
Don't panic when the unexpected comes! "Platinum 10 minutes" to catch first aid

author:Said healthy Dr. Shee
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Accidents happen everywhere, and every ten seconds someone dies due to an accident. This stark reality makes us understand that the first ten minutes after a sudden injury is crucial, known as the "platinum ten".

At these critical moments, prompt and correct first aid measures can buy valuable time for professional care and improve the survival rate of patients.

Don't panic when the unexpected comes! "Platinum 10 minutes" to catch first aid

Statistics show that in accidents, the peak of patient deaths is concentrated within 60 minutes. Rescue in the first 10 minutes can not only greatly reduce the mortality rate, but also reduce the occurrence of sequelae.

Whether it's a traffic accident, cardiac arrest or other unexpected situation, early and effective intervention is key to saving lives.

Cardiac arrest: every second counts

Cardiac arrest is one of the most common and dangerous cases of sudden accidents, and every minute of delay in chest compressions reduces the success rate of rescue by 10%.

In cardiac arrest, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) must be performed quickly, and the basic steps of CPR include chest compressions and rescue breaths.

The compression frequency should be maintained at 100-120 times per minute and at a depth of about 5-6 cm to ensure effective compression of the heart.

The use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) is also crucial, as AEDs are easy-to-use devices that restore the heart's normal rhythm with an electric shock.

In public places, such as subway stations, airports, etc., the configuration of AEDs is becoming more and more common, and mastering how to use them can play an important role at critical moments.

Trauma first aid and management of foreign body obstruction

In the case of sudden trauma, prompt hemostasis is key. Severe bleeding is one of the leading causes of traumatic death, and patients with severe bleeding should be treated immediately to stop the bleeding.

Cover the wound with a clean cloth or gauze and apply pressure to stop the bleeding.

Don't panic when the unexpected comes! "Platinum 10 minutes" to catch first aid

For bleeding from the extremities, a tourniquet can be used to tie the wound tightly, but it needs to be loosened at regular intervals to avoid tissue necrosis caused by prolonged ischemia.

Another common first aid condition is foreign body obstruction, which can be effectively removed by using the Heimlich maneuver when the foreign body gets stuck in the throat.

The specific operation is to stand behind the injured person, wrap your hands around the waist, and quickly push up the abdomen to help the foreign body expel it. If the infant has a foreign body obstruction, the infant may be placed face down on the forearm and patted on the back to remove the blockage.

The importance of popularizing first aid knowledge

In the event of an accident, a person with first aid knowledge can play an important role in a critical moment. The popularization of first aid knowledge can not only improve the first aid capacity of the whole society, but also significantly increase the survival rate in emergencies.

According to the World Health Organization, a large proportion of the number of deaths due to unintentional injuries each year is due to a lack of timely and effective first aid.

If everyone can master the basic first aid skills, they can buy more time for professional rescue in the golden hour.

Education and training are key to popularizing first aid knowledge, and schools, communities and businesses should hold regular first aid training courses to let more people understand basic skills such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, hemostasis, and foreign body obstruction management.

The media and public publicity should also strengthen the dissemination of first aid knowledge, and enhance the public's awareness of first aid through videos, posters and other forms.

How to respond to common emergency scenarios

There are many different scenarios for first aid, and knowing how to respond can help us take the right steps in times of crisis. Here are some common first aid scenarios and how to deal with them:

Fracture management: Fracture is one of the common first aid situations, after the fracture is found, the first thing to do is to ensure that the injured person does not move the injured part to avoid secondary injury.

Don't panic when the unexpected comes! "Platinum 10 minutes" to catch first aid

A splint or any hard object is used to immobilize the fracture site and then quickly take it to the hospital for professional treatment. If an open fracture occurs, the wound should be covered with a clean cloth to prevent infection before immobilization.

First aid for burns: For minor burns, immediately rinse the injured area with cold running water for at least 10 minutes to reduce pain and further tissue damage. Do not use ice cubes in direct contact with the wound to avoid causing frostbite.

Severe burns should seek medical help immediately and avoid applying any medication or dressings to the wound.

Stroke First Aid: A stroke is a serious first aid situation that requires immediate recognition and action. Use the "FAST" rule (Face, Arms, Speech, Time) to determine signs of stroke.

If you notice asymmetry in your face, weakness in your arms, or slurred speech, you should call the emergency services immediately and record the time of onset of symptoms so that the doctor can quickly determine the condition.

Preparation of first aid tools and equipment

Both homes and public places should be equipped with basic first-aid tools and equipment for use in an emergency. Common first aid tools include:

First aid kit: Contains basic first aid items such as gauze, bandages, disinfectant, band-aids, scissors, etc. First aid kits should be placed in an easily accessible location, and items should be checked and updated regularly.

Automated external defibrillator (AED): An AED is an important device for handling cardiac arrest. Public places such as communities, schools, and stadiums should be equipped with AEDs, and they should be regularly inspected and maintained.

Don't panic when the unexpected comes! "Platinum 10 minutes" to catch first aid

Personal first aid supplies: such as a small first aid kit that you carry with you, which contains band-aids, disinfectant wipes, tourniquets, etc., which are convenient for emergency use when you go out.

The preparation of first aid tools and equipment is an important part of improving the efficiency of first aid, and it is everyone's responsibility to regularly check these devices to ensure that they can be used properly at critical moments.

The popularization of first aid knowledge and skills, the coping methods of common first aid scenarios, and the preparation of first aid tools and equipment are all important parts of improving first aid capabilities.

Let's learn and master these skills now to protect the health and safety of ourselves and others.

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