
If China's five major theaters join forces, will it be able to liberate Taiwan within 8 hours?

author:DA National Sharps

Five theaters to liberate Taiwan? Isn't it a bit too high to see the strawberry soldiers? An Eastern Theater of Operations would be enough, but it's not.

If China's five major theaters join forces, will it be able to liberate Taiwan within 8 hours?

Compared with the PLA, the current strength of the Taiwan military is indeed insufficient, but we must know that the biggest obstacle to Taiwan's military reunification is not Taiwan itself, but the several countries behind it.

Needless to say, the United States and Japan say that Taiwan is a chess piece for them to contain China, and it doesn't matter whether Taiwan can keep it on the side of the United States, but in order to let Taiwan hold out for a period of time, it is best to calculate it in years, and let the PLA fight a protracted war and a war of attrition, so as to deplete China's national strength.

If China's five major theaters join forces, will it be able to liberate Taiwan within 8 hours?

Perhaps the United States treats Taiwan as the Ukraine of East Asia, although the two have no similarities in both legal theory and geography, but what the Angsa people like to do most is to divide their flesh and blood affection, watch the same people kill each other, and reap the benefits of fishermen themselves.

In recovering Taiwan, the Philippines may also take the opportunity to distract China. Of course, they only have disgusting people, and they don't dare to let it fight with the PLA.

If China's five major theaters join forces, will it be able to liberate Taiwan within 8 hours?

India in the southwest is a threat, and if Taiwan is to be recovered, the third brother will definitely make trouble on the border, and it will really forcibly occupy Chinese territory. It can be seen from the above that the five theaters for the liberation of Taiwan must be linked, and the western theater must also be prepared for war.

Even people who do not have military knowledge know that the liberation of Taiwan is the best way to achieve a quick victory, and after a long period of time, there will be great variables, and the PLA will also suffer great sacrifices.

If China's five major theaters join forces, will it be able to liberate Taiwan within 8 hours?

So is it possible to take Taiwan in 8 hours, which has been circulating on the Internet?

Let's start with the conclusion, it's hard. And as ordinary people, don't arbitrarily set a timetable for the PLA on the Internet, the PLA has its own rhythm. During the Russian-Ukrainian war, European and American public opinion engaged in ridicule, saying that Russia took Ukraine in 1 hour and 22 minutes, but in fact, the Russian official did not say this at all, and it was completely Europe and the United States that were colluding with the black.

If China's five major theaters join forces, will it be able to liberate Taiwan within 8 hours?

Taiwan's overall strength is not weak, and at present there are almost 220,000 people in Taiwan's armed forces, with the army accounting for the vast majority. In terms of equipment, Taiwan is two generations behind our army, and the main battle tanks are the M60 tank and Taiwan's self-developed M48H "Yonghu" tank, which add up to more than 910 units, and the overall level is similar to that of the 59 change, and the Chinese Type 15 "Little Black Panther" can blast them.

If China's five major theaters join forces, will it be able to liberate Taiwan within 8 hours?

In addition, Taiwan has more than 1,200 armored vehicles and more than 1,700 artillery pieces of 100mm or more, most of which are antiques from the last century, and some of them are still models used by the United States during World War II.

In terms of the Air Force, Taiwan's main fighter is the F16V, and its comprehensive strength is about the same as that of the J-10B.

If China's five major theaters join forces, will it be able to liberate Taiwan within 8 hours?

The Navy went to Taiwan to buy many second-hand destroyers from the United States and a number of diesel submarines from the Netherlands.

It can be seen that the equipment and number of the Taiwan army are not comparable to those of the Eastern Theater, and as for the military quality, needless to say, the Taiwan army has almost no problems. Even so, we cannot underestimate Taiwan.

If China's five major theaters join forces, will it be able to liberate Taiwan within 8 hours?

Taiwan's economic strength is not weak, its industrial level, especially its semiconductor industry, is relatively advanced, and many light weapons can be produced by itself.

Doesn't Chu Yunfei have a famous saying? "It's 50,000 pigs, and the communist army can't catch them all in three days." Moreover, the United States has been making detrimental moves to Taiwan in the past two years. The RAND think tank once suggested to Taiwan that it abandon the purchase of large warships and high-end missile systems, focus on unmanned combat equipment, purchase more US weapons, and do a good job in training in street fighting, but the Taiwan military ignored this suggestion. Recently, the Washington Post also exposed the new Indo-Pacific commander Paparo's new concept of Taiwanese military operations.

If China's five major theaters join forces, will it be able to liberate Taiwan within 8 hours?

According to the commander's idea, the US military should purchase thousands of underwater, surface and air vehicles with functions such as suicide attacks and reconnaissance jamming, so as to delay the landing of the PLA on the island and cause heavy casualties to the PLA. He came up with a name for this idea - "No Man's Hell".

Paparo's idea actually coincided with the previous RAND think tank, but Taiwan still reacted coldly. The Taiwan military has also seen that the United States is not pretending to be this one, and the hell in your mouth is the homeland of the Taiwanese people. Originally, I wanted to worship the dock of the American boss, but the younger brother was in trouble and the eldest brother personally went to the town, but I didn't expect the United States to be so cowardly, does the Seventh Fleet eat dry bread?

If China's five major theaters join forces, will it be able to liberate Taiwan within 8 hours?

However, I have to say that this Paparo does have something, and if he really follows his script, the PLA is still a bit tricky. At present, the only way that can be thought of is to use drones against unmanned equipment against unmanned equipment. After all, the United States produces 1 drone, China can build 10, rely on production capacity to crush, maybe you can also use EMP bombs and directly burn the motherboard in the unmanned equipment.

If China's five major theaters join forces, will it be able to liberate Taiwan within 8 hours?

At present, the Taiwan authorities are a bit of a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, and the entire social strata understand that the PLA is bound to win, but it is only a matter of the size of the price and the length of time. As a matter of fact, the longer the PLA is reunified, the greater the damage will be to Taiwan itself, and this is also what the Taiwan people do not want to see.

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