
The man sold pork, and when he saw that his grandmother was poor and gave her a piece, her grandmother said, be careful of your brother and sister-in-law


In that beautiful southern town, there is a buddy named Wang Dabao, who has to pick up his own pork to set up a stall in the town market every morning. Wang Dabao is an honest person, and his family conditions are average, but he has a good heart and always loves to help others, and his neighbors praise him for being a warm-hearted person.

On this day, Wang Dabao, as usual, set up a pork stall, the pork was fresh and cheap, and after a while, a bunch of people were around. was busy and happy, and an old woman in tattered clothes slowly moved to the front of the stall. The wrinkles on the old grandmother's face were like those carved by a knife, and her eyes were hollow, and it looked like she hadn't eaten a full meal for a long time. She stared at the pork for a long time, but she didn't squeak. Wang Dabao looked at this situation, and his heart was not happy. As soon as he pondered, he cut a piece of fat but not greasy pork from the stall, used a bag of lotus leaves, and handed it to the old grandmother: "Grandma, you can take this piece of meat back and eat it, you're welcome." Wang Dabao said.

The old woman took the pork, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she was a little excited. She touched the piece of flesh with trembling hands, as if she were feeling something. Suddenly, the old grandmother looked up at Wang Dabao, and her voice trembled a little: "Young man, you have a good heart, but you have to guard against your brother and your sister-in-law." When Wang Dabao heard this, he was stunned. He does have a brother and sister-in-law at home, and he usually treats him well, what does the old grandmother mean by this? Wang Dabao just wanted to open his mouth to ask, but the old grandmother had already turned around and left, leaving a back.

The man sold pork, and when he saw that his grandmother was poor and gave her a piece, her grandmother said, be careful of your brother and sister-in-law

Wang Dabao muttered a little in his heart, but he didn't think deeply and continued to sell his pork. But since then, the old grandmother's words have taken root in his heart like seeds, and he has always pondered unconsciously. As time passed, Wang Dabao's pork business became more and more popular, making a lot of money, not only living a better life for his own family, but also often helping those in difficulty. But when his brother and sister-in-law saw that he was making money, their hearts were unbalanced, and they felt that Wang Dabao should give more money to the family, and not always do good deeds outside.

That night, as soon as Wang Dabao finished eating, he was called into the house by his brother and sister-in-law. My brother and sister-in-law's faces are not very good, and as soon as they open their mouths, they are all down. Wang Dabao was not happy in his heart, but he still listened patiently to what they said. In the end, my brother and sister-in-law made a request and asked Wang Dabao to hand over all the money they earned every day to them for safekeeping, saying that it was for the sake of family harmony. When Wang Dabao heard this, he was furious. He thought to himself, why should he hand over his hard-earned money to someone else for safekeeping? Besides, my brother and sister-in-law are usually not sincere to him. Wang Dabao resolutely disagreed, and quarreled with his brother and sister-in-law. Finally, in a huff, he left the house and went back to his house. Wang Dabao lay on the kang, tossing and turning, and it was not a taste in his heart. He pondered Grandma's words, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that his heart was full of thoughts. Grandma's words, is there something boring? Wang Dabao's heart was full of doubts and uneasiness.

Just as he was thinking wildly, there was a sudden movement outside, as light as a cat's walking. Wang Dabao's heart tightened, he quickly got up, crept to the door, and as soon as he pushed the door, he saw a dark shadow sneaking in the courtyard. The fire in Wang Dabao's heart came up as soon as he wanted, he didn't want anything, he rushed out and grabbed the black shadow. The two twisted together, and after a few clicks, the black shadow was held back by Wang Dabao. When he lit the lamp, Wang Dabao was stunned - this black shadow was none other than his own brother and sister-in-law! It turned out that his brother and sister-in-law saw that he refused to pay for it, so they planned to take advantage of the dark wind at night to steal chickens and dogs. Who would have thought that he would be caught by Wang Dabao, and he would be caught with the stolen goods.

The man sold pork, and when he saw that his grandmother was poor and gave her a piece, her grandmother said, be careful of your brother and sister-in-law

Wang Dabao looked at his brother and sister-in-law in front of him, with mixed feelings in his heart. How could he have imagined that his own family would be able to do such a thing. At this time, Grandma's words sounded in his ears again: "Young man, it's good to have a good heart, but you have to guard against your brother and sister-in-law." Wang Dabao suddenly realized that Grandma had already seen through his brother and sister-in-law's fox tail! He took a deep breath and handed over his brother and sister-in-law to the elders in the village to deal with. I went back to the house, lay on the kang, tossed and turned, and called it a bad taste in my heart.

He recalled Grandma's words and tonight's events, and felt a sigh in his heart. He knew that in the future, he could no longer be as simple as before, and he had to learn to protect himself and his family. At the same time, he is even more grateful for Grandma's reminder and help - if it weren't for Grandma, he might still be kept in the dark!

Early the next morning, Wang Dabao went to the market to sell pork as usual. But today he kept an eye on his surroundings and kept an eye on the situation around him. Sure enough, it didn't take long for him to spot a few sneaky people hanging around his stall. Wang Dabao knew in his heart that these people must have been sent by his brother and sister-in-law, and they wanted to make harm secretly. He pretended not to see it, but he had a plan in his heart. He secretly contacted a few village buddies and asked them to help keep an eye on those people. At the same time, he also secretly observed his brother and sister-in-law's every move, trying to find out the little Jiujiu behind them.

The man sold pork, and when he saw that his grandmother was poor and gave her a piece, her grandmother said, be careful of your brother and sister-in-law

After a few days of observation and investigation, Wang Dabao finally figured out the details of his brother and sister-in-law. The fire in his heart came up again, this time he had to teach them a good lesson, let them know that Wang Dabao is not easy to mess with! They had long harbored ill intentions towards Wang Dabao's business and tried to monopolize his property. They secretly colluded with some lawbreakers in an attempt to frame Wang Dabao and bring him into disrepute. Wang Dabao was indignant in his heart, but he knew that now was not the time to act impulsively. He needs to devise a well-thought-out plan to expose his brother and sister-in-law's conspiracy while keeping himself and his family safe. So, he confided in the village elders and villagers about his experience and discoveries. After hearing this, the elders and villagers were indignant. They expressed their willingness to support Wang Dabao and expose the conspiracy of their brother and sister-in-law. Under the leadership of the elders, everyone began to secretly collect evidence and prepare to bring the brother and sister-in-law to justice at the appropriate time.

Just when everyone was preparing nervously, Wang Dabao received a message from his grandmother. Grandma expressed her willingness to help him uncover her brother's and sister-in-law's conspiracy and revealed an important clue. Wang Dabao hurried to Grandma's house and saw Grandma holding a dilapidated wooden box in her hand. Grandma told Wang Dabao that the wooden box was a relic left by her father before his death. His father was a well-known businessman, but his reputation was tarnished by being framed by his enemies. The wooden box contained important evidence and a will left by his father, which was enough to prove the guilt of his brother and sister-in-law. Wang Dabao took the wooden box and opened it to see that there were indeed some documents and letters inside. When he read it carefully, he found that these were the evidence and testament left by his father. Wang Dabao was excited, he finally had enough evidence to expose his brother and sister-in-law's conspiracy.

With the support of the elders and villagers, Wang Dabao made the crimes of his brother and sister-in-law public. Their use of Wang Dabao's name to swindle and deceive and do all kinds of evil was also exposed one by one. The villagers were angry and demanded that these lawbreakers be severely punished. In the end, with the joint efforts of everyone, Wang Dabao's brother and sister-in-law were brought to justice and sentenced to heavy prison for multiple crimes. And Wang Dabao has also won everyone's admiration and respect because of his kindness and wit. After experiencing this turmoil, Wang Dabao became more mature and strong. He realized that in this world, you can't always be kind and tolerant, and sometimes you need to stand up bravely to defend your rights and dignity. At the same time, he is also more grateful for Grandma's help and support, without Grandma, he may not be able to reveal the true face of his brother and sister-in-law.

The man sold pork, and when he saw that his grandmother was poor and gave her a piece, her grandmother said, be careful of your brother and sister-in-law

Since then, Wang Dabao has continued to run his own pork stall, and the business has become more and more prosperous. He maintains his kind and helpful nature, but he also no longer trusts others easily. With his hard work and wisdom, he won everyone's recognition and respect, and became a respected figure in the town. And Grandma also continues her mysterious and wise life. She always likes to wander around the corners of the town and help those who need a hand. As soon as she appeared, the town was like a sip of hot wine, and her heart was warm and a little hopeful. Wang Dabao, this kid, did not forget to visit Grandma's door often, and thanked her for taking care of him and guiding him. Time is like flowing water, and in a blink of an eye, years have passed. Wang Dabao's hair is gray, but his heart is still so kind and optimistic. When he was fine, he loved to recall the days when he was young, and his heart was full of emotion and gratitude—the experience at that time made him stronger and more mature, and also made him understand what life is all about.

Wang Dabao sat in his old house, and the cracks in the walls showed the traces of time. The sun poured in through the window, dappled and dappled on his old face, very firm. He looked out the window at the familiar town, and his heart was mixed. The ups and downs of those years felt like yesterday, but they seemed so far away that they couldn't be touched.

Since that turmoil, Wang Dabao has not only corrected his image, but also learned to gain a firm foothold in this complex world. He still gets up early every day to sell pork, but he is more calm and calm. His pork stall has become a scenery in the town, where people not only come to buy meat, but also love to sit there and listen to Wang Dabao tell the story of his youth.

The man sold pork, and when he saw that his grandmother was poor and gave her a piece, her grandmother said, be careful of your brother and sister-in-law

Grandma also often comes to Wang Dabao's pork stall, and the two chat while drinking tea, just like old friends for many years. Grandma's wisdom and insight have benefited Wang Dabao a lot, and he often sighs that he can meet such a mentor and helpful friend, which is really a blessing in three lives.

But the years are not forgiving, grandma's body is not as good as day by day, the number of times she goes out is getting less and less, and most of the time she is at home, quietly reminiscing about the past. Wang Dabao saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. He knew that Grandma's days were numbered, but he couldn't do anything about it.

One day, Grandma suddenly called Wang Dabao to him and handed him a delicate wooden box, with a smile on her face, and a little reluctant. "Dabao, this box was given to a friend of mine when I was young, and it contains something important. Now I'm going to give it to you, and I hope you can keep it safe. Grandma's voice was weak, but every word was powerful.

The man sold pork, and when he saw that his grandmother was poor and gave her a piece, her grandmother said, be careful of your brother and sister-in-law

Wang Dabao took the box, feeling a little confused. He cautiously opened it to see that there was a crystal clear jade pendant lying inside. The jade pendant is engraved with a dragon, and the dragon's eyes are blazing, as if it is about to fly into the sky at any time. "What does that mean?" Wang Dabao asked confusedly.

Grandma smiled and said slowly: "This jade pendant is my friend's heirloom, I heard that it has magical powers. I never told you, but I'm actually a person with a story. This jade pendant has witnessed the ups and downs of my life, and also carries my hope for the future. Now, I give it to you and hope you can use it to help more people. Listening to Grandma's words, Wang Dabao's heart was as hot as something. He clutched the jade pendant tightly, as if he could feel the strength hidden inside. He bent down deeply, bowed to Grandma, and expressed all the respect and gratitude in his heart. Soon, Grandma left quietly. According to Grandma's wishes, Wang Dabao settled her on the picturesque hillside. He stood in front of the tomb, his heart full of mixed feelings, full of emotion and longing. He knew that although Grandma was gone, her spirit and wisdom would always be seared in his heart.

Wang Dabao put away the jade pendant left by Grandma like a baby, but he didn't forget Grandma's words. He began to use his own way to help those in need, whether it was the lonely old man in the town or the poor students, he did his best to help. After a long time, Wang Dabao's name became more and more famous in the town. He became a respected and beloved figure, and everyone said that he was the successor of Grandma and inherited the wisdom and kindness of Grandma. But Wang Dabao didn't get fluttering because of this, he still kept a humble and low-key attitude, and did his own thing silently. He knows that he has been able to get to where he is today thanks to his grandmother's teachings and help. He wants to repay the society with his actions and repay his grandmother's expectations and trust in him.

The man sold pork, and when he saw that his grandmother was poor and gave her a piece, her grandmother said, be careful of your brother and sister-in-law

Year after year, Wang Dabao has also changed from a young and strong young man to a gray-haired old man. But his heart is still so young and energetic. In his own way, he interprets the meaning and value of life. Until one day, Wang Dabao also came to the end of his life. He lay in his hut, looking out the window at the familiar town, calm and content. He knew that his life was not in vain, he used his actions to help those in need, inherited Grandma's wisdom and kindness, and passed it on to more people.

After Wang Dabao left, people found the crystal clear jade pendant in his relics. They know that this is the precious wealth left by Grandma to Wang Dabao, and it is also the testimony and memory of Wang Dabao's life. Everyone came to pay homage to this jade pendant, expressing their respect and nostalgia for Wang Dabao. Wang Dabao's story spread in the town and became an eternal legend. People say that he is a good person with affection and righteousness, and his kindness and wisdom will always remain in everyone's hearts.