
What happens if you're on the moon and can't help but pee?

author:Zhongyi said

1. Evaporation and freezing process

The atmosphere on the surface of the Moon is extremely thin, with atmospheric pressure of only one millionth of the Earth's sea level. Therefore, when urine comes into contact with the surface of the moon, its moisture will evaporate rapidly. On Earth, liquid water can also exist at low pressure, but on the Moon, due to the extremely low atmospheric pressure, water does not form a liquid state for a long time, but immediately transforms into water vapor, which quickly spreads into the surrounding space with changes in temperature and pressure in the surrounding environment.

What happens if you're on the moon and can't help but pee?

Urine contains urea, salts, and other dissolved compounds in addition to water. When these components come into contact with the lunar surface, they are rapidly cooled and frozen due to the extremely low surface temperatures (which can reach hundreds of degrees Celsius during the day and close to minus 200 degrees at night). The moisture in the urine forms ice crystals during freezing, which mix with dust and rock particles on the moon's surface.

What happens if you're on the moon and can't help but pee?

These physical changes not only change the physical state of urine, but may also have some impact on the chemical environment on the surface of the moon. The composition of frozen urine may affect the chemical composition of the lunar surface and the reactive nature of surface substances. In addition, over time, the chemicals in the urine may gradually change on the surface of the Moon, being affected by solar radiation, cosmic rays, and other chemicals on the surface of the Moon, which can lead to more complex chemical reactions.

What happens if you're on the moon and can't help but pee?

In extreme environmental conditions such as the Moon, urine undergoes rapid evaporation of water and freezing of chemical components after contact with the lunar surface. These processes not only change the physical form of urine, but may also affect the chemical environment on the lunar surface.

Possibility of chemical reactions

1. The lunar surface environment

The environment on the surface of the Moon is very different from that of the Earth. It has no atmosphere or protective layer to filter solar radiation and cosmic rays, so it is exposed to the direct effects of energetic particles and ultraviolet radiation. This radiation comes from the Sun and other celestial bodies in the universe, such as cosmic rays and solar wind.

What happens if you're on the moon and can't help but pee?

2. The potential effects of chemical reactions

Urine contains organic compounds, mainly urea and its breakdown products, salts, and other metabolites. On the surface of the Moon, these compounds are exposed to extreme temperatures (extreme temperature differences from direct sunlight to shadow areas), ultraviolet radiation, and energetic particles.

What happens if you're on the moon and can't help but pee?

3. Possible types of reactions

In such an environment, organic matter in the urine may undergo a series of chemical reactions.

  • Radiation-induced reactions: High-energy radiation, such as ultraviolet and cosmic rays, can cause chemical bonds in molecules to break or realign. This can lead to changes in the structure of organic molecules in the urine, forming new compounds.
  • Photochemical reactions: When urine is exposed to sunlight, ultraviolet light can trigger photochemical reactions, such as photolysis or photooxidation, which may affect the stability and structure of organic molecules.
  • Thermochemical reactions: Extreme temperature differences on the surface of the Moon can prompt chemical reactions, such as thermal decomposition or other thermal reactions, that may alter the chemical properties of certain components in the urine.
What happens if you're on the moon and can't help but pee?

Chemical reactions on the lunar surface are an interesting and complex area of research, which not only contributes to the understanding of chemical processes in the lunar environment, but also may provide important clues and information about extraterrestrial life.

Environmental Protection and Space Law

Although the discharge of a small amount of urine at a time is unlikely to have a significant impact on the lunar surface, it is very important to keep the lunar surface in a pure and unpolluted state from the perspective of environmental protection and space law. As a place that has never been polluted by humans, the study and protection of the lunar surface is of great scientific and historical significance.

What happens if you're on the moon and can't help but pee?

Therefore, avoiding the random release of any substance, including urine, on the surface of the moon is one of the principles shared by the international astronautical community and science. Keeping the Moon in its pristine state helps us understand the evolution of the universe and the celestial environment beyond the Earth, and is also in line with the dual responsibility of human beings to explore and protect space.

What happens if you're on the moon and can't help but pee?


On the path of scientific exploration, it is very important to maintain the pristine and unpolluted state of the cosmic environment. Although peeing on the Moon may have some interesting physical and chemical effects, respecting the nature of the Moon's surface and avoiding unnecessary pollution is what we all strive for. These principles will continue to guide future space exploration and research, ensuring that we can explore and protect every corner of the universe in the best possible way.

What happens if you're on the moon and can't help but pee?