with their lives and blood.

Wen County, this red land carrying the glorious revolutionary tradition, every inch of land is soaked with the blood of revolutionary aspirants. The heroic sons and daughters here, with clusters of sparks of life relay, ignited the dream of the people of Wenxian County to save the country and strengthen the country, and composed a series of turbulent historical songs!

Wen County, resonant!

Wenxian revolutionary years

From the May Fourth Awakening to the heroic chapter of the Liberation War

The Communist Party of China was founded in 1921.

In 1919, the fire of rudimentary communist ideas had been ignited in Wen County. In July of that year, after Dong Xishun, who was studying at the China University in Beijing, was arrested and released from participating in the "May Fourth" Movement and returned to his hometown of Wenxian, he organized many meetings of teachers, students, and the people, and used his own personal experience to generously tell the story of the "May Fourth" Movement and eulogize the patriotic spirit of Beijing students in "fighting for national rights abroad and punishing national thieves internally."

Wen County, resonant!

Photo by Xu Hongxing

The progressive teachers of Wen County worked hard to write drum words and short sentences, young students poured into the streets to give speeches, and the awakened people of Wen County raised their arms and shouted "Return my rivers and mountains!" "The patriotic movement throughout the urban and rural areas has gradually unfolded in Wen County. In 1921, Zheng Shiru, Wang Dilin, and others, teachers of the county higher school, founded the earliest newspaper in Wenxian County, "Wen Sheng", which made people realize that in order to make the country rich and strong and the people liberated, it was necessary to carry out fundamental changes in the social system.

In the autumn of 1925, Wang Shigu, a native of Gucheng Village in Wenxian County, was recruited as the fourth cadet of the Whampoa Military Academy, and joined the Communist Party of China the following year. In the winter of 1926, Fan Jintang, a native of Liushang Village, and Du Yixun, a native of Dawu Village, joined the Communist Party of China. In the summer of 1927, Fan Jintang, Wang Shigu, and Du Yixun returned to Wenxian County to contact students and youth, established the Xuehua Society, and published the "Xuehua Weekly" to spread Marxism-Leninism throughout the county and sow the "red" fire of communism.

Wen County, resonant!

Photo by Xu Hongxing

In August 1927, Ran Siguang, now known as Zhujiazhuang and formerly known as Ran Jiyunzhuang, was also absorbed as a member of the Communist Party of China. In May 1928, three party members were recruited in Ranji Yunzhuang School and a party group was formed. In August, nine more party members were recruited to form a second party group. In September, the first party branch in Wenxian County was established, the Ran Jiyunzhuang branch of the Communist Party of China. In October 1932, the Yang Lei Party Group was formed. The activities of the Ran Jiyunzhuang Party Branch and the Yang Lei Party Group have deepened the influence of the Communist Party of China among the people of Wenxian County.

During the Anti-Japanese War, the party organization in Wenxian County also gradually developed and grew in the struggle. In June 1939, the first county-level party organization in Wen County, the Working Committee of the Qinyang Wen County Border Area of the Communist Party of China, was established to mobilize the people of the border areas of Wen, Qin and Meng counties to carry out the anti-Japanese struggle.

Wen County, resonant!

Photo by Wang Shuai

The Anti-Japanese Reading Club, the Wartime Teacher Training Institute, and the Political and Educational Work Group were the three anti-Japanese mass organizations founded by our party in Wenxian County during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. In particular, the Nanjia Qingliangsi Wartime Teacher Training Institute has trained a large number of party cadres and backbones for Wen County. Hou Songlin, the first secretary of the Wen County Party Committee, and Yan Chaoshan, former political commissar of the Air Force of the Wuhan Military Region, are among the outstanding representatives.

The blood book is loyal to the shrine, and the stars reflect the loyal soul. When the Japanese puppet army attacked Beibaofeng, the martyr Guo Xiangchen led more than a dozen soldiers to resist tenaciously, and finally died because they were outnumbered; After Zhang Junshan was shot in the abdomen, he stuffed his intestines into his stomach and fought hard; Cheng Wanfu shouted the slogan "Long live the Communist Party" on the execution ground, and bravely served his righteousness; Su Ge gritted his teeth, preferring to die rather than give in, and was beaten to death by the enemy, and his bones remained; Zhang Xiangyun was righteous and awe-inspiring, used the execution ground as a battlefield, refuted the enemy, and died bravely......

Wen County, resonant!

Photo by Wang Shuai

From September 1945 to October 1946, Wen County developed more than 600 rural party members, more than 20,000 peasant association members, and more than 3,000 militiamen. From 1947 to 1948, Wen County organized militia and stretcher teams three times to support the front with the army; In February 1949, more than 60 outstanding county and district cadres were dispatched to cross the Yangtze River with the People's Liberation Army. During the War of Liberation, more than 5,000 people in Wenxian County joined the army, making due contributions to the liberation of the people in the old areas.

Wen County, resonant!

Photo by Xu Hongxing

Wen County forges ahead

The metamorphosis from agricultural prosperity to industrial revitalization

On October 1, 1949, a powerful voice solemnly proclaimed to the world: "The Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China was established today!" Since then, China's destiny has truly been in the hands of the people themselves.

On this day, the democratic government of Wen County was changed to the People's Government of Wen County. In the face of the new China, which was poor and blank and in ruins, the communists were full of the fighting spirit of "making great sacrifices and daring to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky" and started the socialist revolution and construction that changed the world and the great cause of rejuvenating the country was in full swing.

Wen County, resonant!

Photo by Huang Fuxing

Agriculture is the foundation of the country, and industry is the instrument of national rejuvenation.

Wenxian County is driven by the two-wheel drive of agriculture and industry to accelerate development, improve quality and efficiency.

Wenxian County is adjacent to Taihang in the north and the Yellow River in the south, with flat terrain and dense river system, and has been an important grain-producing area in Henan Province since ancient times. To grasp the "want" of rejuvenating agriculture, that is, to do a good job in land articles.

In order to increase output, the Wenxian County Party Committee and the county government vigorously advocated the reform of agricultural machinery. At the end of 1949, the county had 266 liberated waterwheels. At the same time, the incentive policy for land reclamation was implemented, and from 1950 to 1952, 25,300 mu of land was reclaimed and cultivated. In 1952, the total grain output was 47,000 tons, and the annual grain output was 21 percent higher than that before the founding of New China.

Wen County, resonant!

Photo by Xu Hongxing

Since 1950, the Wenxian County Party Committee and the county government have used 44 acres of wasteland in the south of Jueshitou Village to establish the Wenxian County Agricultural Experimental Field, focusing on the comprehensive scientific research activities of "high, stable and low" wheat. By 1978, the county had established and improved a four-level scientific research network of county and rural groups, with more than 3,700 peasant technicians.

In order to fertilize the soil, Wenxian County has developed animal husbandry and engaged in organic fertilizer; Grasp the production of phosphate fertilizer plant and fertilizer plant with one hand. By 1977, the county's pig breeding capacity reached 270,000 heads, and the average wheat per mu could be applied more than 6 square meters of coarse fertilizer, and the land carrying capacity was greatly improved. Since 1970, a small phosphate fertilizer plant and a fertilizer plant with an annual output of 8,000 tons of synthetic ammonia have been built successively, creating conditions for high and stable production.

In order to control the water disaster, in 1950, more than 10,000 migrant workers in Wenxian County, which was vast and endless, began to build water conservancy, dredged irrigation canals such as Guangji and Lifeng and built the Beiping Gao Yellow River embankment; The new Dayou Canal was introduced into the Dafeng Canal Project, and the Li Fung Canal was widened.

Wen County, resonant!

Photo by Xu Hongxing

Later, the three major battles of replenishing groundwater, such as the Python Shangling Recharge Project, the Diversion of Qin Artesian Irrigation Project and the control of the Python River, replenished the groundwater source of 130,000 mu of cultivated land, and made the big river gushing down day and night provide a strong impetus for the agricultural development of Wenxian County with vigorous vitality.

Since 1970, Wenxian County pioneered the irrigation technology of underground pipelines for farmland, which has caused repercussions throughout the country and has been rapidly promoted. In October 1974, the Ministry of Water and Power exhibited the construction and layout of underground pipelines in Wenxian County at the Beijing Agricultural Exhibition Center. In August 1975, the Provincial Department of Water Resources and the Provincial Institute of Farmland and Water Conservancy compiled and printed the book "Well Irrigation", which introduced the construction of underground pipelines in Wenxian County in detail. In 1978, Wenxian County introduced flushing drilling and percussion cone drilling equipment. Since then, the construction of the machine well has entered the stage of mechanical operation.

In terms of industrial development, in June 1966, Wenxian County built the first 3.5 thousand volt high-voltage power transmission and transformation project; in September 1968, the people of the county raised funds of 3.087 million yuan to establish the first fertilizer plant; in October 1969, the Jiwen small railway was completed and opened to traffic, in November of the same year, the first large-scale concrete permanent 6-hole arch bridge in Wenxian County was completed; in May 1972, the first asphalt road in Wenxian County, Wenqin Highway, was completed. In 1976, there were 42 industrial enterprises in Wenxian County. The total value of industrial output increased by 9.5 times compared with 1966.

Wen County, resonant!

Photo by Xu Hongxing

Wen County's strength has jumped

From two-wheel drive to five business cards

With the masses of the people in mind and the great cause of making the country rich, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has brought about earth-shaking historical changes.

In 1987, Wenxian bred the first wheat variety "Wenmai 2540". After 4 consecutive years of planting experiments, the results showed that "Wenmai 2540" was lodging resistant and had a high yield, with a maximum yield of 570 kg per mu. In 1991, "Wenmai 2540" began to be planted on a large scale, and the yield of wheat and corn per mu in Wenxian County reached 1016.5 kg that year. This achievement has made Wenxian County "the first county north of the Yellow River to produce tons of grain per mu".

Wen County, resonant!

Photo by Zhang Shiwei

In 1996, the yield of 249,000 mu of wheat per mu in Wenxian County reached 518.9 kg, taking the lead in achieving the goal of 1,000 catties of wheat per mu in the country. In 2006, 15 acres of wheat in Xiangyun Town yielded 717.2 kg of wheat in 49-198 mu, creating a new record for yield in the three main winter wheat producing areas in the mainland. In 2008, Wen County was awarded the "National Advanced County for Grain Production", and in 2009, Wen County was awarded the "Advanced County for Grain Production in Henan Province". In 2011, Wenxian County was identified as a "National Demonstration County for Promoting the Establishment of a Whole System for High Grain Yield...... In recent years, Wenxian County has been approved as a national modern agricultural industrial park (Huaiyao, wheat), was rated as one of the top ten counties in the development of traditional Chinese medicine industry in Henan Province, and was selected into the list of the first batch of national agricultural modernization demonstration zones (Huaiyao, wheat......

One side of the water and soil nourishes one person, and one side of the water and soil gives birth to one side of medicine. "Yam, Rehmannia Root, Chrysanthemum, Oxknee" collects the rich nutrients of the special geological conditions of the ancient and Warm land, and escorts a healthy China.

In 2003, Wenxian iron stick yam was approved as a "geographical indication product" by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China; In 2007, Wen County was awarded the honorary title of "Top Ten Chinese Herbal Medicine Planting Bases in Henan Province"; In 2008, the "Cultivation and Processing of the Four Great Medicines" was included in the list of national intangible cultural heritage; In 2014, Wenxian County was rated as a national "Four Medicines" quality and safety demonstration zone; From 2015 to 2023, Wenxian Iron Stick Yam was continuously selected into the "National Catalogue of Famous and Excellent New Agricultural Products" by the Ministry of Agriculture; In 2017, Wenxian Iron Stick Yam won the honorary title of "National Ecological Origin Protection Product"; In 2018, Wenxian Iron Stick Yam won the registration of agricultural product geographical indications of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and so far, Wenxian Iron Stick Yam has collected the former State Administration for Industry and Commerce Geographical Indication Certification Trademark, the former General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine Geographical Indication Products, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Agricultural Products Geographical Indications three "national landmarks"; In 2019, the National Yam Industry Science and Technology Innovation Alliance was established in Wenxian County; In 2022, the ecological origin of iron stick yam and its products in Wenxian County will be successfully extended; In 2023, Wenxian Iron Stick Yam will be included in the National Agricultural Brand Boutique Cultivation Plan by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the only one in the province......

Wen County, resonant!

Photo by Xu Hongxing

The spring breeze of reform and opening up also made Chenjiagou, the birthplace of Taijiquan, welcome the spring of development. In 1978, Deng Xiaoping waved an inscription: "Tai Chi is good". Since then, Taijiquan has become a bright business card of Wenxian County and even the whole country; In 1980, Wenxian County became the first batch of Grade A open counties in the country; In 1992, the first "International Taijiquan Annual Conference" was successfully held in Wenxian County; In 2006, Taijiquan was included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list; In 2007, Wen County was officially named the "Birthplace of Chinese Taijiquan...... In 2020, Tai Chi was inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, and it is a global call for "Sharing Tai Chi, Sharing Health". In recent years, Chenjiagou has won many honors such as the first batch of characteristic towns in the country, the national civilized villages and towns, the model village of rural tourism in China, the most beautiful village in Henan Province, the top ten cultural industry villages in Henan Province, and the characteristic cultural base of Henan Province......

Time flies, and now, Taijiquan has spread to more than 150 countries and regions, Taijiquan and Wenxian County, which nurtured and nourished it, with a fresh and steady, indifferent and resolute attitude, spread the most mysterious oriental culture and the most eternal natural spirit to the world.

Wen County, resonant!

Photo by Xu Hongxing

In the picture scroll of forging ahead, the vitality of agricultural development is surging, the transportation network is intensively intersected, and industrial production is full of vitality: in the spring of 1984, in the national papermaking machinery competition held in Tianjin, Wenxian Mazhuang Paper Machinery Factory stood out among many national designated factories and won the "runner-up". On an area of less than 1 square kilometer, there are more than 20 enterprises scattered all over the country; More than 40 footwear enterprises are lined up in Dongliangsuo Village, which has become a famous sandal production base in the country. In March 1993, a symposium on the construction of well-off villages in Henan Province was held in Wen County, and Li Changchun visited the first batch of well-off villages that met the standards - Mazhuang Village and Dongliangsuo Village in Wen County. Since the 80s of the last century, industrial enterprises with rural collectives as the main body have appeared in batches, and the proportion of industrial production in the national economy has risen day by day, forming an industrial area with county-run enterprises as the backbone and rural collective enterprises as the main body, and establishing an industrial system of energy, machinery manufacturing and processing, building materials, plasticization, papermaking, food and other categories, and people have felt the surging tide of the times.

Fast forward to 2024, Wenxian County, which has a history of 40 years of seasoning R&D and production, has been successfully awarded the "China Fast Food Seasoning Capital": 56 fast food seasoning enterprises, 22 food equipment manufacturing enterprises, 12 food additive enterprises, 53 food printing and packaging material enterprises, 17 food R&D institutions, 36 food logistics and transportation enterprises, more than 2,000 food e-commerce enterprises, etc., from category research and development to taste supply, from food production to packaging material printing, from equipment manufacturing to large-scale production, From e-commerce sales to logistics and transportation, more than 2,480 food industry chain enterprises demonstrate the good sense of happiness of "food" in Wenxian and "taste".

Wen County, resonant!

This is a breakthrough in Wenxian County with the new kinetic energy of the food industry, so that Wenxian County, the "invisible champion" of the national seasoning industry, has become a dazzling star in the surging taste market again and again, and also makes "the hometown of characteristic agriculture, the capital of food and drugs, the city of Tai Chi culture, the ecological livable place, and the safe and happy area" - the "five business cards" created by Wenxian County are more shining.

This epic of arduous struggle has strengthened the revolutionary integrity of the soldiers; This magnificent movement demonstrates the outstanding wisdom of the Communists; This historical miracle that has attracted worldwide attention interprets the magic weapon for forging ahead bravely.

Wen County, resonant!

Photo by Wang Shuai

Yesterday, under the strong leadership of the party, the heroic sons and daughters of Wenxian County wrote the historic changes and achievements in the land of Guwen with the courage and wisdom of daring to fight tough battles and dare to overcome difficulties; Tomorrow, the sons and daughters of Wenxian County will continue to carry forward the revolutionary spirit, inherit the red gene, and continue to write a magnificent chapter of Wenxian's high-quality development in the new era with firmer beliefs and higher morale!

Wen County Rong Media Center reporter Cui Xinjuan reported

The picture comes from the Wen County Today database