
A soup guide for the "four highs" crowd! Drink plenty of soup in summer to hydrate

author:Said healthy Dr. Shee
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Drinking soup has been a part of the regimen in China since ancient times, especially during the hot summer months. In the summer, when the weather is hot and you sweat a lot, drinking soup can not only help hydrate, but also replenish the nutrients lost due to sweating.

Many people will choose to drink more soup in the summer, but for the "four highs" - that is, patients with high blood lipids, high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high uric acid, drinking soup is not a simple matter.

A soup guide for the "four highs" crowd! Drink plenty of soup in summer to hydrate

There are a lot of things they need to pay attention to when drinking soup to avoid aggravating the condition. So, how to achieve both hydration and health by drinking soup in summer?

The aroma and nutrients of the soup

Many people love to drink soup because it is not only delicious but also provides rich nutrients.

So, why does the soup smell so good? Taking broth as an example, in the process of making soup, fats and water-soluble vitamins are more likely to run from the meat into the soup, and fat-soluble aromatic substances dissolve in the fat and enter the soup to emit aroma.

Some proteins in meat and bones are hydrolyzed, releasing amino acids that produce umami, such as glutamate. When heated for a long time, the free amino acids react with the sugars in the soup, and flavor substances are also formed.

Some ingredients such as mushrooms are rich in inosinate and guanylate, and during the stewing process, these ingredients enter the soup to enhance the umami flavor of the soup.

The soup is not only rich in aroma, but also rich in nutrients. Typically, a pot of soup consists mainly of solid ingredients, liquid water, and floating fat.

Solid ingredients contain minerals such as protein, polysaccharides, calcium, magnesium, and iron, which are insoluble in water and are mainly concentrated in solid parts.

Water-soluble amino acids, small molecule sugars, potassium, sodium, and water-soluble vitamins are easily soluble in water and are mainly concentrated in soups.

A soup guide for the "four highs" crowd! Drink plenty of soup in summer to hydrate

Floating on the top layer of the soup are low-density lipids and a part of the fat-soluble vitamins that are separated from the ingredients, if you only drink the soup and do not eat the "ingredients", the main intake is water, oil and some small molecule nutrients that are easily soluble in water.

It is recommended to eat some "ingredients" when drinking soup in order to fully absorb nutrients.

A soup drink guide for people with four highs

For the "four highs" population, whether drinking soup can achieve the effect of health preservation is closely related to the practice and drinking method of soup, and different health problems require different soup drinking strategies.

For people with high blood lipids, controlling the amount of oil is key. Try not to add oil or less oil when cooking vegetable soup and egg soup.

Some people like to stir-fry chives and ginger first, then stir-fry vegetables or eggs, and then add water to make a soup, which tastes more fragrant but will invisibly increase fat intake.

Before drinking the broth, you can use a spoon to skim off the oil slick, or put the soup in the refrigerator to allow the fat to half-solidify before scraping it out. Avoid frequent milky soups, as the richer the milky white, the higher the fat content.

People with high blood pressure should pay special attention to reducing their salt intake when drinking soup, and it is generally believed that about 0.5% salt is added to the palatable saltiness, i.e. 1 gram of salt will be consumed in a small bowl of soup (about 200 grams).

The Chinese Nutrition Society recommends that adults consume no more than 5 grams of salt per day. When making soup, try to put as little salt as possible, so that not only can you better control your blood pressure, but also better taste the umami of the ingredients.

A soup guide for the "four highs" crowd! Drink plenty of soup in summer to hydrate

People with high blood sugar should avoid adding sugar and thickening in the soup, which will quickly increase blood sugar, while thickening will increase the thickness of the soup, accelerate the absorption of sugar, and cause blood sugar to rise rapidly.

Try to put as little or no sugar as possible when cooking soup. If you want to sweeten the soup, you can add a few red dates, dried longan, or a few raisins.

Patients with high uric acid need to drink less broths such as chicken soup and fish soup, because these soups contain high purines, which can easily lead to an increase in uric acid.

On the contrary, you can choose to drink some vegetable soup and multigrain soup, but be careful not to put chicken essence, stock essence, soup powder and other seasonings, because these seasonings contain sodium salts of nucleotides, which are sources of purines.

"Suzuki Soup" suitable for summer

For many people, it is easy to feel thirsty in the summer, and drinking water alone sometimes does not quench their thirst completely. At this time, drinking some specific soups will not only replenish water, but also lock in water and help the body stay hydrated.

Multigrain soups: such as corn soup, millet porridge soup, red bean soup, and mung bean soup. These multigrain soups are rich in B vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, etc., which can effectively replenish nutrients lost due to sweating.

A soup guide for the "four highs" crowd! Drink plenty of soup in summer to hydrate

Multigrain soup can also promote the secretion of digestive juices and increase appetite, especially for those who lose their appetite in summer.

Vegetable soup: Vegetable soup is rich in minerals such as potassium and magnesium, which can help regulate the electrolyte balance in the body.

Sweating a lot in summer can easily lead to the loss of minerals such as potassium and magnesium in the body, and drinking vegetable soup can not only replenish these minerals, but also improve the body's ability to resist heat.

For people with low blood pressure, eating less salt and sweating more in summer can easily lead to a further decrease in blood pressure, and drinking some lightly salted vegetable soup can help stabilize blood pressure.

Soups with less sugar: such as white fungus soup, soaphorn rice soup, etc. This type of soup is rich in soluble dietary fiber, which not only carries water to the large intestine, but also helps to adjust the intestinal flora and promote intestinal health.

White fungus soup also has the effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing the lungs, which is very suitable for dry weather in summer.

Degreased broth: For broth lovers, the heat of the broth is greatly reduced after the surface slick is removed.

The broth is rich in soluble proteins, amino acids, and B vitamins, which have great benefits for the body. Moreover, when you lose your appetite, drinking some umami broth can be appetizing and increase your appetite.

A soup guide for the "four highs" crowd! Drink plenty of soup in summer to hydrate

Light honey water: Honey contains a lot of fructose, which has a strong ability to absorb water, which can prolong the residence time of water in the body.

Drinking light honey water in moderation in summer can not only replenish water, but also provide a certain amount of energy. However, honey should not be consumed more than two spoonfuls a day to avoid excessive sugar intake.

How to choose the right soup

Choosing the right soup is not a simple matter, especially for the "four highs" crowd, and special attention needs to be paid to some details.

Choose natural ingredients and avoid ingredients that contain artificial additives. These additives may adversely affect the body, especially in people with high blood pressure and high blood sugar.

It is also very important to control the simmering time, as prolonged simmering at high temperatures can destroy the nutrients in the soup, especially some water-soluble vitamins and amino acids. When stewing soup, the simmering time should be reasonably controlled according to the characteristics of the ingredients to ensure that the nutrition is not destroyed.

Change the type of soup regularly to keep the ingredients varied and have a balanced intake of different nutrients.

Drinking one type of soup over a long period of time may lead to an overdose or deficiency of certain nutrients, such as multigrain soups, vegetable soups, soups, and broths, which can not only enrich the taste, but also provide comprehensive nutrition.

A soup guide for the "four highs" crowd! Drink plenty of soup in summer to hydrate

Choosing the right stew utensils is also crucial, using ceramic, stainless steel or glass pots as much as possible, as these materials will not react chemically with the food and will better preserve the original flavor and nutrients of the ingredients.


Drinking soup is not just about hydration, it's about promoting health through the rich nutrients in soup, especially during the hot summer months.

For the "four highs" people, special attention needs to be paid to the practice and ingredients of the soup when drinking soup to avoid aggravating the condition. Through reasonable selection and scientific collocation, you can achieve the effect of hydration and health preservation while enjoying the deliciousness.

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